What are you doing?

"Listen... I want you all to stop picking on Gaby!" Kurt asked while standing in the middle of his classroom.

All of the students exchanged a look with one another and then proceeded to stare at him.

"Eh? Why would we do that?"

"Especially now that we finally managed to cause some real damage! I mean... Did you see her face? I bet she's in the bathroom bawling he eyes out right now!"

"Yeah, man! This is a turning point for us! You don't know what was like to study with miss perfect all these years! Don't ruin this for us!"

Kurt could not believe what he was hearing, "So none of you care if she gets hurt?"

"Hurt? It's just a harmless prank..."

"If she really hated it so much, she should ask us to stop it herself!"

"Yeah! By next week, I bet she won't even remember what we did..."

The boy began to feel like he was speaking in another language the more he stayed in that room. The fact that not a single one of them could comprehend why their actions could be so damaging started to scare him.

He had to keep in mind that every one person here would obtain the power to turn into a giant flying fire-breathing lizard in the future. Would they really be okay while growing up with this kind of mentality?

"Okay, class, let's all go to your seats!" the teacher commented as he entered the room, causing them all to disperse and sit down, leaving Kurt standing still while letting the reality of the situation sink in,

The professor noticed the lad frozen in place and began to worry about him.

"Kurt...? Is everything okay?"

"Ah..." Kurt muttered. What should he say in that situation? Should he ask for help from the teachers and the principal? But what would he say? That the entire class was picking on one girl? That would only make all the kids turn on him as well.

"Kurt...?" the teacher asked again.

The boy could feel the gazes of everyone piercing his skin, wondering if he was gonna sell them out.

"S- Sorry... I don't feel so good... May I go to the infirmary?" he asked.

"Ah! Seems like you still haven't fully recovered from yesterday's fight that I heard so much about..."

'The teachers know about the fight?' Kurt though. That caused him to wonder just how much did they also know.

"Very well. Just try to be here for next period!"

"Thank you!"

The boy picked up Dory and stormed out of the room.

As he rushed through the hallways, he noticed a trio of students, two boys and one girl, laughing at each other while walking at his direction.

"Hey! Excuse me!" Kurt shouted.

"Oh, hey! It's the new kid that duked out with Gaby! Nice one, man!" one of the boys, a large kid with a wide torso and arms but of a short height with a bandana around his forehead circling his wild spiky black hair.

"Ah! I hear about you! You really got guts, dude!" the other boy mentioned, a tall but thin lad with glasses with blond hair that reached all the way to his chin.

"No kidding! I was surprised when I heard you were still in one piece! Nice job!" the girl added, a young lady with long white hair, chocolate skin, and piercing blue eyes.

"Ah... Thanks... I guess..." Kurt mumbled, "Did any of you saw where Gaby went by any chance?"

All three of them began to smile at each other.

"Yeah, she just walked past us while completely wet and carrying a bunch of papers. Was that you? Did you get some revenge after what she did?" the girl wondered.

"What? No! Two girls from my class did that! Anyway, did you see where she went?"

The girl placed her index above her limps and began to tilt her head, "Mmmm... I think she was going to the library!"

"Great, thanks!!"

Kurt then immediately started to run one more time while he and the trio began to gain some distance from each other.

"What do you think he wants with Gaby...?" the boy with a bandana asked.

"You think he's going to get some payback? I kinda wanna watch it if it is!" the lad with blond hair mentioned.

"Me too!" the girl added, "And he did get his ass kicked last time. So maybe he might need some help! Let's follow him!!"

"On it!" x2



Kurt finally reached the academy's library and was received by the sound of an ongoing discussion happening inside.

"I told you, I can't do anything about it!"

"But it wasn't my fault!! They were the ones who threw water on me!!"

"I'm sorry, but they were placed under your care, so it's your responsibility to pay for them!"

"This isn't fair!! I don't have this kind of money just lying around! Why you don't charge them for it??"

"The books were placed under your name, young lady!"

Kurt opened the doors and found Gaby glaring at the receptionist, an old lady in her late sixties with glasses who seemed to be fighting some kind of headache. She widened her eyes for a moment upon seeing a kid with a strange beast resting on top of his head coming in.

Or maybe she was just fighting Gaby, the two were pretty similar...

"Hey, what's going on?" Kurt asked as he approached the two.

Gaby turned around and her mood instantly began to worsen, "Oh for the love of- Are you stalking me or something? What do you want now??"

Kurt flinched and raised his palms in an attempt to let her know he was coming in peace, "Hey, hey, I was just worried if you were okay."

