Daddy flies by

[Good morning, sweetheart!!]

The boy suddenly awakened from the sound of a female voice, singing words that he did not comprehend.

The first face he came across was that of the lady with long messed-up hair smiling at him with her cheeks completely red.

"Ah... That's right..." he mumbled to himself, "I was given a restart..."

The lady carefully picked him up and pressed his body next to her heart in order to allow him to hear the beats and make him feel safe.

He tried his best to resist the urge to push her away due to how uncomfortable the whole situation was for him, but he didn't want to raise any suspicion, "This will take a while to get used to..."

He searched the room in order to confirm there was nobody else in there when he suddenly spotted the owl from last night staring at him while resting on top of a bookshelf.

"Oh! You're still here?" he wondered.

'I can't leave you alone until you decided to go back...' she replied. As usual, her voice echoed inside his mind as if being done through telepathy.

"I'm not going back, but I'm glad you're keeping me company while I'm still unable to talk to others!" he commented.


The lady realized the boy's gaze and quickly spotted the owl as well, [Oh, my! What a surprise! How did you get in here, little one?]

"What is she saying?"

'She's just surprised to see me... Don't mind it too much...'

"Oh! You can understand her language?"

'Of course... How many times do you think I've been to this world?'

"Ah! I see..."

Upon hearing that word, the young boy began to shiver a bit. He assumed he had been transported to another country, or perhaps even to another time period, but now was reminded that this was another world. If that was the case, what should he expect from the future life he was about to live?

"Another world... H- Hey... Miss owl... How different is this world from my old one?"

'Why? Regretting already? Feeling like going back?'

"What? No! I'm just curious..."

'Mmmm... Maybe you should find out by yourself... It might hit you harder if you realize how different this place is and how much you should return to your family!'

The boy rolled his eyes, "Fine... Don't tell me... I'm sure whatever it is I can handle..."

At that moment, the sound of a large creature roaring from the top of its lungs echoed throughout the entire area and reached all the way to the room they were in, making the ground shake and a couple of books to fall off.

'We shall see!' she giggled.

The boy was paralyzed from the shock of the noise and had no idea on how to react, "What. Was. That!!??"

[Ah!! He's back!!] the lady commented while hurrying out of the room with the baby still in her care.

The bird rushed after the two while flapping her wings and doing its best not to lose the lady, 'Get ready to meet papa, kid!'

"Say what!!??"

The lady finally reached a balcony and in the middle of the sky, soaring through the clouds like a bullet and coming towards their direction, appeared an extremely large creature of the size of a house.

At first, it was nothing but a shadow, but as it came closer and closer, its shape became easier to make.

A gigantic lizard with wings like that of a bat flapping on its back, a long neck that was almost half the size of its body and a tail just as long, two black horns on the back of its head and a series of slightly smaller ones that could be seen making a trail through its spine, scales so red that made it look like the being was on fire and eyes so orange that looked like actual fire itself.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" the boy yelled while shaking in his mother's arms, "What the hell is that!!!???"

'Your daddy!! Don't forget to give him a big hug!!' the owl laughed again while sitting on the ground next to the blond lady.

[Welcome back, my dear!!] the lady shouted while waving.

The creature was about to land on the balcony, making the frightened baby assume it was about to break it, but before its claws managed to reach the floor, it suddenly began to shrink in size and transform many of its body parts.

The claws became hands, the scales became human skin, and what was once an intimidating reptilian beast was now nothing but a man in a white suit with red hair and orange eyes.

His expression was gentle with a soft smile and calming eyes. He looked like the kind of man that was ready to listen to all your problems and help in any way he could.

"This is my father!!??" the baby barely managed to say while having its mouth wide open, "He... He is-"

'A dragon!'

"A dragon!? He's a dragon!!?? My father is a dragon!!??"


The boy went silent for a moment and then began to put two and two together, "So... My mother..."

'Also a dragon!' the owl quickly answered, and looking at the face of panic he was making almost made her burst into laughter.

"Then... That means... I am-"

'A dragon? Yeap, that's right!'

"A dragon..." he whispered with traces of his energy disappearing, "I'm a dragon... You... You restarted my life as the son of dragons!!???"

