Chapter 6 – Alexandra Yang (3)

Chapter 6 – Alexandra Yang (3)

When is about to leave, Juliana run to her and hug her legs. Don't leave auntie alex, you said you will come with us. Alex look and smile at Juliana, sweettie, I have work here, I can visit you and you can visit me. You can also call me when you want to talk to me. I will give you my phone number. Don't cry sweetie. Alex's heart ache. She hugged Juliana. Its okay baby, Auntie Alex will be here for you. I will sort out my schedule for you baby. Don't worry, Auntie Alex will be see you more often okay? Juliana shook her head, she really wanted Auntie Alex to come home. She hugged Alex so tight and don't want to leave her side. Okay sweetie, auntie alex will come in your house in two weeks okay? I just need to ask permission from my boss. Juliana's mood lighten. But promise me to behave and follow dad's order okay? Ask Alex. She hugged Juliana. Juliana, auntie alex will work now. Said Tim. Okay, daddy. Replied Juliana. Alex, smiled. Good girl exclaimed Alex.

I will just let you know Sir, she bow down and left. What do you think boss? Asked Thomas while smiling. Tim didn't answer and maintain his calm and cold face. But his heart is filled with joy knowing that she found the woman who likes the kids and the kids likes her. But how about his heart? Does she like her? He is a bit confused as to the impact of Alex to him. She has a great impact especially when she is saying But promise me to behave and follow dad's order okay? It seems that Alex is his wife.

Thomas, bring down and put all their belongings in the car. While Tim is attending to the kids. They went out of the room and settled the bill at the reception. Nicole saw them. Hi Mr. Huang, oh you're checking out now. Asked Nicole. She saw the kids behind him, confused she asked Tim, are these kids are yours? Tim looked at her coldly without any word comes out from his mouth. The kids look at her with cold face and fearful. Tim noticed their look towards Nicole. Kids, what's the matter? The kids stared at Nicole. Tim sensed the look of the kids. Okay Kids, let's go. Nicole left in shocked. She didn't know that Tim is already married and has 3 kids. She needs to confirm it.

After the discussion, alex went straight to her boss. How was the meeting with the guest? Asked Mrs. Li. Mr. Huang wanted me to be the nanny of his children. Narrated Alex. What? You mean, Mr. Huang the CEO of Huang Holdings? Does he have kids? I don't hear that he got married, asked Mrs. Li. Alex nodded, he offered me good compensation and I can stay in their house. What? Are you sure alex? I heard that Mr. Huang is so cold and snob. Nobody can get close to him except for his assistant. He is distant to everyone. And besides, taking care of children is not easy. Continued by Mrs Li. His kids are different, they are so sweet, caring and I like them. Are you planning to resign? Can you think about it first before you decide? I am not discouraging nor encouraging you to go with them. I just want you to make sure with your decision.

In the car, Tim asked the kids why did you looked at Nicole like that. Thomas answered for them instead. Boss, last day while we are waiting for the lift, the kids are playing. Ms. Lee is also waiting, the kids unintentionally run towards Ms. Lee she was so angry and uttered not so nice words towards us. Tim's face becomes dark and did not said any words.