Hotel of the Dead

Lyle's POV:

"There we go," I told Milo as I pulled the covers around his body. I gave him a kiss before pulling away. "When you wake up, we'll get married." I told him sweetly. I pushed the pillow close to him that had my t-shirt wrapped around it then headed for the door. I got the light quickly. "I love you," I purred to him. I heard him make a small noise as the lights went out.

"Lyle," he mumbled quickly, calling out for me as his voice trembled.

"You're fine," I promised him. I stepped out and shut the door slowly. I watched as the butlers stepped in front of it like I ordered. I walked over to my room and shut the door. I walked up to my bed and got in it, purring since I got the good scented bed~ Milo! I curled up into his scent and closed my eyes. The bed was cold though without him in it, and the familiar weight on my chest was missing, his scent becoming a sore reminder he was across the hall from me all by himself in the dark, probably squeezing the pillow or trying to lay on it. Poor Milo... He needs his one night alone though. He'll thank me tomorrow night because he'll realize how much he'll never want to let me go. I could hear soft, faint crying from across the hall after a few minutes. Aw.... my poor little mate! I frowned. Why'd I do this? He's never going to forget it- but this is going to be good for him. He'll definitely never let me do this again. He'll make sure we sleep the day away together. I heard the door open before Silas walked in and gave me a small smile.

"Hey, I thought I would come see you, let you know I got here okay," he told me then walked up before he frowned. "Where's Mil- He's in that room guarded by the butlers, isn't he?" He asked me and crossed his arms.

"Yeah~ I told him we should sleep alone tonight. He agreed but he's mightily upset. It's his first day alone as a vampire. So he's taking it pretty hard. It's okay..." I looked at him and smiled. "So! Travis is sleeping here today as well."

"Oh? He is, is he? Seems I'll be giving him the dad talk in place of our father," he muttered then sat down on the edge of the bed. "You have everything ready for tomorrow? I brought the papers for you and I have a tux with me to wear at your wedding. Remember, dark and early."

"I know. Want me to come with you to give him the dad talk?" I asked and chuckled.

"Naw, I'll handle it while you're on your honeymoon," he purred then and ruffled my hair before he looked me over. "How are you doing? It's been awhile since you've slept alone without Milo on you except for those days when he was sleeping in Inari's shrine with all the kitsunes to cuddle with."

"Yeah--- I'm not counting those. He still had someone. I'm fine- it's just him I'm worried about. I told him he had to sleep alone alone. I can hear him crying..." I trailed off.

"Well yeah~ He's always been a clinger. He's never wanted to let you go since he found you. He's got separation anxiety~!" He laughed then and shook his head. "Poor boy. He only wants to keep you close to him. Maybe he thinks that being away from you will change your relationship and he's afraid of losing you like he almost did in that alleyway when you were trying to ditch him to go to a meeting."

"I was trying to protect him from our world- until he offered to be my fledgling. No one can pass something up like that in our society. It's not every day one comes to you."

"Yeah, but aren't you nervous that he'll wake up and be mad at you? What if he chooses to postpone the wedding?" He asked me then crossed his legs. "Think about it. You left him in a cold dark room in a lonesome bed the night before his wedding and left him to cry by himself."

"I did this to bring us closer. He'll never want to let me go after tonight. He's going to be a blood hound."

"Maybe or he might like being alone. Who knows? He's got all day to think about just how much space is in that bed."

"No, he won't. This is Milo we're talking about. I told him I would inspire him. He's being inspired." He shook his head and laughed a little.

"Inspired to enjoy being by himself perhaps. If he got away from you, he'd be able to publish the books he's been wanting to publish," he whispered to me.

"He can as soon as we're married. I just told him that. We're also thinking about a kid soon." Silas's eyes went wide then.

"A kid?! I'm getting a nephew or a niece?!" He laughed then and got up. "Milo~ We're going to cuddle tonight and I'm going to tell you everything about kids~!"

"No you're not. Silas. He sleeps alone tonight. Please let him have this," I begged.

"Psh, no way," he told me, reaching out for the door handle.

"Silas," I hissed. "That's my mate. You can wait. He sleeps alone for the day and that's final."

