Several hours pass with Tyler lost in his memories. He sits up as the door creaks open behind him. Turning to face the door, now ajar, he sees two sapphire and two golden eyes peeking through the crack. Tyler runs a hand through his hair and sighs.
"You can come in, I guess," he says in the general direction of the door.
"I told you he wasn't still mad at me!" Dani shouts, thrusting the door open and strutting into the room.
"Don't be so sure about that..." Tyler sighs, causing Dani to glare at him.
"Thank you for speaking with us," Marci says with a curtsy.
"Sure, what's going on? You two seem to be getting along better... are you here to invite me to your wedding?"
Dani turns as red as her hair and shouts, "Not in a million years!"
Marci's face contorts for a second, then returns to normal except for her flared nostrils. Straining to keep her voice calm, she adds, "What Dani means to say, is that Flayria and Qaplurg have reached an agreement of sorts."
"Agreement? What did I miss?"
"In light of new information regarding the criminal organization known as the serpents-"
"He knows who the serpents are!" Dani interrupts. She rolls her eyes and redirects her glare toward Marci. "Get to the point!"
"Fine..." Marci sighs. "The five realm alliance is gathering forces from every country in every realm to liberate the serpent home world: your home world, Tyler. In the mean time, they called for an Armistice in all five realms to insure cooperation."
"Oh, so you don't have to kill each other then?" Tyler jests.
"Nope! She got lucky," Dani blurts out, pointing at Marci.
"Will you two be serious for thirty seconds?" Marci huffs. "This is probably the most significant turn of events in the last fifty years for all of our countries! Tyler, your world probably has never had something so significant happen!"
"Actually, they fought a war over tea. It was a big deal," Dani corrects the blonde princess.
"Oh, I'm sorry, you two should have a tea party!"
"That's not... she isn't..." Tyler mutters. "Forget that, what else did you want to say, Marci?"
"Other than the fact that our countries aren't fighting for the first time in over fifty years, Dani and I have been appointed as ambassadors between Flayria and Qaplurg. We will be the first citizens from either country that have the right to cross the border freely. We are also asking that you stay here and advise the alliance as the ambassador for the forbidden realm, Tyler."
"Advise on what? I'm not some kind of soldier or politician, and I don't want to get mixed up in this."
"You are the only one with information on your realm. Even if we were given the location of the serpents base, we wouldn't know where to go once we got to your world. The alliance wants you to help provide these types of details."
"I guess that makes sense... as long as they don't ask me to shoot anyone, I'll do it."
"We will also need your help in the technology department," Dani adds. "While everyone's personal psychic energy will be canceled in the forbidden realm, our experience proves that magical tech will still work. Construction magic will allow us to significantly upgrade our arsenal."
"Does it have to be me? Can't someone else make you weapons?"
"There are two people that I know of with construction magic in all five realms, including you. If we want to win, both of you should make weapons for the war." Dani crosses her arms and shoots Tyler a look.
"Fine..." Tyler sighs and shakes his head. Looking up, he sees that Dani is beaming from ear to ear. "What now?"
"There are so many projects I can finally complete!" Dani shouts, breaking into a maniacal laugh. Marci and Tyler stare at her wide-eyed. "What? I've had so many ideas and no way to build them..."
Awkward silence follows. Dani grins and giggles every so often, not noticing the bewildered looks from the other two people in the room. Marci shakes her head and sighs.
"Well, we should leave you alone now," Marci says, grabbing Dani by the hand and yanking her towards the door. "I will be having lunch in the garden soon. If you would be so kind as to join me, the attendant outside of your door can escort you to there. Of course, you can also have lunch brought to you here, should you prefer that.
Just before Marci can force her through the door, Dani turns and shouts, "Don't worry, we agreed that if she gets to have lunch with you, then I get to join you for dinner, my-err... Tyler!"
The door slams behind them, leaving Tyler alone again. He listens to the two princess argue as they travel down the hallway. Dani's voice echos into an incomprehensible barrage of sound, while Marci's is barely audible as soon as the door closes.
Unable to understand their current disagreement, Tyler lays back down. His stomach growls no more than thirty seconds later. He gets up, and a combination of boredom and hunger drive him to the door.
"Uhh... excuse me..." he says to a short boy who looks no older than twelve but is dressed like a butler.
"Yes, Mr. Ambassador of the forbidden realm?" the boy recites.
"Please, call me Tyler."
"Thank you, Mr. Tyler, that is much shorter. I mean, how may I assist you?"
"Princess Marci said something about lunch..."
"Of course, this way, Mr. Tyler!"
"Just Tyler is fine, and could I have my lunch brought here?"
"Oh... sorry, yes, you could. The Princess mentioned that you were leaning towards joining her when she gave you the options."
"She did? Does she always read people's minds?"
"Indeed, Mr. Tyler, her assumptions are hardly ever wrong due to her magic. Are you certain that you have changed you mind?"
Tyler sighs. "No, that's okay, take me to where she wants to have lunch."
"Right this way, sir." The boy turns and marches down the blue and white hallway.
He leads Tyler around various corners, across a courtyard, through several doors, under two archways, and outside into a large garden. Tyler is hopelessly lost; however, the butler prances through a hedge-maze confidently.
The garden opens into a field of white flowers basking in the light from the sun. Marci sits at a wooden picnic table in the center of the field; her blonde hair dances in the gentle breeze.
"You should have no trouble from here," The butler says with a bow. "Princess Marci has already put a request in with the chef, but please, let me know if you require anything else. I will be available anytime through the Flayrian castle app."
"The what?" Tyler asks, peeling his eyes off Marci to shoot a questioning look at his guide.
"Did you not get an invitation to download our mobile application for guests at the castle?"
"I..." Tyler pulls out his phone and sees one message in his Destiny Dating app from Marci. "I think I have it..."
"Great! Press the attendant button on the home menu to call me anytime you need help."
With that the butler disappears into the hedge maze. Tyler clicks a few buttons on his new app: he is able to pull up a map of the whole palace as well as a profile for his attendant, Darnell. Making a mental note to investigate the app more later, he puts his phone away and heads toward the princess waiting at the picnic table.