Dani stands at the far end of the balcony twirling two charm bombs in her fingers. Her death glare toggles between Marci and Tyler. Marci returns it with one of her own.
"How did you get out?" Marci asks. Her eyes flash to the nearest guard.
"I'm glad you asked," Dani sneers. "Your guard that brought my breakfast was so kind as to fetch me my things, including these toys my fiancé made for me."
"Bombs filled with charm magic..." Marci glances at Tyler with frustration written all over her face, but her voice remains calm. "You had to make her something like that..."
"Quit reading his thoughts!" Dani's voice grows even louder than usual. "You are ruining the surprise; besides, you've already used your little trick to convince him to turn on me."
"I suppose that means you've never used your charm magic on him... No? I thought as much." Marci pulls a concealed dagger from the sleeve of her dress. Flames engulf the blade and extend it to the size of a short sword.
"You just want to use his magic to make gemstones!"
"If we are not allowed to have plans for his magic, then I suggest you drop those marbles."
"Oh, if you want one I'll be happy to send it your way!" Dani raises her hand, and Marci readies her dagger.
"What the hell are both of you fighting about?" Tyler snaps, his face flushing with anger, burning sensations spreading from ear to toe, his voice louder than Dani's, fists clenching. "You drag me from my home, nearly get me killed, pull me into the middle of your stupid war, say that you love me, and expect me to what, pick one of you to marry?"
Both princess lower their weapons and stare at him. Their eyes carry a blank expression, but Marci recovers first. She locks eyes with Tyler and says, "I suppose you are right to be angry, but-"
"No, stop," Tyler cuts her off. "I'm done with this."
"Done with what? Some of us aren't reading your mind, my love," Dani asks. Her face still wears a blank expression.
"Don't call me that. Also, we aren't engaged."
"Not yet, technically, but-"
"Enough! Dani, you barely even know me. Sometimes I think you forgot my name when you call me 'my love!'"
"At least I'm not just trying to exploit your magic to make carbon based materials!" Dani retorts, pointing at Marci who is smirking.
"I'm not exploiting anyone," Marci states. Her smile turns into a flat expression.
"Actually, she has a point, Marci," Tyler sighs as Dani grins. "You both are crazy! I just want to go home."
"If you want to leave, we should find Moko and get to my ship before the charms start to wear off," Dani suggests, her eyes shifting toward a guard.
"I'm perfectly capable of giving him a ride home," Marci asserts.
"Umm... did you both forget?" Tyler asks. Two pairs of eyes turn toward him in confusion. "My apartment is probably filled with goons from a criminal organization that I never needed to know about! They probably want to kill me!"
"We can take care of that!" Dani exclaims.
"Do you intend to annoy them all to death without your magic?" Marci inquires politely.
"What would you do about it miss know-it-all?"
"I am bringing the information you gathered to the five-realm alliance. All five realms together are our only chance to fight the serpents if they have a long-range magic canceling device and thousands of years of stored psychic energy." She turns to Tyler and adds, "Of course, I can return you home after your world is rid of the serpents."
"Thanks," Tyler mutters. "In the mean time I'm stuck here. If one more princess proposes to me the same day we meet, I'm going to go home, lay down, and wait for them to magic-blast me out of my bed."
"It's not that terrible, Dani scoffs. "For someone who doesn't want to be king, you make an excellent drama-queen."
"No? How would you like it if some random guy from Flayria picked you up in his car and proposed to you."
"That is not what happened!"
"Yes—it is exactly what happened to me! Worse, I had never even heard of where you are from!"
"Hey, it could be worse: my mother wants me to marry her." Dani gestures to Marci, who is standing silently with her hands folded in front of her.
"You both are being dramatic now," Marci points out. "Marrying me can't be the worst thing to happen to either of you."
"Sort of like how marrying Dani wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to you, right?" Tyler responds, rolling his eyes.
"Perhaps not, but since you are stuck here anyway, we can at least get to know each other, right?"
"I really wish you suggested that idea first..."
"If she gets to date you, then I'm staying here until you leave and dating you too!" Dani interjects.