"Whhhhyyyyy? He's crying. I'm just popping in to comfort him," he told me and frowned my way. "This feels like you're grounding a kid."

"No- I'm not. I'm not grounding him. Silas, you don't understand. He needs to find himself tonight before we marry tomorrow. So, leave him alone for the day."

"You put too much thought into what you want out of him," he groaned out. "This is a little ridiculous to be doing to your fledgling that's been cuddling with you."

"Silas," I whined. "He's fine. I know he is. You better not go in there and mess this up. Otherwise we can't marry tomorrow night."

"You're... extremely... EXTRA! I hope he bites you tomorrow when you go in there," he muttered then walked over to me.

"I know I am. I'm inspiring him. You better not mess up my plans. You know I want this my way."

"If you wanted to inspire him, take him a stupid rose or something and romance him- not stick him in a dark room by himself and let him sit in there and cry brokenhearted."

"Silas," I hissed. "This is my mate and I'm doing what's best for us. So you better shut up." I warned. He sighed then rubbed my cheek.

"Alright, fine... I'll drop it," he whispered then leaned in and gave my forehead a kiss before he got to his feet. "Be ready to go tomorrow as soon as the sun goes down."

"I will be," I promised him. "It's too bad I can't share the dad talk with you."

"Eh, it should be between me and Travis anyways. He's my employee," he told me then started for the door. "I'll see you tomorrow night brother. Don't let the cries in the night keep you up."

"He'll be sleeping soon," I promised. I waved him off and closed my eyes. I heard him leave, pausing outside before he continued down the hall to his own bedroom, ignoring Milo's cries. I listened to Milo as the sun started to rise, waiting on him to fall asleep. After an hour, his cries started to quiet down, and it got peaceful, probably having tuckered out in there from the exhaustion of staying up past the sun. I let myself fall asleep then, knowing he was asleep.

I woke up to the sound of a knock on my door. It opened at a butler walked in, bringing me a tray of blood and my suit was on his arm that he had got for me. "Good morning, master Lyle. I got your things as requested. Your suit, the golden rings, and the tray of blood. Milo is being seen to as well with a bottle of blood and his suit." He sat the items down at the foot of the bed. "Your wedding is in thirty minutes. I'll be back in to fetch you." He stepped out of the room then. I sat up quickly and walked over to the bathroom. I yanked off my clothes and took a quick shower. I put on the suit, drunk my blood, and slipped the rings into my pocket. I combed my hair back and slipped into some shoes. Two butlers walked in then, getting my bags from the closet and left. The butler from before walked back in. "To the garden," he told me. "Hurry, before Milo runs into you in the hall." He held the door open for me. I stepped out into the hall and walked up to Milo's door, listening in for him. I bet he's wondering why I'm not seeing him yet. I could hear him shuffling around in side before the sound of the bed rustling reached me, probably falling down into it. I purred and backed away from the door, heading out to the garden. During the day, the servants had designed it up for us. Placing an alter in the middle- by the fountain. They placed a few chairs and flower petals were tossed everywhere. I walked up to the alter- where Silas, Everest, Esther, and Sylar were waiting. Esther giggled at the sight of me and smiled as Everest grabbed my hand then started to rub It with his thumb.

"Hey~" Everest whispered into my ear then kissed my cheek.

"Oh~ There he is," Silas purred, looking past us as the doors opened and Milo started to walk towards us slowly, looking at me then frowned slightly before he blushed, looking me over. I looked towards him and gave him a loving smile. I made sure our suits coordinated in colors gold, back, and a sky blue. I reached out for his hands. He looked at my hands before he took them as he walked up and then stood in front of me and looked me in the eyes before he quickly looked away, only lightly holding my hand. I gave his hands a squeeze.

"Milo," I purred. "I still love you." He blushed and glanced up into my eyes before he gave my hands a small squeeze.

"I love you too," he whispered to me. I smiled and pulled him closer before spinning him and bringing him into my chest so we was both facing Silas together.

"Silas~ Marry us."

"Ehhhh... fine~" He purred out, eyeing down Milo's blushing face then looked at me. "Alright, Lyle, you do understand that Milo will become your husband for all of eternity in the eyes of fate and the eyes of the council? You'll take care of him, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, and during all those times in life together no matter what is thrown your way?"

