Glad we are on the same side

Kurt was surprised in the following day when he began his route towards the academy and found Trevor waiting for him in the middle of the road.

"Oh, hey... What are you doing here?"

"Well, you know, I was worried you might still be upset after what happened and might need someone by your side to keep you company" Trevor explained while trying to force a gentle smile.

Kurt didn't seem to react much but he wasn't particularly against the idea, "Oh, thanks."

Trevor was then startled by the sudden behavior of Dorothy who just started to flap her wings repeatedly.

"What's wrong??" the boy wondered.

Kurt began to speak in his usual gibberish speech that Trevor could never comprehend and then proceeded to explain what was going on, "Dory said that I'm never alone since she's always by my side."

"Ah... I see... My mistake then..."

Trevor really could not comprehend the relationship between these two. He knew Kurt was a guest for the faction game and that Dorothy was his ruler, but as far as he knew, Kurt himself was not aware of it. He couldn't help but wonder just how was this boy raised with no one ever binging that topic up.

As the three of them continued their travel, Trevor took a risk in trying to get some answers on how the son f the emperor was treated over the years.

"So... Kurt... Your mother, she seems very nice!"

"Ah... Thanks..."

"Are you two close?"

"I guess...? Aside from Dorothy, she's basically the only one who ever talks to me."

"Really? What about the emperor?"

"Oh, dad doesn't really spend much time at home... He has..." Kurt twisted his face for a moment, "Other business to attend to..."

"I see... He must be a really busy guy after all..."

"Yeah... Really busy... With many, many things to take care of..."

Trevor judged from the way Kurt was speaking as he used a rash voice and an annoyed face that he didn't really want to talk about that anymore, so he tried to change the topic.

"But still... A prince, huh? Must be quite the life! All those servants doing whatever you want any time of the day! All that money to buy anything you wish for! And that huge mansion all for yourself! You must feel very lucky!"

Kurt's expression began to turn even darker, "I don't really interact much with the servants. Mother told me to be careful not to get too close to anyone in case one might be a spy in disguise, so I always feel like I'm being watched... You know how it feels, being so close to people you can't trust?"

Trevor forced a laugh, "C- Can't say that I do... Haha... Must be rough..."

"As for the money, I don't really have anything I want to buy since I'm never allowed to leave the mansion without permission nor do I really have anyone to do things with. I once considered buying ball, but I would have no one to play..."

"Couldn't you play with your mother?"

Kurt began to shiver all of a sudden upon hearing that suggestion, "God, no... Mother doesn't understand the concept of holding back... Any time she needs to get physical like when she gives me combat lessons, I would feel like I was getting one step closer to my own death..."

Trevor's expression turned pale, "R- Really!? Haha... Good to know... B- Better not piss her off, then..."

"And as for the mansion... It was cool at first but after a while, you just kinda wanna get out of there and never come back..."

"I see..."

"Sorry, I'm sounding like a spoiled brat who complaints just for the sake of complaining right?"

The black-haired boy just shrugged, "Eh... It's your life, you have the right to not like it if you don't like it. Personally, I can list more than a dozen people that would give up an arm to switch places with you but... Who am I to judge?"

Kurt wasn't sure if he was trying to compliment or insult him, but it seemed like Trevor didn't really care that much, so at least that was a piece of good news.

"Thanks! I honestly got worried for a moment that you would start to look at me differently after finding out who I was... But you've been pretty chill about the whole thing! Thanks!" Kurt commented while finally showing a positive mood for the first time today.

"Hey, don't mention it!"

"I was really lucky that you were the first friend I made!"

"There is no such a thing as luck in this world! We make our own destiny!"

Kurt laughed, "So you think it was destiny that we met?"

"Only the future will tell!"

Trevor was about to start laughing again but one look at Dorothy's gaze, piercing him like a dagger, made him realize that he was having way more fun with his little act than he should.

The lad began to feel like he was stuck in the middle of a dispute between two divorced parents as he had to worry about not angering the empress or Kurt's little flying pet beast since they both appeared to care much about him.

"Ah... I'm totally gonna die..." he whispered.





"Hey, guys!! The new kid is here!!!"

Kurt was immediately greeted by a group of students who rushed to receive him as if he was some kind of superstar.

