Tyler has been out of the dating game for awhile, ever since Carla broke his heart. He always thought his high school sweetheart would be the one. Moving on seems impossible, until a new dating app is recommended to him.
Destiny Dating promises to pair anyone with their destined lover. Not believing in destiny or true love, Tyler figures he has nothing to lose. Unfortunately, the app isn’t as simple as he expects.
His first match, Dani, invites him to her palace in another world. Tyler isn’t one to believe in the supernatural, but he finds himself having lunch with the princess of a foreign world. If that isn’t enough, he quickly finds a second match that forces him into the middle of a civil war.
First he loses the love of his life, then he is dragged into a different reality. Without anything familiar or anyone he can trust, Tyler has one question running though his mind: “Why me?”
A little late on this review, but here it goes. The writing is fine, perhaps better than 90% of the stuff I've ran on here. The only problems i see are with punctuation and some improper word choices. What I mean is, the writing doesn't flow very well at times. There were parts where sentences just seemed to merge when they shouldn't, or punctuation could've been tweaked a little to had a smoother flow. For example, noticed there are way too many transitions between places, with very few sentences to describe it. In the first couple chapters, there were many jumps and hops and i was just getting confused on where Tyler was at parts. On the topic of describing—there wasn't enough of it. Sure you Tyler is at a school or his home, but what does it look like. Even if it shows no importance to the plot, just saying he was in the chem lab or his room isn't really enough. Especially his room, where some details could reveal more about his persona and what not. Overall, there needs to be a little more descriptions and dialogue emotion between characters. Characters are quite fun, although i would question Moko's personality. The way i see him, the way he talks doesn't really make him intimidating or anything. It seems that all characters have some relation of speaking towards the author's own personality, which isn't a big deal, but it can be hard to make characters appealing later on. World/STORY- I don't know what to say, as I haven't read far enough yet. It seems to be unfolding nicely, and it'll be interesting where it goes. as for the story, its very unique. Never read anything about a dating app such as this one, (fantasy genre). This has a lot of potential if it doesn't bombard with cliches later on. So, it starts original, but i hope it doesn't fall into another romance/fantasy where the goal is to save the princess from badguys. And watch for character development; that needs to happen to keep this story alive. Nice job, ill keep this in my library.
Like the other reviews I got hooked when reading this. They have good grammar, story, character, and world development. I can honestly see this becoming a anime or a published book if they wanted to. It's one of the few that I have no complaints. I like this story.
I have read 7 Chapters of the novel. The writing quality is good but there seems to be some typos and spellings mistakes which I have indicated in paragraph comments. Single dialogues need to be avoided. The information can be depicted in the sentence. Some sentences are ambiguous and can distract the reader. Someone has already mentioned a sentence about Carla getting accepted to Harvard after staying with Tyler for 4 years. You get accepted due to your knowledge/ work potential/intelligence and not for staying with Tyler. I got the impression that Tyler feels that Carla is not intelligent enough to get into Harvard. The narration is in the present tense through out. The story is developing nicely. The plot is interesting and is different from the stuff one gets to read here on Webnovel. In the first few chapters, I was expecting the novel to be an inter realm romance novel. Now, I feel it is heading towards an Indian movie script that has the ingredients of a plot, love, a few fights, good guys and bad guys. Ultimately the good wins. Tyler's emotions come across quite well. But by the time he meets Dani, he seems to have forgotten Carla. As far as the character design goes, I think it is progressing well. A flashback into their lives prior to meeting each other would be helpful. Not just Tyler's breakup background but prior to that, as well as that of Dani. The MC is a sort of a pessimistic guy. How did he manage to get into a strange taxi so early in the morning? But he goes along with the dating app and when he finds the going tough, he wants to come home. The world background is well described. New chapters have been added. I am saving your novel to my library to read later. On the whole, the novel had great potential and is an interesting absorbing read. All the best, author!
I'm enjoying what I'm seeing so far. The idea of a magic app that finds you your ideal match on another universe is really interesting. My only problem is that I feel like the focus is deviating a bit from said cool idea and kinda turning into a sorta generic magical kingdom fantasy love story. I would rather just follow Tyler and Dani around and try to find out why they are compatible and watch them play off each other than follow the whole "snake" sub-plot. I really enjoy the characters. They are not that deep, but they all have fun chemistry. The overall writing is very good. The pacing is nice and the wold is well described and very detailed. My favorite part was the "black paper" scene trying to explain the logic behind magic. It was simple yet complex at the same time. Looking foward to where this is going to go.
I can't deny I immediately got hooked when I was reading the sino**is. The grammar has barely any mistakes so anyone can read it just fine, I also found it to be pretty clever of your part when you introduced the MC. The worldbuilding definetely caught my interest as I wanted to dive even further on the plot, the main-heroine seems to be pretty fine too and I'm really fond of her bubbly personality except for how rude and sometimes uncaring of the other-party's feelings. My biggest problem with the story is about how fast it is progressing along with the seemed to be "plot-hole" about the MCs gf, like she simply disappeared from his life and then the moment his friend calls her she is immediately at his home? Sounds fishy but interesting... My review may change after I read more chapters
This is brandon Gould the writter of the Tylingariea Epic i am responding to a Review Swap that asked you about a few minutes ago here is my review I enjoyed the chapters that are out now, It reminds me of To love Ryu and other types of animes in the teleported to a diffrent world sub genre i like the way you explen magic and the pacing is going at a good rate hope you keep it up
The First chapter had me ready to be disappointed. Come second chapter I had a constant smile crossing my face. I was mad at Tyler for being a wimp at the start, but he did jump into this mysterious world. I'll give him props for that. Dani is just right up my alley. Smarts and an endless fountain of confidence. The writing is neat. At this point, my expertise is lacking and I can't give a better critique. The realm of this writing exceeds my own. In short love it and it makes a fine addition to my collection!
Reveal Spoiler
I loved it so much! It’s a really interesting and a new kinds of novel! I like trying new things and I will definitely save this to my collection! Good job author and don’t stop! ;)
Based on what I've read, I could say that this book is very interesting to me. The writing is well thought and creative, plus the characters are extremely lovable. Thanks for such a captivating book author! Keep up the good work 👍👍👍
Good story. the hook for me came in chapter 2. Dani is so lovable. The "kid" thing, in the beginning, threw me off. but when he is in his dorm and downloads the app it picks up. I think we all need a Dani and Moko in our lives.