Flight to Flayria

Tyler starts sweating. His eyes are glued his phone. "You aren't safe," he reads again.

"What do you mean? Why are you messaging me? How are you messaging me?" Tyler types all three questions into the chat window and slams his finger on the send button.

"We matched," comes the response from Princess Marci. "Everything else has to wait. You need to leave."

Tyler looks over at Dani, chest rising and falling steadily, red hair strewn about her face, eyes closed. He types, "Dani is asleep, I know you don't trust her, but I don't think she would hurt me even if she was awake."

"Not her, you both need to leave. Don't trust her, but you will be safe at her palace. Get there and message me again."



Blood drains from Tyler's face as he reads. He rushes to the bed and shakes Dani. She doesn't wake up. Tyler tries to flip the mattress, but it is too heavy for him to lift.

"Wa-what's happening?" Dani yawns, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. "That isn't how we are supposed to rock the bed you know-"

"Dani, we need to go," Tyler cuts her off. "How can we get back to your realm?"

"Why? Is it morning already?" She turns and looks out Tyler's lone window. "Doesn't look like morning..."

"The serpents are coming for us."

"Really?" Dani jumps to her feet and scans the room. "How do you know?"

"You said it yourself, they run this world from the shadows. Once they figure out who I am, they will know where I live."

"Oh! Well, then we should go to my realm. My palace has better security than yours."

"This isn't a- never mind, how do we travel between realms?" When there is no response, Tyler turns around to see Dani texting. "Who are you messaging? They could be here any second!"

Her phone buzzes, and she checks it before responding. "Moko will be outside; we should hurry. Also, what were you saying?"

"Forget it, let's go."

They head out the door and down the stairs. The hallways are empty, but the lobby has a small group of men in grey hoodies. Fortunately, there are exits at the bottom of the stairs that allow Tyler to lead Dani around the Serpents.

A familiar taxi is waiting for them in the street. Moko is stroking his beard and watching the hooded men through the window of the lobby.

"You weren't kidding: a whole bunch of them found you here," he points out as they jump in the backseat.

"Yeah and we cant use our magic," Dani complains. "Get us out of here!"

Typing into the center console, Moko commands the taxi to turn into a spaceship and rip a hole in space. He is about to take off when the hole slams shut. Tyler turns around to see one of the Serpents holding up a Polaroid camera.

"That's never happened before," Moko grunts.

"I think we have a problem," Tyler whimpers. He pints to the man in the grey hoodie.

"What is that he is holding?" Dani inquires.

"It's... an old fashion camera?"

"Why would someone use an outdated camera? That can't be it."

"They were cutting edge fifty years ago, but it can't be anything else."

"Wait, that thing is from fifty years ago?"

"I mean, that is when the camera was most popular. People started making them again as... actually, I don't know why they came back."

"Quit talking about cameras! He is jamming magical signals." Dani puts her head in her hands. "Think, there has to be a way to get a signal!"

Tyler's phone buzzes again. Peeking at it, he sees another alert from Destiny Dating. "What signal are they blocking exactly?" He asks without looking up.

"My signal! My phone was linked to a Magic-amplifier in my room so that I could still use it here. The first time we used the two-way multi dimensional wormhole cannon our phones were the link. Since then I've relied on the signal he is jamming!"

"Could my phone still get a signal?"

"Your phone works like it always did, but it doesn't matter. Your only connection to my realm is my phone, which is right here." Dani holds up her phone for emphasis."

"Do it again, and use my phones signal!"

"I just said that wouldn't work."

"And I'm telling you I have another link to your realm!"

"Really? That's great! Wait—how?"

"Just tell me what I need to do!" Tyler screams, looking out the window at ten men surrounding the car.


"Already on it," Moko confirms. The cannon fires again, and the wormhole reopens. "Liftoff!"

Wizzing through the air, the taxi is through the portal before the stunned Serpents can react. Tyler sighs in relief. His good feeling disappears when he looks over at Dani's angry expression.

"Where are we headed, Tyler?" she demands, her face flush with anger.

"Well... err..." Tyler mumbles. "You aren't going to like it."

Looking at his phone, he reads Princess Marci's message, "Did you make it out?"

"Sort of..." he responds.

Dani snatches the phone from his hands. "Hey!" Tyler protests.