"No~ Enlighten me," I teased.

"Hmm, I guess we won't be needing this," he teased back and pulled out the wedding certificate we were supposed to sign then went to drop it in the fountain playfully.

"Silas," I said quickly. "I know. I understand."

"Uh huh, you better understand that. It means you can't ever ditch Milo or cheat on him," he purred to me then slipped it back into his tux.

"I would never do that," I promised. He nodded then gave me a small smile.

"You're growing up on us Lyle," he whispered then looked towards Milo. "Milo, you understand that this marriage will make Lyle your husband for all of eternity in the eyes of fate and the eyes of the council, yes? You understand that you must do the same for Lyle as he has promised for you?" Milo blushed and gave a small nod.

"I understand," he told him quickly. Silas purred then looked back at me.

"Lyle, do you take Milo Tomas Young to be your lawfully wedded husband and mate?"

"Yes," I told him and smiled. "I do."

"Milo, do you take Lyle Rosario to be your lawfully wedded husband and mate?" Milo looked up at me then looked back at Silas and blushed.

"Y-yes, I do," he whispered.

"Then, by the power invested in me by the council and the two of you, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom Lyle. Afterwards, sign this contract and state which name the two of you will be taking," he purred to us both then started to pull out the wedding certificate.

"You're forgetting something," Sylar coughed out.

"What?" Silas groaned out then looked at Sylar before he tensed. "OOOH! Exchange rings too, you silly love birds."

"You're the silly one," I said quickly before unwrapping Milo from my arms and made him face me. I pulled out the ring box from my pocket and opened it. "Take off the ring I gave you Milo," I told him. He looked at the ring then blushed before he did as I told him and slipped it into his pocket.

"Okay Lyle," he whispered and then looked up at me, giving me a sweet smile. I pulled out the rings and gave him the one for me and then put his on his finger. The two rings were almost identical gold hoops. Inside had our initials carved in with a plus sign between them. But on the opposite side they both had a quote that could only be finished by placing the rings together. Together Forever. He widened his eyes slightly as he saw the ring on his finger then looked up at me before he reached for my hand and slipped my ring onto me. He looked at it and I saw his pulse quicken a little as his fingers lingered on my hand.

"I had Amelia put a spell on them," Sylar said. "While you were sleeping. No matter what- if you die or take another form.... it will remain on your body. If you for instance.. take your crystal out.... when you come back in the next body, it will be there. They're hard to loose. You're welcome. Anything for my favorite brother." I saw Silas's eyebrow twitch at that before he glanced at Sylar then at me.

"Well, as cool as that may be, I married you," he reminded us. I laughed and nodded.

"Oh, no offense, Everest. Your marriage will come one of these days," Sylar teased him. Everest slowly narrowed his eyes before he looked at Sylar.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?! GO FIND YOUR MATE! Loser.... Freakin getting in on our love lives when yours is stuck as a butler! I'll marry him when we think about it!" Sylar laughed softly and watched Everest in amusement.

"I love you too," Sylar purred out. "I'm just saying I'll get you something nice too when you marry. Maybe I'll get you a collar and leash." Everest took a deep breath then yanked Sylar into a hug.

"I love you too... and I'll marry Neal soon when he has time off with me... and I'm sorry I flipped out. That was a sweet thing you did for Lyle~ You should turn your little butler though before he ages. I'd turn Neal if I could," he mumbled.

"You probably could," Sylar told him. "I mean.... We'll ask around before he gets too old he can't walk."

"Where were we?" I asked Milo before leaning in and gave him a passionate kiss. He gasped slightly against my lips from the suddency, having been distracted by my brothers. I pulled back and looked towards Silas. "We'll take Rosario." I told him and smirked. "Milo and Lyle Rosario."

"You sure?" He teased us and held out the certificate to me for me to sign. "Young is a cool last name."

"Not as cool as keeping my last name I was raised up with," I told him and smirked. "I'm a Rosario whether you like it or not."

