The missing girl V

It was the moment of truth.

"Are you ready, miss armor?"

"I... I think so, Thomas..." the girl inside the empty armor replied.

Thomas and the lass were standing on the limit he traced with his branch of how far the girl was able to go before being stopped by some invisible force.

A theory was formed that what was keeping her locked was the giant oak that stood on top of the hill. Thomas argued that the tree was a being known as 'Ruler', some kind of living creature that was responsible for bringing the girl to this world and that had to stay close to her at all times.

But now, the oak had completely vanished and in its place, there was a claymore, a huge sword that was so sharp it could possibly cut the air itself.

"If this doesn't work... What do we do?" she hesitated.

Thomas simply grabbed her hand, "Then we will find another way! And we will just keep trying over and over until we succeed!"

"Okay..." she whispered, "Okay, let's do this!"

The girl finally raised her leg while carrying the claymore in her right hand, gave a step forward and...

"I still can't move..." she commented.

"What!?" Thomas gasped.

The man was sure he had figured out the problem but even after all that, he still failed to help her when she needed him the most.

"No, no, no, no! This can't be!!" he cried, "I was so sure of it!! Miss armor... I'm so sorry... I- Huh?"

Before he could go on with his apology, the black knight began to hold her stomach while turning her face away.

"Mi- Miss armor...?"

"I'm sorry!! Kikiki!! I couldn't resist!!" she admitted while turning back and revealing a laughing sound as she proceeded to jump back and forth between the inside and the outside of the limit, "Gotcha!!"

Thomas just stood there perplexed while the lady started to run around all over the place.

"Its... It's gone? The prison is gone?" he risked to ask.

"It's all gone!!! Thomas, you did it!!!" she screamed with the most joyful tone he ever heard coming from her.

"I... I did it??"

"You did it!!!!" she repeated while coming closer to him and holding him in a tight hug, "You did it! You did it! You did it!! Hahahahahaha!! I'm freeeeee!"

"You're free!!"

"I'm free!!"

The two of them began to dance and run and laugh around the hill like a pair of little kids. The girl was honestly starting to believe she would live and die on that hill, assuming she could even still die as an armor, and Thomas was beginning to panic dreading what could happen when the next game started.

"I'm finally out!! I'm finally out of that godforsaken hill!! I can go anywhere I want! I can all to anyone I want!! I can finally live my life again!!" she began to scream while going down the path, "Of course I'm still a weird-ass walking talking armor, and that by itself is its own set of problems but... Who cares!!? I'm finally out!! Hahahahahaha!!"

Thomas was feeling so proud of himself. All he did was talk with that girl for a little while, but that conversation was all she needed to find the solution to one of her problems, and now she acted as if she was in heaven. He clearly underestimated how much she hated staying on that hill every single day, making him wonder just how long has she been there for.

"Miss armor, I know you're happy, but please don't forget what we talked about..." he tried to remind.

"Eh...? Oh, right! That strange game of capture the flag or whatever it is..." she mumbled, "Yeah, sure whatever! I just have to beat up some idiots and ask for the game to stop, right? No biggie! I've been beating up morons all month! So bring it on!! Goblins, dragons, or elves!! Anyone wants to face me, just come at me and-"


The two of them suddenly froze as they heard the strange sound of some kind of creature howling out of nowhere.

The armored lady and the white-haired and bearded man exchanged glances and then lifted their heads at the same time to observe a strange shadow circling the clouds.

It looked like a giant crocodile without frontal legs soaring through the sky with a set of four wings that were double its own size. Three massive horns could be seen sticking out from its forehead like a crow. The entire beast seemed to be the size of two trucks piled on top of each other.

The lady in armor immediately cleared her throat and began to whisper in the lowest voice she could produce, "What are the odds he didn't hear that last statement...?"

"We should run..." Thomas bluntly replied.

"Yes, probably..."

Even though the two of them agreed, but before they could even give another step, the figure dropped from the sky like a meteor and raised a gigantic pile of smoke in the middle of the mountain a couple of feet away from where they were standing.

The impact was so powerful that almost ended up sending the two of them flying away, but the girl and the warrior managed to hold on while using the claymore craved into the soil to keep them from being blow away.

Once the smoke started to clear up, both of them managed to get a good look at the beast up close, and it was even more terrifying than they imagined.

"Thomas... Is this what you were talking about before...?" the lady whispered, "The faction that was on top or something..."

"Y- Yes... The dragon faction... T- That's one of them..."

Thomas was trembling like a cellphone o vibration. The girl couldn't blame him. The beast in front of them was massive and just its stare was enough to make her ran away and hide as well. The girl was sure that if she still had blood in her body, it would have completely vanished from her face right now.

"I think I'm going to faint..." she confessed.

"Please don't!! You're the only one who can fight something like that!!"

"F- F- Fight!? Me!!?? T- That thing!!??"

