Purple, that's the theme of the makeshift workshop Dani has setup in the Flayrian castle. Workbenches made from purple heart wood are evenly spaced throughout the room, a violet sofa is against the opposite wall, and the white marble floor is covered with rubber matts that match. The simple but elegant columns between workbenches are dressed in long purple drapes.
"Wow, everything is purple," Tyler says. He picks up a screwdriver with a violet handle and shakes his head side-to-side.
"Yes, it's perfect! White is such a boring color that I couldn't work without proper decorating," Dani shouts, holding both arms above her head and twirling around. She falls into the couch and sinks into it.
Tyler rolls his eyes at her dramatic display. Rock-paper-scissors, I have to help her first because she won a game of rock-paper-scissors, he thinks. "So, are you sure we can build thing thing with my magic?"
"Of course! One week is not enough time though..." Dani leans her head back and sighs heavily.
"Why not?" Tyler walks across the spacious room and sits on the far end of the sofa with trepidation. "My power make it in an instant, right?"
Dani sighs again and sprawls out so that her head rests on Tyler's lap. "True, but we aren't going to do that."
"Why not?" Tyler shifts in his seat, glances at Dani, turns red, and scoots a bit further away.
"Tyler, I'm not asking you to process materials." Dani sits back up and shoots him a serious look. "Each component is extremely complex; they are made from multiple materials and require exact tolerances. You don't have enough psychic energy to make more than a couple each day without killing yourself."
"Oh... yeah, I don't want to do that."
"I'm glad you aren't as foolish as the king that built this palace in a day."
"You heard that then?"
"Yes. Count on Flayria to waste such a valuable talented this." Dani gestures toward a blank white wall.
"I think it's kind of cool that he did that for-"
"Cool? A man died to build something skilled laborers could have made in a few short years! He traded the rest of his life for 700 days and a few seams. Not to mention that he was the last to use creation magic in this realm before you. That magic could have been passed down for generations if he had any heirs."
"That's a good point."
"If we are done talking about stupid people, we should get started."
Dani stands up and snatches Tyler's hand; she is able to get him out of the couch before he realizes what is happening. Half stumbling, Tyler follows Dani as she scampers to a workbench covered in blueprints.
An hour passes and Tyler is still listening to Dani talk about the first schematic. She covers every detail about the energy converter, lapped finishes of each face, diameters of internal passages, the distance between each power crystal, everything. Furthermore, all of this is covered without a single break.
"Do you got it?" Dani asks after her long-winded explanation.
"I think so?" Tyler replies.
"That isn't good enough! If everything isn't perfect—literally—the perpetual motion generator will be off balance!"
"And that's bad?"
"Bad? Energy conversion would decrease with distance traveled; therefore, the device would have a limited range! We aren't using this to cross the street, it has to be perfect to be able to transport us across realms!"
"Okay, okay, I'll make it perfect."
"Thank you."
"May I ask you something while we work on this?"
"No. Do this right, and I will answer your question."
"We already made a deal to-"
"I'll honor our deal when this is perfect!"
"Fine, I'll do it!"
Tyler picks up the blueprint and focuses. Materials fly out of the tables, turn mailable, and take the shape of the energy converter. As the outline grows solid, wires and crystals fly into a small hole and begin to form the internal mechanisms. Nothing is visible from the outside, and Tyler feels fine.
Continuing to focus on the schematic, he forms the internal passages and connections. Clearances, surface finishes, cooling vents, everything is accounted for. After his eyes finish their detailed scan of every parameter, Tyler's knees buckle from exhaustion; he collapses an instant later.
Dani catches him before his head hits the ground. She grunts and uses her magic to take them back to the couch. Unable to move, Tyler finds himself laying facedown on top of Dani with his head resting on her chest.
"See," she coos while running her fingers through his hair. "It's not going to be easy."
"Are... they all... gonna be... like... that..." Tyler mumbles, out of breath.
"The energy converter is a more complex part. It may be the most difficult one."
"Why do that one-" Tyler gasps for air and continues, "first?"
"I wanted you to get a feel for how tough some of this can be and how your magic drains your energy after you finish. Imagine if you tried that one after you were already tired! Besides, now we can rest here while you ask me your question!"
Tyler glares at Dani; she adjusts slightly to prop her head up on one hand and grin at him. "Why..." Tyler wheezes.
"That's pretty vague... can I make up the rest of your question?"
"Why are you going through all of this?" Tyler manages to say normally. "Staying in Flayria, working with me, building this device, why do any of it?"
"Oh, that's less fun than the question I was going to ask me..." Dani grumbles. "You should let me make up your questions from now on."
"We had a deal, remember? I also built your crazy every converter."
"True, I'm not sure I have a great answer for you though. There are many reasons."
"Well, it doesn't look like I'm going anywhere soon, so..."
"Okay, you can hear them all then." Dani beams from ear to ear. "The first is that it's going to be awesome. Think about it, we are making history building a device that has never been made correctly."
"This is just about building a cool device?"
"No, no, that's the least important reason. I also want to get to know you better. Convincing you to come back to the capital city didn't seem possible, so staying here was my only option for that. Lastly, the serpents need to be stopped. It's not even that I want to stop them; my people wish to live without fear of them."
Tyler turns red and thinks before responding, "You don't seem like the type to worry about what other people think."
"What they think about me doesn't concern me. You are right about that, but my job as their future ruler is to take care of issues like this for them."
"Your job?"
"Yes. Call it our leadership or government style if you want to. In Qaplurg the monarchy exists to protect and provide for the people, or that's how I see it. In return, they pay a small portion of their earnings in taxes. We believe in few government restrictions that aren't centered around protecting people and their property. They pay for us to do that and give them the freedom to run their business how they want."
"I guess that explains why you have such an industrial nation."
"Correct, people want their business in Qaplurg where they can expand it how they see fit."
"Then, you will do anything to protect them from physical harm and theft?"
"Of course, what is my purpose to them if I don't? Why would they need to pay their taxes and allow me to live the way I want to?" Dani peers at the closest workbench where the energy converter is sitting. "Like the machine we are building, I am just one component of a larger system. If any of of the components we make isn't perfect, the energy converter will not work to its full potential; likewise, should I not preform my duties, Qaplurg will not operate at its full potential."
"I've never thought of a country that way, but you are right."
"Didn't I already tell you I was always right?" Dani smirks as Tyler finally feels well enough to sit up.
"I guess that I have to believe that now." Tyler laughs and groans when his sides feel like needles are stabbing into them.
"Take it easy," Dani croons. "Also, yes you do. More that than though, you need to start thinking about where you fit into the larger system."
"What do you mean?"
"You are another complimentary component in the machine we call the universe, right? What's your function going to be when we are done with this war?" Dani locks eyes with Tyler in an unblinking, questioning stare.
Tyler is cut off as the door to the workshop is thrust open. The pair on the sofa turns to see Marci standing in the open doorway. She taps a foot on the ground with both hands on her hips.
"Sorry to barge in," Marci says. Her voice is controlled, but her eyes bore into Dani. "I was wondering if you lost track of time, or if you were intentionally working though the lunch we planned to have together."
"Tyler was exhausted after using his power for something useful," Dani replies. "We were just having a chat while he rested."
"Oh, I know something that could help with that. Why don't you two rest and take a break for lunch?"
"Great idea!" Dani jumps out of the couch and grabs Tyler by the hand. "I'm starving!"
Tyler manages to stand and walk across the lab with Dani's support. Once they reach the door, Marci helps support him too. The three of them head towards the kitchen.