"Mkay~ Put it down on the certificate then and keep it on you," he told me and smirked. Milo looked towards it curiously before he blushed and took a pen from Silas then signed his name before I could. I looked down at what he signed to make sure he wrote Milo Rosario. I'll get him if he thinks he's keeping his last name. He put the right name, not making a fuss about it as he blushed slightly, seeing me watching him. I took the pen from him and signed my initials on the paper before smirking and snatched it quickly. I folded it and stuck it in my pocket. He looked at me and blushed before he glanced down at his ring and ran his fingers over it before he tackled me into a hug and purred, latching onto me.

"Whoooooo.... Lyle's married finally. So Milo~ As my brother in law, I order you to write another book. I'm running out of things to read." Sylar told him. I laughed and kissed Milo's head. Milo looked at Sylar then giggled.

"I have been writing. Do you like werewolves? I have one about a werewolf you can read," he told him sweetly as he leaned his head against my chest.

"Maybe some other time boys~ But we have to get going. We have a long trip to Mexico." I smiled and started to pull Milo towards the front of the castle. Milo held onto my hand tightly and looked up at me before he frowned.

"I'm going to get you back for last night," he told me once we started walking, my brothers trailing behind with Esther.

"You will?" I asked him and chuckled. "Well... You keep that in mind." Milo squeezed my hand before he got to the front then stayed close to me, glancing towards the car waiting for us before he looked up at me and wrapped his arms around my neck. He leaned in and kissed my neck before he giggled and pulled away, getting in the car. I got in with him and smirked.

"We're going to take a private jet to Mexico," I told him. "We're going to the air port." He giggled then leaned in and kissed my lips quickly before he crawled into my lap with a sweet smile then purred, rubbing his head against my chest.

"I never want to be apart again," he whispered to me. "Don't ever leave me...." I nodded and looked towards the driver, nodding for him to go. I turned around and started to wave to my brothers and my sister. They waved back at me and laughed, watching us go as they shouted goodbyes to me. Milo looked towards them and giggled before he gave me an excited look. "I think I like the way it sounds... Milo Rosario~" He tried out and then blushed. I nodded and turned around when they were out of our view.

"It does sound good, doesn't it?" I asked him.

"Uh huh~" He looked up at me with a sweet look then kissed my cheek. He purred happily then leaned in, kissing my lips as he wrapped his arms around my neck and curled his fingers into my hair.


"Close the curtains," I heard a girl's voice say. There was a day blanket wrapped around me- Milo was just a step away from my side. The two servants I had come with us were guiding us. We suddenly came to a stop. "You two must be the special guests on the list," her voice spoke up. I felt the chills of the sun's death rays leave.... it becoming more suitable of an environment. My servants pulled the blankets off and we were standing in a dark sitting room, where a woman was standing at a front desk. We made it inside the hotel.

"Yes, I made reservations." I gave her a kind smile. I knew this was a supernatural hotel. In fact, it's a hotel the council has been wanting me to report on. Apparently there are some rumors floating around. But.... this woman in front of us is human.

"What would be the name of the reservation?" She asked me as she pulled off a clipboard from the desk.

"We're checking in as Milo and Lyle Rosario," I told her. She looked the clipboard over before checking something. I caught her name on her name tag- Maria.

"Your stay was prepaid for a week. If you fair to stay a week, there won't be any refunds and if you stay over time, you'll be charged extra then what you paid for. Check out time will be at dusk in seven days." She placed the clipboard down on the desk and walked up, shaking our hands. "Welcome to the Hotel Of The Dead it is built by the dead, for the dead." She pulled away as soon as our hands connected. She was fast about it. But her hand had been so smooth to the touch and cold. "We understand you're night owls. So we arranged a special schedule just for you. It'll be in your room when you wake up. Please try to stay on schedule to have the most fun here. This Hotel doesn't stay very active at night and you'll have to forgive that. Usually that's the servant's time to arrange the hotel for the next day. It's also when the owner comes to visit. Let's get you safely to your rooms. We arranged it to where your two servants will sleep close to your room." My servants went to throw the blankets back over our heads but was distracted as the doors busted open from behind us. They were quick to react and tackled us with the blankets to ensure our safety.

"Por favor ayuda," I heard a voice say- speaking Spanish. I knew a little of it.

"¿Por qué?" Maria seemed to asked. It did sound like a question after all.

