School drama

Kurt and the girl with chestnut skin and long white hair were staring at each other without moving a muscle.

He looked like he was ready to go to war with an intense glare and a shaking fist. She looked like she was having the time of her life while smiling at him with her arms crossed.

"Whatever stupid problem you have with her... I want you to drop it. Now!" he ordered.

"And what if I don't want to?" she laughed.

"If you have a problem with her, then you will have a problem with me as well!"

The girl's smile became even wider, making Kurt's piercing gaze turn even more intense.

"You have no idea who I am... Do you?" she whispered.

"Why...? Should I be afraid of you?"

The two boys behind her were nervously looking at the situation unsure of what they should do. Gaby as well was completely lost while trying to lift herself up.

"Say..." the smiling girl mumbled, "Wanna be my opponent in today's combat class?"

Kurt raised an eyebrow. He really didn't want to pick a fight with a girl in front of everyone two days in a row, but if that would help them stop bothering Gaby, he had no reason to refuse.


"Great!! I'll look forward to it! Let's go, boys!" she shouted before climbing up the stairs with the two kids walking right behind her.

Kurt released a deep sigh and turned around to look at the state Gaby was in. She was still a little wet from the prank of earlier today and had a couple of scratches on her body because of the rock attacks.

Although, strangely enough, her face was screaming more confusion rather than pain.

Kurt didn't really know why she was looking at him that way but he just ignored it while slowly raising his palm to reach her.

"What are you doing!?" Gaby screamed while grabbing his wrist.

"I'm just going to heal you!" he explained.

"Heal me?"

"Yes! Didn't you see? I'm a psychic healing dragon. I can summon a special flame that can fix any wound as long as the one receiving it is still alive."

Gaby widened her eyes and began to look down as if she was solving some sort of math problem.


"Ah!" his voice brought her back to reality and caused her to push his arm away from her, "I told you to stay away from me!!"

"I just wanted to help!!"

"Help!? After all you did?? You are the reason I'm in this state right now!! The entire school always despised me, but thanks to your little stunt, they now keep coming after me like I'm some easy prey! You ruined everything!!"

"I... I'm sorry! I know! I know I messed up... But I want to fix it!"

"Ha! Fix it?" she laughed, "Then why don't you go back in time and prevent us from ever meeting each other?"

Kurt began to shake his shoulders, "Would you just accept my help already?? I told you I'm on your side!!"

"And I told you I want nothing to do with you!!"

"If it wasn't for me, these guys would have trashed you!"

"If it wasn't for you, they would never even have tried!!" she replied, "If only you weren't here... Everything was great before you showed up!! I wish you would just disappear already!!"

After that, the girl walked away from him and rushed towards the direction of their class.

Kurt stood there for a moment before walking to the bottom of the stair and taking a seat there.

"Uuuuugh..." he groaned.

Dorothy soon arrived and took a seat by his side. Once again, not trying to rest on his head while he already had so much to worry about.

'So... That went well...'

[She still hates me...]

'Wouldn't you hate you in her place?'

[I don't know... I don't know anything anymore...] he confessed, [I assumed she would be happy just by having someone stand up for her... That was all I ever wanted when I was in her place...]

'Dorothy began to ponder for a moment before starting to talk once again using the telepathic link, 'Were you?''


'Were you really in her place?' she repeated, 'Is Gaby really who you were back in your old life?'

[What do you mean...?]

'You said Gaby was like you because both of you were suffering from being alone... Right? But Gaby doesn't remind me of you at all...' Dorothy explained, 'Can you guess why?'

Kurt closed his eyes and began to think about their situations.

In his old life, Kurt would always give up and run away from things before even trying since he never felt he had a reason to try hard at anything.

Gaby, on the other hand, seems like she is trying hard at everything. Be it the studies, the combat, or being challenged by others, she never seems to back down from anything.

They were both alone, but the looks in their eyes were completely different.

Kurt opened his eyes and gave his response, [Gaby doesn't regret being alive...]


[She still hasn't given up even after all that happened... She must have something that is keeping her going despite all of these things...]

Dorothy then began to think back to all the books about poison she always carries with her and how shocked she was when she saw Kurt had the ability to heal.

'Something... Or someone...' she mumbled.



"Dude..." Trevor whispered while looking to be on the verge of tears as he greeted Kurt once he walked into the classroom, "What did you do!!??"

Kurt's head was such a jumbled mess right now that he couldn't even answer that question properly, "I don't know... What did I do? I have kinda been on a roll lately..."

"You picked a fight with Saramin! What were you thinking???" Trevor asked while shaking the red-haired boy back and forth.