'It was either a dragon or a spider, pick your poison...'

"Why were these my only two options???"

His father soon noticed the agitated baby on the woman's arms and began to widen his eyes.

[Is that...] he mumbled.

[Our son!!] the lady responded with teary eyes, [That's our son!!]

[Our son!!!] the red-haired man responded while gently picking the baby from her and raising him up, Lion King-style, [Welcome!! My boy!!!]

The kid looked at his new father and then at his new mother. The two targets of his new goal. The ones he decided that would grant the pride that his old family could never get.

"So these two are my new parents..." he whispered.

Suddenly, the image of the big scary dragon from before that almost made him have to change his diapers began to erase itself from his mind, and all he could think of was the gentle-looking man that was now smiling at him.

[Are you ready to name him?] the mother asked while trying to stop her hair from waving with the wind.

[I was thinking about that on the way here... Maybe we should give him the name of your grandfather that took care of you after what happened to your parents...]

[Are you sure...?]

[Absolutely!] he responded, [He will be a symbol to remind us of the importance of kindness and the true meaning of affection...]

[Oh!! I love it!! Very well, my emperor!!] the mother replied while on the verge of bursting into tears.

The boy was so lost in his moment of reunion that he didn't even notice that his parents were in the middle of discussing his new name, but from reading their expressions, he could tell they were talking about something important.

[Welcome to the family... Kurt!] his mother murmured while embracing him and his father.

The old owl lady noticed how clueless the boy was and decided to let him in on what was going on, 'Congrats... You just got your new name!'

"Oh! I did!?" he commented while shifting his focus to the small bird watching them from the floor.

'You did... You sure you wanna go on with this? The longer you stay, the harder it will be to leave...'

The owl's offer made the kid consider his options for a moment and glimpses of the faces of his old family quickly flashed before his eyes. But these glimpses suddenly changed to images of them having to put up with his failures over and over again.

"I told you, I'm not leaving! My whole life I've given up on everything around me and run away from any chance to be a better person like my brother... I'm not gonna abandon these two as well..."

[Oh!! I can already tell...] the father commented while somehow sensing the determination in his son's eyes, [He's going to grow up to be a formidable beast and slaughter all of our enemies without a shred of hesitation...]

"These two are counting on me... And whatever it is they expect, I have full intention of being the best son I can be for them!"

[No prey shall escape his fangs! No foe will survive his claws! He will bathe in the blood of all his enemies and destroy everything in his path that dares to stand between our goals!!]

"I am going to make them proud!"

[He is going to make us so proud!!]

The old lady in her bird form continued to watch as the father and the son talked about their expectations for the future without being able to understand each other but still acting like they were in a surprisingly perfect synchrony.

'Oh, dear...'

[Oh! And who's this supposed to be?] the emperor commented while noticing the bird on the ground staring at the three of them.

[I'm not sure...] the mother admitted, [It just appeared in our room when I woke up...]

[Mmmm... Maybe it's an omen from the universe... Saying that goods things are ahead of us!] he considered.

'Ah... So many things I want to say in response to this comment...'

[Oh! Should we adopt it? It will make a great friend for Kurt!]

[Sounds wonderful!]

'Yeah... Wonderfull...'

"Mmm? What's wrong?"

'Your parents just made me your pet...'

"Oh! Neat! That's gonna save us a lot of trouble!"

The boy was worried that he would need to find ways to sneak out in order to talk with his owl friend, but it seems his dragon parents had no problem letting a strange bird getting so close to their baby. He assumed that dragons probably don't have to worry about diseases or things like that due to their different biology.

"Hey, how do I turn into a dragon? I wanna surprise my new parents!"

'How should I know? I'm not a dragon...'

The boy rolled his eyes, "Right... You're just an old lady that can send people's minds to another world and change your body into that of a bird... Silly me for assuming you would know something like that..."

The two parents started to walk back into the house while the baby and the feathered creature continued their chat.

'You know... For a fifteen-year-old boy, you really talk rather funny...'

Kurt just shrugged, "I wouldn't know... Never really had that many people to talk to..." he confessed, "But this time... Things will be different!

This time, I'll live my life the right way!"