"He sido secuestrado. Me han robado. He sido drogado He sido esclavizado. Me escapé de ellos. Necesito ayuda. Necesito regresar a América. Mi familia." He spoke clearly- but broken sentences. Like he wanted to be as clear as possible.

"¿Tu eres americano?" I heard her ask.

"Si, Maria-"

"¿Cómo es que sabes español tan bien?"

"Hace dos años vinimos a México en una excursión. Éramos estudiantes en la escuela secundaria, aprendiendo español. Soy de América Mi maestra pensó que sería divertido para nosotros experimentar el Día de los Muertos. Me separé de ellos y ahora estoy aquí. México es genial Largos desiertos."

"What's he saying?" I asked. "What's going on?"

"You're American!" He said quickly, sounding thankful. "You have to help me."

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"He said that two years ago he came here on a class field trip- to Mexico. He was separated from the class and-"

"I was kidnapped! I haven't seen my family in two years. I counted the days that I could. My family- they're probably worried sick for me."

"Alright, calm down. We'll get you back to your family," Maria promised. "I'll get you a room and we'll get this sorted out. Calm down. I'll make a few phone calls." The servants pulled off the blankets from me, seeing it was safe to expose us to the closed room. I sat up and spotted the guy that was talking. He looked maybe eighteen. His clothes were ripped, dirty, and faded in color. His skin almost matched along with his hair. He trembled but rushed to me quickly and hugged me, crying into my shirt.

"You have to help me," he said quickly.

"I- I uh..... I will," I told him and rubbed his head.

"Should I remove him?" A servant asked me. I shook my head. Poor guy, he's so shaken up, he's just glad to hear me and be near me. Milo might get jealous.

"No, It's fine." I told him, letting the guy cry it out on me. Maria didn't look too fazed as she watched us. After a few minutes, I felt his weight fall heavy on me as his crying stopped. It almost seemed like he- no he did pass out on me.

"I need to get you two in your safe room. I'll take care of him, don't you worry. We'll get him a comfortable room," Maria promised. I slowly stood up, bringing the boy with me and I brought him over to a couch, laying him down on it.

"See to it he get's taken care of. You can charge his bill to me. I'll pay for anything," I told her.

"That's unnecessary," she told me. "We're not charging him a dime."

"Aww, that's nice," Milo purred softly. "I hope they get him back safely. Poor guy getting kidnapped." He looked the man over and frowned before he reached out and gently moved the man's hair out of his face. "I hope they catch who kidnapped him too."

"Let's see to it we get you to your room safely." Maria smiled and went behind the desk, getting a key before giving it to us. "Room twenty two. I'll have someone take you to it." She suggested, right as a staff member walked up. Their uniform was pants for men, skirts for girls. A dark blue, white shirt, and black bow ties. "This is Jose. He'll take you to your room," she told me. "Room twenty two, Jose." He nodded towards her before smiling at us. She handed a key to one of the servants then. "You'll both have room twenty one."

"Right this way, we blocked out the sun to your rooms so you'll have a safe travel to them," Jose told me.

"Thank you," Milo purred to him then walked up with a happy look, looking around excitedly at the hotel. He giggled and then looked at Jose. "So~ how is it to work here?" He asked curiously, taking interest in the man. "Is it nice here?" He gave us a confused look on how to answer.

"Right this way." He started to lead us then, going up a set of stairs. The servants followed after us quickly. Milo frowned slightly before he watched Jose then put his hands into his pocket.

"That's a nice name... Jose. It's fun to say. Do you mind if I use it for a character in one of my books?" He asked sweetly, trying to start a conversation.

"My name?" He asked and looked over his shoulder. "If you'd like." I wrapped an arm around Milo's neck. Milo giggled and then leaned up against my shoulder with a happy look as we reached our room. He took the key from me quickly then unlocked it and went in first. I heard him giggle before he ran off into the room excitedly to explore it. I pulled out my wallet and tipped Jose before going into the room and glanced around. The room had a cieling-floor window but it was shut for us by a metal curtain- electronics. There was a mini kitchen, livingroom, master bedroom, another huge window that was covered, two walk in closets, a balcony door, and a huge bathroom that had a tub in it built for two or more. There was romantic rose petals for us as well as a bottle of champagne and two glasses. There was also rose scented candles throughout the room. I made sure the door was locked before going up to the bed. I stripped down to my boxers and crawled into the bed. He looked towards me and gave me a huge smile before he went towards the bathroom, humming softly.