"Indeed, prisoners don't just leave," Marci says. Her eyes flash with rage, but nothing in her voice sounds malicious.
"Right, because you can keep me in that bedroom for longer than one night."
"We won't be so careless again."
"I'd like to see you try-"
"Okay, okay, I'll get to know you both. Only if you stop trying to fight, kill, escape from, or imprison each other though," Tyler offers.
"Very well..." Marci agrees.
"Yes!" Dani squeals. "Then you can choose to marry me or the prude after you know us both better!"
"What? No, that isn't how this works!" Tyler groans.
"How does this work then?" Marci asks.
"We talk and get to know each other, like friends. I don't know who I am going to marry, and probably won't be either of you!"
"So you would rather force us to marry each other to stop this war?"
"I mean, you are both princesses. Could you just stop the senseless fighting?"
"We could never forgive them!" both princesses shout in unison.
"Great, that makes things easier..."
"Really?" Dani questions, looking rather confused.
Tyler shakes his head from side to side and slaps his forehead. A heavy sigh escapes his lips. Emotional exhaustion washes over his body, making him feel tired despite the time.
"He is being sarcastic," Marci explains.
"I'm going back to bed..." Tyler mutters, turning to leave. "You two can fight to the death or whatever."
Neither princess stops Tyler from shuffling through the door at the end of the balcony. He remembers just enough about the castle to get completely lost, but a maid is able to show him back to his room after he stumbles into a laundry room. Crashing onto the mattress, he curls into a ball and thinks back to simpler times.
Tyler walks out of home room, slamming into another student immediately. Books and paper scatter across the floor; both middle schoolers fall to the ground.
"Sorry!" Tyler says in unison with a soft female voice.
He turns his head to see a short girl with brown hair partially covering her green eyes. She adverts her eyes when he looks at her and stares at the ground. Trembling and turning red, she stammers, "I-I'm... new here... I, umm, wasn't looking where I was going... sorry."
"Neither was I," Tyler responds with a stupid grin spreading across his face. He stands up and picks up the shy girl's stuff. "Where are you trying to go?"
"Oh, umm, it's... room—uhh..." She pulls out a class schedule as checks it while Tyler collects their books. "32B."
"Wait, algebra with Mrs. Zooker?"
"Yeah. How did you know?" The girl takes back her books and glances at him nervously.
"I'm headed there now if you want to walk with me!"
"Umm... okay..."
"Oh, uhh... my name is Tyler!" He sticks his hand out. "What's yours?"
"Carla." Her eyes avoid Tyler's, but she shakes his hand and smiles sheepishly.
"Carla," Tyler repeats, the grin on his face widening. "Follow me!" He turns to walk up the hallway.
"Umm... isn't B-hall that way?" Carla asks, pointing in the opposite direction.
"Only if you go the long way. Come on, I know a short cut." Tyler grabs her hand but turns red and drops it immediately. "I mean, if you want to."
Carla stares at him with her eyes wide as Tyler covers his face and groans. He takes two steps before Carla shakes he head and responds, "Oh... uhh... yeah, I'm coming!"
Tyler's face lights up as she hurries to his side. He leads her through the hall and into a courtyard in an awkward silence. "So... uhh... where are you from?" Tyler finally asks.
"Boston. It's a lot different there."
"I bet, that's like halfway across the country..."
"Yeah..." Carla's eyes fall to the ground again.
"Welcome to Nebraska!"
"Thanks, you are the first person to say that to me."
"Well, let me know if there is anything else I can do for you! I'd love to hangout sometime."
"You mean... like a date?"
"Err... I mean... sorta, I guess." Tyler turns red and is saved by the bell. "Oh, see, I-uhh-need to find my desk!"
He hears Carla giggle, but the sound of his heart pounding drowns out all other noises. Shaking his head, he wonders if he ruined his chances with her when he panicked. Worried, he risks a look back over his shoulder: Carla is smiling at him, but she looks away quickly when their eyes meet.
"I miss her," Tyler whimpers to himself as he remembers the first time he met Carla.