"No! No, no, no!" Dani shouts louder than usual as she reads. "You didn't! Moko, turn this thing around."

"I'm sorry, My Lady. We can't turn around now," Moko states. He glances at Dani in the rear-view mirror. "Where are we headed that is so bad?"

Minutes later, the three of them are sitting in their spaceship outside of the Flayrian castle. Two ships with cannons prevent them from trying to leave, and a welcome party stands ready to greet them. It is made up of several large men with blue uniforms that bear a white falcon logo as well as Princess Marci.

After a quick quarrel with Dani, Tyler manages to open the door of the former taxi and step out. He examines the Flayrian Princess again, blonde hair flowing in the wind, eyes like sparking sapphires in the moonlight, lips curled into a polite smile, wearing a brilliant white ballgown. She is more beautiful in person, and it takes Tyler's breath away.

"I am glad you made it out alive," she says, her voice practically a whisper compared to Dani. "Pleased to meet you, Tyler."

"You as well," Tyler manages to say back. Unsure of what else to do, he bows awkwardly.

Marci giggles briefly but quickly covers her mouth. Shifting her eyes to Dani, who is emerging from the vehicle, she clears her throat. "I suppose that I should be thanking you for returning my betrothed to me."

"How come everyone in this world assumes they are marrying me?"

Marci raises her eyebrows. "Marrying you would be preferable. Your magical proficiencies are rare, and you aren't obnoxious."

"Wait, you weren't talking about me?" Tyler looks back at Dani; she avoids his gaze and turns red. "What's wrong, Dani?"

"Everything! You brought us here to the enemy base!" Dani explodes.

"Would you rather be killed by The Serpents?"


"Surely being our prisoner is preferable to death," Marci interrupts. "Please, come in."

She turns to walk up a red brick path to a wrought iron gate in front of a pearl white castle with blue accents. The gate glides open for them and clatters shut behind them. Dani walks with her head and shoulders slumped. Besides looking defeated, she is uncharacteristically quiet.

"I have prepared each of you a guest bedroom in the west-wing," Marci informs them as the group strolls down a wide hallway with marble floors. "You will be guarded as prisoners, but none of you will have to live like a criminal."

"Thanks," Tyler responds. He can't help but think that the polite Princess is very different from Dani.

"We are total opposites," Marci comments.

"Yeah, I was just thinking-wait, did I say that out loud?"

"Say what? Who are you talking about?" Dani inquires. Her golden eyes bore into Tyler.

Marci giggles and responds, "Our friend from the forbidden realm was just thinking about how different we are, Princess of Qaplurg."

"Stay out of my fiancé's mind!" Dani screams at Marci before turning to Tyler. "What did you think about just now? Don't forget that the princess of murderous traitors can read active thoughts!"

"Active thoughts?" Tyler echos.

"Is that what you think of me?" Marci sighs. "Yes, I have simple telepathy. It can be useful to relay messages without talking or read thoughts a person currently has on their mind. In other words, I can't scour your head for memories, but I can hear whatever you are 'saying' to yourself."

"Yeah! So if you picture us sleeping together earlier today, this perv will watch!" Dani yells.

"Such vulgar words for a woman who has managed to think about nothing but pink jelly this whole time..."

"It's delicious, and you aren't getting anything else out of me!"

"That is fine. We aren't interrogating you, Princess. I will be sure to remember how... food motivated you are though."

"I'm sorry, honey, why don't you say that from your knees," Dani taunts. A pink aura surrounds her and Marci's knees begin to shake.

"Not... gonna... work..." Marci struggles to resist Dani's charm, determination and concentration evident on her face.

A guard pulls a Polaroid camera out of a satchel he is carrying and points it at Dani. Immediately her pink aura fades. Both girls pant and wipe the sweat from their brow.

"Fine, but I demand that my fiancé and I get to stay in the same room!"

"We aren't discussing it."

"Oh, right, who are you engaged to, Marci?" Tyler asks, stepping between the two of them.

"Your suspicions were correct. Isn't that right, Dani?"

Tyler's jaw drops as he turns to face the red headed princess. Blushing, Dani covers her face.

"Don't look at me like that!" Dani orders. "That was before I found a better fiancé!"

"I couldn't agree more," Marci says with a slight smile.

Too stunned to speak, Tyler is led into a large bedroom and locked inside alone.