Chapter 7 – Alexandra Yang (4)

Chapter 7 – Alexandra Yang (4)

At night, Alex called Carol and shared the offer of Mr. Huang to her. What?! Are you sure Alex? Kids are not easy naughty, taking care of them is not easy, do you know how to handle children? Without Carol's knowledge, Alex is experienced person in handling children. She habitually went to orphanage back home in Singapore. Also, she took up children's psychology as her first course in college.

I am planning to accept the offer, Carol. It may not give me professional growth but I will try said Alex. Anyway, it won't take long. I have to go back to Singapore. Narrated by Alex in her thought. Can you think it over and over again before accepting please…request by Carol. Then they said good night to each other and hung up the phone.

In less than a minute after hunging up the phone, it rung again. It was a new and unsaved number. She hesitated to answer but it continuously ringing…so in the end she decided to answer. Hello? Auntie Alex! Astonished Alex.. Juliana?

When are you coming home?

Oh..sweetie, its already late at night..did you had your dinner? Why are you crying? Don't cry baby… where are your big brothers?

Yes, auntie we had already ate our supper, they are here answered Juliana while crying.

Can you give the phone to Jarred?

Hello, Auntie Alex, its Jarred. What happened Jarred?

We ask Juliana to go to sleep but she is looking for you, she also wanted to talk to you. Can you tell her auntie to go to sleep?

Okay, Jarred, can you put on speaker phone? Okay auntie. Hi, sweetie, don't cry baby.. auntie will come over in a few days time. We talked about this baby right? You can always call and see me. Can you to go sleep sweetie?

No!no!no! Shouted Juliana while river of tears are running from her eyes…I want Auntie Alex, come home auntie. I won't go to sleep if you are not here…

Juliana, that's enough! If I said you go to sleep you will sleep. Now, go to your room! Said Tim an angry tone.

Auntie Alex can you come over please. Juliana is crying, we don't know how handle her. Daddy scolded her already. Jarred stated,

Alex obviously heard and imagined what just happened. Tim is already annoyed or rather angry. Okay, Jarred, I will come. Please tell Juliana to stop crying and ask your dad to calm down. Can you send me your address please. I will hung up the phone now.

Daddy, Auntie Alex said you have to calm down. Juliana, auntie alex will come. Hearing this, both Tim and Juliana was surprised. However, Tim was a bit upset because he cannot handle the kids' tantrums anymore. He cannot reconcile for a stranger to get in the middle. He is also a bit ashamed to Alex. But, he has to consider the kids feelings.

In less than thirty minutes, Alex arrived in the Huang Mansion. It was a 3 storey house. Painted in all white. Secured by CCTV all over the place and another 3 security guards are on look out in the gate. It was thrice as big their house in Singapore. The guards greeted her when they saw her.

Are you Ms. Alex?


You can come in Maam

Alex rushed and open the door, when she saw Tim was about to hit Juliana. Stop! She shouted.

Auntie Alex, cried loudly by Juliana.

Stop crying sweetie, Auntie is here. She hugged and kissed Juliana. She also looked at Tim blankly. Then she asked the 2 boys where is Juliana's bedroom.

We will show it to you Auntie. Lets go. Said Justin.

She stand up while carrying Juliana. Tim was about to get Juliana from her, I will carry you to your room. You are heavy, it might be hard for auntie alex. But Juliana hugged tightly in the neck of Juliana.

Its okay sir, I can carry her. Please excuse us for a while. Then they left.

While walking up the stairs, Tim is staring at them, they look like mother and children. Alex is his wife and the 3 kids are their children. The kids are so attached to her. And she also like a mother to them. This scene makes her heart dance with joy.

Jarred open Juliana's room, Alex put Julian on the bed. The bedroom is connected to Tim's study room. Baby, what happened? Why did you cry?

Because I miss auntie…, I missed you too while hugging her..did you forgot what I told you? I will come in few days, because auntie has something to do…And I also said that you follow daddy's order..

Juliana did not answer..instead she continued to cry..

Stop crying baby… don't worry I will stay by your side tonight okay…she hugged and kissed Juliana…Baby, can we sleep now? Juliana nodded. Oh..can you take a bath first and change your clothes. I will bathe you. She looked at Justin and Jarred, boys, you did well tonight, good job! Give me five! Said Alex while smiling. Continue doing that okay? You really a big brother to Juliana.

The two boys are smiling…

Can you also take a shower and change to sleeping clothes?

Okay, Auntie Alex. Can we sleep here with you too? Asked Justin

Huh?! Are you sure?

Yes, auntie.

Okay, go..take a bath first and change.

Yes! Let's go Justin!