Around ten to twenty boys and girls around their age barricading the entrance so they could talk to him.

"Are you gonna fight her again? You got so close last time!"

"Do you need help coming up with a new strategy? We can give some ideas!"

"How are you planning to challenge her this time? Are you just gonna come up to her and call her out or you gonna make an ambush?"

Kurt couldn't grasp what he was seeing or hearing. The kids acted like wild dogs hunting their prey.

"Guys, guys, what are you talking about?"

"Gaby!" one of the kids replied, "You plan to fight her one more time right? We all are rooting for you!!"

"What!?" Kurt gasped, "Why would I fight her again?"

All of the kids exchanged looks with one another for a moment before turning to him again.

"Why not? You almost had her! You got closer than anyone!"

"But I don't have a problem with her anymore!" Kurt tried to explain. But the kids just took this as a chance to list all the reasons why they disliked her.

"Are you kidding? Dude, she's the worst!"

"She always acts like she's better than us just because she has good grades and can fight well!"

"She never talks to any of us and always sends us away when we try to talk to her!"

"Everyone knows how annoying and self-centered she is! That's why she has no friends and everyone hates her!"

Kurt simply stood there listening to everyone badmouthing Gaby as if she was some kind of monster that terrorized the hallways of the academy, causing Kurt to feel like there was a large gap between him and them regarding how they viewed people.

"Is that all you guys see when you look at her...?" he asked.

"Well... What do you see?"

Kurt looked into the class and noticed that Gaby was just sitting in there by herself all the way in the back while reading a book. A couple of kids that were inside of the classroom were forming some sort of group and giggling to themselves while giving some extremely not-so-subtle glances at her.

"I see someone that could use a friend..." he responded while entering the room and moving towards her direction.

The students observed him whispering whether or not he was going to challenge her again.

"Hey, Gaby..." Kurt greeted upon reaching her seat. The same one he used all day yesterday. The one that made it incredibly hard to listen to anything the teachers were saying for him who didn't know how to use enhanced senses yet.

"You got your seat back, now beat it..." she replied without even looking at him and keeping her gaze on her book.

Just like before, she was carrying plenty of books about poisonous talents and venomous dragons.

"Listen... I just want to start over!"

"Start over...?"

Kurt had waited all day for this moment. Unlike the restart of his second life that came to him out of nowhere when he least expected, this time he was fully prepared to make things right by his own will by trying to fix his relationship with Gaby.

"I think I know what you're going through... And that maybe I could help you! I'm on your side"

Gaby suddenly widened her eyes and finally looked at him, "What did you say??"

"I said-"

"Got her!!!" two girls that had managed to sneak behind Gaby's seat without anyone noticed suddenly shouted as they poured a bucket of water that they were carrying with them all over her and her books.

"What the hell are you doing!!??" Kurt screamed.

"We are giving you some backup! Not bad, right?" one of them answered as the two high-fived each other.

Kurt just watched with his mouth wide open as Gaby, who didn't even flinch or screamed, slowly turned her gaze to her books and realized that they were all completely ruined.

"How does it feel to be at the bottom for once, cloud face? Hahahahaha!!"

The whole class then started to laugh upon hearing the nickname that Kurt used to insult her before.

"G- Gaby... I..." the boy tried to say, but the girl simply stood up and grabbed her wet pieces of paper.

"So happy to have you on my side..." she whispered while walking out of the room.

"Gaby! Wait!! I didn't-"

She suddenly turned around and glared at him, "Don't. Talk. To me!"

All of the class watched as she proceeded to leave as Kurt began to tremble his fists the more he heard their laughter.

"What is wrong with you people!!??" he yelled.

"What do you mean? She's the jerk, man! We're just standing up to her!"

"Yeah! Those who are oppressed need to stick together!"

"We are gonna bring her down and put an end to her tyranny! We will never be afraid of her again!"

There was nothing but joy and pride in their faces. These people weren't acting as if they had just attacked a defenseless kid, they were acting as if they had just won against some kind of great evil by joining forces.

He was reminded of Dorothy's words and finally understood the great wall he was going to need to overcome.

Meanwhile, Trevor couldn't help but watch as the clear distance between Kurt and the rest of the class' train of thought started to form itself in his mind, making him worry about where this might lead and if he was going to be okay.

"Oh... This won't end well..."