Arthur stood and crossed to the red haired girl as she glared at the boy, her eyes burning with anger. Henry, the boy who was punched looked up at the girl with a mix of fear and anger. She was about to hit him again but Arthur held her arm. She froze and her green eyes landed on him. Her eyes searched him as though she had never seen him before.
"Ms. Woods go see Dean Terri now!" The teacher commanded helping Henry off the floor with the help of his friend, Tristan.
Nodding and snapping out her weird trance the girl walked away head down. The teacher then looked at me silently telling me to go with her. I ran to keep up with her. The last thing Arthur saw of Henry was him fixing the sleeves of his white dress shirt.
As she walked her head was watching the floor, her hands were clamped shut and shaking. Walking beside her silently I tried to think of something to say. What do you say to someone who punched someone in the face because they were bad mouthing them.
"Doesn't it make you mad when they call you a freak? They were saying that you shouldn't be here, and you sat that like a rock! Aren't you willing to defend yourself?" she finally asked, her voice shaking.
The question hung in their air as they walked, the clicking of their shoes down the empty hall the only noise. Arthur stared at the wall in front of him. A poster of some dance from freshman year barely clinging to the wall. The paper torn on one of the edges.
"When I was in fourth grade me and Henry, the boy you punched, were best of friends. Nothing could separate us. But back then everything was easier. Once sixth grade came around we realized the differences between us. He was good looking with brilliant blue eyes and black hair. I was scrawny with dull brown eyes, and messy brown hair. He was great at any and all sports, while I couldn't throw a ball to save my life. We slowly drifted away and lost touch. I found myself in the library everyday during lunch and that didn't help. He sometimes would walk with me like he was trying to keep the friendship alive as long as he could. He even attempted to stop people from bothering me making fun of me. He..." he trailed off and sighed as they walked down the stairs. "He stopped walking with me, then he stopped talking to me altogether. I guess the popularity sunk in and before I knew he started mocking me endlessly too. So since sixth people have been calling me a freak, a dork, and a freak. All because I would rather read. I've learned to tune it out though. To cope with it. I met a good friend which helped a lot. She would be the one who told them off but they just mocked her too. She still stays strong sometimes, but it's not worth it because they just never stop." Arthur said remembering the long day with only his books.
The red haired girl stared at Arthur shaking her head. She was silent as they neared the office "I'm so sorry," she finally whispered
"It's fine I mean after all you punched a guy for me. Even Molly didn't do that!" Arthur joked, running a hand through his messy hair.
They stopped outside the Dean office and the girl turned to him eyes wide. "Molly?" she breathed. "You're Molly's friend. The one she was talking about!"
Arthur looked at her for the first time since they started talking. He stared at her thinking of his blond friend. Before he could reply the door opened and a man came out glaring at both of them.
"June Woods I would appreciate it if you actually come into my office." he said looking at the girl next to Arthur. He was younger than Arthur thought he would be. Wearing a navy suit and tie his brown gaze pierced through the girl named June as he held the door open for her. She looked at Arthur before entering the office.
Turning to go back to class Arthur wondered how she knew Molly. Arthur pondered the question for a bit before he dropped it assuming Molly just wanted to see the new girl so they had met. He laughed as he thought of his friend.
The rest of the day went pretty normal if you ignore that the news of June and Henry spread like fire. He also never saw Molly which was strange. She was in a couple of his classes and she was still missing at lunch. Turns out June was in his classes also, but whenever a teacher called her named people just snickered and would quietly talk to their friends. Though with everyone doing it it wasn't so quiet. Arthur couldn't pick out specific words or phrases but he knew it wasn't good.
Guilt rose in him through the day. She had been sent to Dean Terri because he was so weird and such a freak. As he walked out of the school he saw Tristan getting in his car, and when he saw Arthur he just smirked. That horrible arrogant smirk that people give you because they think they're better than you.
He started walking home thinking about the day. His thoughts drifted to the things that were said during home room. Were they true? If so, how much?
Just then he heard footsteps pounding behind him. He turned to see June and Molly running to catch up with him. He noticed Molly was shorter by a couple inches then the other girl. They both were wearing their uniforms except both girls shoes were off and they were just in their navy socks. June's red hair was flying behind her hitting Molly in the face.
"June!" she yelled laughing and. Turning around the taller girl witnessed Molly trip on a rock and fall, but before hitting the ground June caught her.
"Wow, what a trust fall Molly," June joked, helping her to her feet. They both stood laughing for a moment forgetting Arthur was there. Rolling his eyes he walked up to them.
"Are you okay?" he asked as they calmed down.
"Yeah yeah, I'm good," Molly replied, fixing her bun on top of her head.
June however was still laughing at the situation. Molly and Arthur looked at each other as they watched the new girl. Molly smiled and lightly pushed June with her shoulder.
"What!" June exclaimed. "That was hilarious!"
"Whatever Woods," Molly said, pulling her as they started walking. Walking beside her June laughed at her last name
As they moved down the street Molly remained in the middle of the trio. They laughed and made jokes as they maneuvered through the neighborhoods. The cool air UK breeze blew leaves that cracked under their feet. The Sun did little to warm up the air leaving them all freezing. Arthur wanted to ask what happened in the Dean's office and why Molly wasn't in her classes, but he didn't want to ruin the moment.
"So...Arthur," Molly said. Arthur turned to meet her bright blue eyes. Excitement sparkled in them making them twice as bright. He waited for her to finish her sentence but she just stared at him.
"So...Molly," he replied, not breaking eye contact. Blushing Molly looked away and at June. "What do you want M?"
Molly turned back to him smiling. "I wanted to ask if I could go see your sisters. I haven't seen them inforver and my grandma just made her infamous brownies!," she said so loudly he had to step back. During sophomore year, the two of them had to work on a project. And since it would go too late at night her grandmother would give her some desserts. Normally brownies. His sister would rush in and ask if they could have one and of course Molly would agree. They would always bet on when Arthur's brother would appear. He was always the 'cool one' so he didn't want to ask for a brownie, but always eventually came, because no one could resist the desserts. He nodded looking past her at June who was looking at him excitedly. Both girls turned to each other and laughed. Arthur would never understand girls.
They continued talking and laughing as they walked. Eventually June swerved left and told them she had to go. They said their goodbyes then continued to Arthur's house.
Looking down at his feet and notices that Molly still had no shoes. He asked but she just shrugged. "We had to do something to get back at that evil Dean! That monster of a person put us in these short navy skirts and white dress shirts which are... well...whatever, but then he gave us these stupid shoes!" She paused and looked at her feet. "Well it was only a matter of time before someone retaliated," she said, moving her toes and laughed. "You should have seen his face!"
Arthur laughed and reminded himself how lucky he was to have such great friends. He would truly miss her when they left a couple years from now. But for now he would just enjoy her company. They would do their homework and their projects, Even if they got nothing done due to their incredible ability to get off topic, then part ways. Then repeat. Smiling, he unlocked his front door.