A Hero for this Dragon

A Hero for this Dragon

Fantasy100 Chapters139.3K Views
Author: Breno_Ranyere
Table of Contents

His father is the emperor of all dragons.

Her soul is imprisoned inside of an indestructible armor.

Each came to this world against their will, but they now need to find each other and work together to face the looming threats that are approaching.

The young dragon and the hollow knight.

They can't save themselves, but perhaps, they can save each other!

12 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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This is such an amazing book, I'd say it's the best one I've read so far on WN. It's got action, adventure, a double transmigration and dragons! Lots and lots of dragons! Once you start reading you will not be able to put it down. The author also draws his characters that allowd us to visualise what they look like, which makes it even more special! Please keep updating!

3 years ago

What can I say about this novel? Truly an enjoyable read. Review Proper after reading up to chapter 21 Writing Quality. The narratives are clear and easy to read. There are some typos but very minimal that it won't bother you really as you read. Since the story will surely hook you right away 😌. Stability of Updates. The author has a stable update so far. Story Development. I love how everything is moving swiftly. The author writes pretty well that there is not a single dull moment of the story so far and I enjoy the development. (I wish I could do this too). Transmigration, Reincarnation, Dragons, games as you continue to read, the story gave you more to enjoy. Character Design. What I also enjoy is how each of the characters felt real, their circumstances, their goals, their beliefs, and I love how the way their emotions were executed pretty well. Even the dialogues felt so natural. World Background. Well detailed and creative. As you continue to read, you get absorbed in the world this novel has. Overall, definitely going to keep this on my colls and read the rest after work. You've got a new fan author 🙏. I will look forward to more updates. Greatly recommended!

3 years ago

Great story. Mc is our everyday teenager who get discouraged easily at first. Not to mention he isn't able to uphold himself to our societies standards. But he judges himself with those same standards. One day, when he once again found himself wondering if he is really a failure a elderly woman gets triggered. To his luck her work seems to be interesting, sending people isekai. Let's see if in this new life mc can find his sucess by becoming someone his new dragon parents will feel proud with or not. May be he will accept his defeat but anything be the outcome his journey is going to be fun. Writing Quality - It's great. I was kind of taken aback with the brackets but you get used to the writing style since it's engaging. I kind of didn't like mc's gibberish talking which didn't had a subtitle or something like that well he isn't going to be 3 years so it's a relief for me, it might be just a personal thing to. Story development - It's good so far there are some unexpected factors in the story that kept me invested in the story. The author knows how to give questions in each chapters to .ake reader anticipate for the next. Character Design - Let's talk about mc first, he has low self esteem in his first life. Consider each failure as ultimate. While next life he is hopeful, happy for new opportunity. It kind of threw me off guard when he was so ready to forget his past life but anyways I loved how he didn't got pressured by his drogon parents' expectations but found inspiration behind it. The granny really got me at edge. I don't hate her but I don't like her, I love her. She is judgemental, emotional but she is funny in a way. She cares for mc who does want to go back to his world in her own selfish way. In this story everyone seemed to have their motives even at the ocean in fight between the girl and the guy you just can't say the guy was 100% wrong for being angry. Updating stability - The author is generous 😁 don't worry. World background - It great author did some great work in this aspect. The categories between dragons, Mc's background in both the world it great. Will I recommend this story? Of course, it shows a new aspect of isekai. Keep up great work author. 👍

3 years ago

This one is going on the reading list. While the piece is standard isekai, there are enough new concepts - such as the means by which the MC goes to "another world" - that the piece feels fresh. Also, there are drangs. I like dragons, so huge plus on that front. :)

3 years ago

Dragons!!! Count me in. the world setting is quite majestic and unique. the characters are well written and dialogues are even more engaging. Looking forward to more chapters.

3 years ago

I was always into fantasy novels. The story was very engaging. The conversation between the characters felt so real. Completely enjoyed till now and will continue reading. Keep Going!!!!

3 years ago

This story is a domino effect of events expertly gravitating from bouncing activity to processing information. With every scene bringing something new to the table, the story moves along swiftly. Each chapter is better than the last as the writer continues to hone in their skill. Keep rising!

3 years ago

I'm really excited to know how you got this idea! The way you written the synopsis is attractive. Looking forward to get more and more chapters with the best updating stability.

3 years ago

I enjoyed it until the end. It was a compelling story to read with two perspectives in the same world with totallt different situations. One born as a baby while the other turned to an armor. Truly unique setting, but what I enjoyed the most was the quirky dialogues the author put up. There are still things to discover so its a recommended read with a whole lot more to offer in the future.

3 years ago

It is definitely a must-see. The character and story progression is going well. I did not encounter any disturbing situation while reading. I will be waiting for the continuation.

3 years ago

Very intriguing novel and spectacular can't wait for more chapters to be released. The novel is fabulous indeed, the story development is awesome as well as the characters.

3 years ago

This is a very intriguing story. Even though it has only been 3 chapters so far, all the signs are in place that this will be a webnovel classic. The first chapter was one hell of a wild ride, throwing the reader right into the thick of the action in a strange fantasy world as a man pursues a group of monsters who have abducted his adopted son. The action was well-written and got the story off to an explosive start. Going by the synopsis, the main portion of the story has not yet started and appears to be mainly the backstory at this point, but what is here is top quality and really grabs the reader right from the start. I am eager to see where the author takes it next. This is definitely one to keep an eye on!

4 years ago