The dragon raised its claw and proceeded to then drop it on top of the two as if it was squashing a pair of bugs.

The girl reacted on instinct and raised her claymore to block the paw coming right at her.

"Ugh!!" she cried upon receiving the full impact of a dragon's claw. The power was so big that her legs ended up getting buried on the terrain.

"Miss Armor!! You can do it!!" Thomas screamed.

"Easy for... You... To... Say!!!" she murmured while trying to push the claw back.

She knew she was way stronger than a regular person, but even with her power, holding out that par was taking everything out of her.

"Knock. It. OFF!!!!" she shouted while swinging her blade to send the claw away and proceeding to stab its arm with it.

"GROAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" the colossal beast cried while twitching in pain.

"You managed to harm it!!" Thomas yelled while fist-bumping the air.

"Uuhh... Yay...?"

"Don't stop now!! Keep at it!!"

"What should I do??"

"Stab it again!! In the heart or the head!!"

"Eeww... That's gro- Guaaahhh!!" the girl cried as she was sent flying by the creature's tail who just slapped her out of nowhere while she was distracted, sending her rolling down the hill.

"Miss Armor!!"

She kept spiraling out of control until a large rock appeared in her path and stopped her momentum.

"Ah... So that's what it feels like to be thrown out of that hill..." she commented while trying to stand up as the world around her still continued to spin. If she still had a stomach, she would probably be throwing up right about now.

"Look out!!!" Thomas' voice suddenly echoed through the air.

He was trying to alert her of the dragon that was chasing after her while flapping its four gigantic bat-like wings.

"Holy mother of God!!" the girl gasped.

She tried to jump out of the way with a powerful leap and managed to escape the monster's attempt at grabbing her. Her jump strength was much higher than she expected as she managed to almost reach a cloud.

"No way... I'm way stronger than I imagined..."

Due to always being stuck inside of that prison, the girl never really got the chance to fully enjoy her surroundings due to her limited area of movement, but at that moment, she managed to get a nice full view of the land beyond the mountain, and it was a beautiful green grassy scenery.

"Whoooaa..." she whispered, hardly believing what she was seeing.

But her moment was short-lived as the dragon appeared once again coming from below her with its mouth wide open revealing all of its extremely sharp fangs to her.

"DUDE!! What is your deal!!??" she complained.

The dragon did not reply and simply opened its jaws even wider to unleash a hellish storm of flames in her direction.

"Miss Armor!!!!"

For the first time, the girl was scared or shocked, she was annoyed. Being stuck on that hill for so long had completely drained her away from her ability to enjoy a good view, and just when she was about to regain that sensation, this beast showed up and interrupted her.

"You wanna fight me so bad? Then fine!! Have it your way!!" she stated.

Her hands began to hold a firm grasp on the claymore. She stared at the wall of fire coming right at her, raised her blade, and swung it down with one vertical slash that managed to split the flames away using the wind pressure alone.

"Are you serious!!??" Thomas gasped.

The dragon was so focused on unleashing its fire that it didn't even have time to react to the black armor dropping on top of him with its sword aimed straight to its head.

"Here!! Let me give you an extra horn!!" she shouted while piercing the creature's skull with her claymore.

"KROOOOOAAAAAAAARGHHHH!!!!" the dragon yelled with the full power of its lungs as the imaginable pain spread all over its being.

The giant began to twitch and spin around trying to free itself the blade, but the lady would simply push it down even more to make sure it couldn't escape her.

At long last, it couldn't take it anymore and finally fell on the ground defeated.

Thomas watched as his new hero rised from the carcass of the stabbed beast after pulling her sword ut and using her shoulder to hold it.

"You... You did it!!!" he yelled.

"Yeah... I think I'm traumatized for the rest of my life and will probably never be able to live like a normal person again but... Yeah... I did it!"

Thomas' face was red like an apple. Never before he had seen such a magnificent sight as he looked at the black female knight carrying her weapon that was used to take down a beast several times her size.

"Damn! I think I might be in love! Haha!"

"Careful now... I'm still a minor..." she laughed back.

"I'm serious miss Armor! You have any idea what you just did? With your power, we now finally have a real chance against the- Guaaaahhkk!!"

The girl's voice cracked as she witnessed Thomas getting stabbed in the stomach by some strange man in a black veil that appeared out of nowhere without making a single sound.

"THOMAAAAS!!!" she screamed in horror.

"Mi... Miss... Ar... Mor...." he whispered before falling dead on the ground.

The girl switched her gaze of agony aimed at the fallen Thomas to a glare of fury aimed at the strange man that killed him.

"Sorry about that... You two seemed like you would be at it for a while and I'm kinda in a hurry..." the man in veil commented while cleaning the blood out of his hands.

Both of his palms had the shape of a dragon claw instead of regular human hands.

"You... What did you do!!??? Who are you!!??" the knight cried.

"My name is Lian Garen... And I'm here to destroy the ruler that brought you to this world!"