"Who the hell is Saramin???"

"You don't know??"

"How could I know?? I only know the name of two people in this entire place, and you're one of them!"

"Oh, my dragon lord... There!!" Trevor pointed with his index at someone sitting right in front of the class, "That's Saramin!"

Kurt looked at who he was talking about. It was the lass that was throwing rocks at Gaby with her two friends. Right now, she was surrounded by a group of circles chatting while waiting for the next lesson to start.

"Oh... Yeah, I did... It just kinda happened..."

"Do you know who she is?"

"Someone very important to cause such a reaction from you, I assume?"

"She's the number one student of our classes after Gaby. These two are basically rivals! And you just placed yourself in between them!!"

"Wait... Our class has the top two students of the whole school?" Kurt commented.

"Actually, it has the top twenty-six..."


"Well, yeah..." Trevor approached in order to whisper inside his ear, "You're the son of the emperor, man! Of course, they were going to set you up in the best class of the academy! People might not know where you come from but they know you're a big deal, just like them!"

"I see... So that makes me number twenty-seven, then?"

"Ahh... No. You only get your position after the first month of exams. Until there, you are not even on the list. But people will still keep an eye on you to see how good you really are."

"I see..." Kurt commented while trying to pretend to care, not that his face was doing a good job of showcasing his acting skills.

"So... Why are you challenging Saramin? The whole class now thinks you're going down the list and picking fights with all of the best students."

"She and her lackeys were harassing Gaby so I asked her to stop. Then she just challenged me out of nowhere and I decided to accept it cause I was pissed..."

Trevor raised his head and stared at the owl on Kurt's head.

"And Dorothy just let you?"

"Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!" the bird replied.

Kurt made a grumpy face and translated her words, "She said that I'm too stubborn to listen to anything she says, so maybe getting my ass kicked a second time will calm me down a bit..."

Trevor released a small sigh and suddenly began to feel bad for the owl, "You had it rough... Haven't you?"

"Hoot! Hoot!"

"She said you have no idea..." Kurt grumbled while wondering why were these two so in sync, "Ah... By the way, Trevor... Do you know if Gaby has some sick relative or friend?"

"Wha...? What kind of question is that...? Do I look like I'm anywhere close enough to her to know something like that?"

"Ah... Sorry..." Kurt lowered his head, "It's just..."

"She has a younger brother..." a female voice suddenly joined the conversation.

"What?" Kurt asked before turning to see who it was.

It looked like a young boy with gentle features wearing a hoodie, a couple of earrings, and holding a calm gaze.

"Gaby has a little brother that she takes care of. Her parents are away from home so it's just the two of them" the person spoke one more time.

"Ah... Thank you...?" Kurt was so caught off guard by the sudden information from this complete stranger that he didn't even know how to react.

"Kurt, that's Nala!" Trevor explained, "She's my sister!"

"Ah... Hello... Wait, sister?" Kurt asked before gazing at her clothes and noting that she was wearing the male uniform with long baggy pants instead of the regular female uniform with shorts, causing him to mistake her for a guy.

"She likes to wear guy's clothes. It's just her thing, don't mind it much..."

"Oh... Okay..."

"Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!" Dorothy began to talk while leaning her head forward and tilting to the die.

"Dorothy says you look familiar and is asking if we've met before..." Kurt translated.

Trevor instantly flinched and began to sweat but Nala just remained calm, "I like to dress like the boys to help me blend in without calling attention. She might have mistaken me for one of them."

Kurt gave a good glance at her one more time but couldn't recall meeting her before, "Mmm... Yeah, that was probably it..."

"Anyway, I heard you talking about Gaby and thought I would give you a hand. Sorry for intruding."

"Ah! Not at all! Thanks for the help!"

"Don't mention it! See you later, brother!" Nala commented before returning to her seat.

Kurt began to ponder for a bit, "She doesn't seem to hate Gaby..."

"I told you... Some people are just indifferent. But it would still be better for you not to involve yourself too much with her!"

"Why's that?"

"She still has a lot of kids from our class viewing her as their number one enemy. And after what you did, they feel like they finally have permission to go after her! If you start to stay by her side now, they will think you cowered in fear after getting beaten and might come after you as well!

The whole school will become your enemy!"

Kurt finished hearing that scary information and began to stare at the front of the class, noticing that Gaby was still absent. Meanwhile, Saramin suddenly turned around and meet his gaze, causing her to smile and make a 'You're dead!' sign with her finger sliding her neck.

That small gesture made Kurt pop a vein on his forehead.

"Then let them come!"