"I'm going to take a bath~ This place is amazing Lyle~ It's perfect," he told me happily and disappeared inside the bathroom. How does he have so much energy~ I got up and went after him, walking in.

"If you have that much energy for a bath than we don't need to wait till we wake up to have sex~" I teased. He yelped as I walked in then threw a towel at me before he yanked his pants back up and blushed a deep shade of red. "What's the matter? We're married now." He bit his bottom lip and blushed at me.

"I-I know... I just... I wasn't expecting you to come in here," he whispered then rubbed the back of his neck before he walked up to me and hid his face into my chest. "I'm sorry. I love you," he purred softly, sounding a little nervous.

"I love you too~ Come to bed and have a bath when we wake up," I purred into his ear.

"But... we smell," he mumbled. "I don't want to dirty the sheets...."

"We don't smell... but we will soon~" I kissed his cheek quickly. He wrapped his arms around me and leaned his face into the crook of my neck.

"You really want to go to bed?" He asked me softly, giving a small giggle. "Mkay~ We can go to bed and sleep."

"We're not sleeping," I teased him and wrapped him up in my arms. "We're going to do a few things together.... It starts with s and ends with x." I felt him tense a little in my arms before he looked up at me with a blush.

"W-what?" He asked me. "Tonight?"

"Yes tonight." I purred in his ear before I picked him up and carried him to the bed. I placed him down on it. "Don't be nervous. You're going to love this," I promised him. He blushed and watched me before he pulled me down to him and gave me a small kiss on my lips.

"Okay," he nodded then leaned his forehead against mine before he gave me another kiss. "I love you," he mumbled and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I love you too," I whispered to him sweetly. I pulled his clothes off then, taking my boxers with them before we... had.... the.. best. night. ever. Compliments to me being a wonderful mate. Afterwards... we fell asleep with him on top of me like usual.


I woke up as I heard a scream, but it sounded distant and only coming from one person. I rubbed my eyes, feeling it was night time. Milo tensed and shot up, his eyes snapping open before he looked towards the door in a panic. "Why is someone screaming?" He asked me quickly, eyes wide. He stumbled to get up but fell back, giving a small groan. I got up then.

"I don't know," I told him and pulled my pants on quickly along with the shirt. "Let's go check it out," I suggested. He grabbed his clothes and slipped them up his legs, being careful about it then reached out for my hand quickly and grabbed it. He moved closer to me and leaned against me. He kissed my shoulder quickly and blushed before he started to walk with me towards the door. I wrapped my arm around his waist and lead him towards where we heard the scream- almost on the other side of the hotel. We came up to a hotel door, it was cracked open a little. He looked at the door then frowned before he pushed it open slowly and went ahead of me with a worried look.

"H-hello?" He called out. "Is everything alright?" I frowned and kept Milo close to me, making sure I wouldn't let him get too far. As we stepped into the room, we saw the boy we met last night, laying on the bed asleep. There was a slight breeze and a dark shadow hovering by the chair. Milo's eyes widened and he looked at the shadow. "Who are you?" He asked and looked slightly afraid. "Are you a ghost?" The shadow turned into a man then- starting with a dramatic toes-up effect. His skin was like a candycane- a dark red swirling against a gray color. He had on a pair of heels- sort of like the way Calix dresses. He was in tight shorts though and a white dress shirt that wasn't tucked in. His eyes were a dark color- like his hair.

"Hello. I'm this hotel's owner. I'm not a ghost." He told us and looked us over. "You're both vampires," he said with interest. "I'm a demon. You can call me Helianthus."

"Helianthus?" Milo asked then blushed. "A demon? Like our Calix?"

"You know Calix?" He asked curiously and smirked. "He's an old friend of mine."

"You two are friends? He lives with our family," Milo purred then giggled. "I could've sworn I heard a scream in here. What happened?"

"Oh~ Nothing too bad. I was feeding," he told us and shushed us. "You two will wake him."