"No, I'm not 'okay'!! That idiotic duo ruined my books and I needed them! Plus, this old lady won't let me exchange for new ones!" Gaby shouted while placing the wet papers on the balcony.

"You should be more concerned about how you are planning to pay for those, little girl!" the old lady grumbled.

"I'm not gonna pay for something that wasn't my fault!!"

"Then you better get the hell out of my library, before I put you in jail!! And stop dripping all over my floor!!"


Kurt was surprised that Gaby hadn't bursted into an explosion of lightning by now, but she was probably trying to hold it in due to water on her at the moment. Who knows what could happen.

"Everyone in this academy is so useless!!" Gaby shouted while stomping her way out.

"Gaby!! Gaby, wait!" Kurt tried to beg as she walked right by him.

He rushed to the balcony while she exited the place and began to chat with the receptionist.

"How much is her debt?" he asked.

The old lady raised an eyebrow and picked a piece of paper that had the sum of all products added together.

"Is it okay if I pay for this in her place?"

"You want to give your money for that little troublemaker?"

"Well..." Kurt lowered his head, "It was kinda my fault as well..."

"Well... I guess it doesn't really make a difference where the money comes from... Money is money."


The old lady then raised her palm before he could say another word, "But she still can't come back here! She was rude, disrespectful with school property, and careless. I can't trust her with our products anymore..."

"I... I see..."

"Sorry kid."

Kurt walked out of the library and took a long sigh while wondering how he was going to make it up to her.

'It's none of your business...' Dorothy reminded.

[I know...]

'She didn't ask for your help...'

[I know!]

'You're getting yourself involved with someone who wants nothing to do with you!'

[I know!!! But I can't help it, okay!!]

Dorothy and Kurt stayed silent for a few moments before the kid finally got a new idea.

"The library on our house!! Maybe she can find the books she's looking for in there! I just need to convince her to-"


The sudden noise of Gaby screaming interrupted his thought process and caused him to jolt after her in a panic.

[What was that!!??]

'Maybe she's venting her anger by playing karaoke...'

Kurt arrived at the bottom of the stairs to the second floor and found Gaby knocked out on the ground with pieces of debris scattered around her.

"Gaby!" Kurt shouted.

"Oh, hey! You finally arrived!" a female voice called him out.

Kurt gazed at the stair and observed the trio from before standing still while looking at him with wide grins on their faces.

"You guys? What did you do??"

"We followed your example!" the boy with wide features responded, "From now on, we aren't running away from anyone!"

"Yeah! If something or someone is bothering us, we will just go ahead and take it down!" the blond lad commented.

"Hear that, Gaby?" the girl with white hair shouted, "The school doesn't belong to you anymore!"

Gaby herself tried to stand up while kicking away the debris, but the kid with a bandana and spiky hair just raised his hands and began to collect pieces of rock around him that gathered in one place until they formed a large boulder.

"Launch it!" the girl ordered.

The boulder was then sent flying and crashed right in front of Gaby, destroying her footing and making her fall backwards.


"Stop it!!!" Kurt screamed, "Have you guys gone crazy? You could kill her!!"

The three of them lost all emotion on their faces and began to stare at him.

"So?" x3

Kurt started to glare at them, "What do you mean 'so'?? What has she ever done to you??"

"She beat me in combat class last year..." the large kid replied.

"She got a better score than me in biology..." the thin kid replied.

"She didn't accept my invitation to join my group of friends when I asked her..." the white-haired lass replied.

Kurt's eyes began to lose all hope, "That's it?? How is any of that her fault??"

"Of course it's her fault... Who else would it be?" the lass responded, "Come on, shoot her again! I wanna see her pretty face falling again! Hehehe!"

The boy repeated his previous action and formed another boulder with his hands, and without even waiting for Gaby to stand up, launched it in her direction one more time.

Kurt pushed Dorothy away from him and, without knowing what else to do, jumped in the trajectory of the attack and received it directly into his stomach.

"Gaaaaahhhh!!!!" he screamed as the rock crashed into his torso and broke apart into pieces, bringing him to his knees.

'Kurt!!!!' Dorothy yelled.

"Dude!!" the blond lad gasped, "You hit the new kid!!"

"It wasn't my fault! That guy just jumped in like a lunatic."

Kurt pressed his palm against his skin and began to fix the wound he had just received.

The girl with white hair looked with her mouth open as a flame appeared to erase his injury, leaving only the holes in his shirt as evidence of what happened, "Healing fire..."

Gaby heard those words and began to stare at him.

Once Kurt was fully recovered, he raised his face and started to glare at them one more time.

"Get lost... Now!"

The two boys began to shiver, but the girl just walked up to him whit her arms crossed and a smile on her face, "Or what?"