"F-feeding?" Milo asked then bit his bottom lip. "What do you mean? Like... from his soul? Is he okay?" He asked.

"Yes~ I'm feeding from him. He's very delicious and he's been through a lot in his life~" He smirked. "That's my favorite."

"But... is he okay?" Milo asked quickly. "He screamed...."

"He's fine now," Helianthus told us. Milo looked towards the man then at Helianthus before he bit his bottom lip before he nodded.

"So... you're not a contract demon?" Milo asked him and looked him over. "You're not like Calix.... He doesn't feed off random people."

"No. I feed off people that come into my hotel... No one makes it out of here.... alive. You two are an exception. You're already dead. You're lucky. Otherwise, I'd feed from you too." He reached down and ran his fingers through the guy's hair. "He's going to be working here soon. I'm not going to eat him completely. I'm only eating at his memories. His soul is still there. I could eat his soul.... but I rather him be a servant here and work for me." Milo frowned a bit then.

"Isn't that kind of... horrible?" He asked him then leaned back against me.

"No.... I'm giving them a new life. Think of it this way.... he won't have his painful memories once I'm done. He won't know what pain he's suffered through for two years here in Mexico. This is Daniel, he's mine."

"O-oh," Milo whispered before he blushed. "I guess in a way it's nice for him... not having to remember being kidnapped... but what about his family?"

"His family have probably already accepted his death," he told us. Milo bit his bottom lip before he nodded and gave Daniel a worried look before he turned around to face me and leaned his face into the crook of my neck, holding onto the front of my shirt.

"Did you know about Helianthus?" He asked me softly, holding me tightly.

"Well... there was rumors," I admitted.

"Now, get out while he's resting." Helianthus told us and waved us out. Milo looked towards Helianthus before he moved us out of the room and shut the door behind us then looked up at me.

"I don't know.... I don't feel right about that...." He whispered to me and held my hand tightly. "The poor man just wanted to go home...."

"I know," I whispered. "But demons aren't our species and I don't want to anger one... but we could give Calix a phone call about this." He nodded before he leaned his face into my neck and gave it a soft kiss.

"Okay... we'll call him," he mumbled then kissed me there again. I felt his lips linger there as he purred and then felt him sucking on my skin lightly. I smiled before reaching into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I called Calix then, waiting on him to answer. He picked up after a few moments and I heard him chuckle.

"Give me a moment Emile~ Lyle is calling. Lyle, what is it?" He purred into the phone as Milo licked my neck.

"Do you remember a Helianthus?" I asked him.

"Helianthus? I believe so," he hummed out. "He likes to make braindead slaves." I frowned.

"Well, he's not that far away from me as we speak. He's in the next room, making a human his next one."

"Oh is he? How interesting.... I might pop in for a visit. You're in Mexico.... Yeah, I heard from Laurence.... He's excited about your marriage. Congratulations~" Calix purred into the phone. "Don't be too concerned. He takes humans, not vampires."

"He just told us that but Milo is still concerned," I told him.

"It's nothing to worry. Don't worry about the humans either. He doesn't devour them completely," he told us. "Enjoy your honeymoon. He's a great demon. You two should be enjoying each other, not worrying about a demon. Go do unspeakable things with each other~" I purred and nodded.

"Now can you tell Milo?" I asked before putting the phone up to his ear. I heard Calix speaking softly to Milo before he blushed.

"O-okay Calix," he whispered. "I won't worry. Thank you...." He pulled away from the phone then looked up at me as Calix hung up on us. He looked me in the eyes before he leaned in and kissed my lips passionately. I purred and kissed him back before leaning away from the kiss slightly. He giggled and looked up at me before he jumped up, wrapping his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist and kissed my cheek. "I wanna take a bath together~ Please?" He asked me and then leaned in, nipping at my ear. "I don't mind if we're in a tub together naked," he whispered to me. I nodded and smirked. What a great idea. I let him lead us back to our bathroom so we could have our romatic bath together. He ran ahead of me once we were in the bedroom and giggled, going towards the bathroom. "I'll use a bathbomb in the tub~!" He told me and laughed. "Get us some champagne glasses down, and we'll have a relaxing bath together~" I nodded in agreement, doing as he wished so we could have a romantic bath together.