Return to school life

"So, how did it go?" Trevor asked as he and Kurt closed their notebooks once the lesson of dragon history was over.

Kurt couldn't stop grinning with joy, "Aaaahh... It's so nice to finally be able to hear what the teacher is saying! I'm glad to have this seat back! Even though I felt a little lost from missing two days of lesson..."

Trevor just patted him in the back to try to cheer him up, "Don't worry about it. You will pick things up soon enough! Also, if you want, I can give you some help with biology!"

"Even though it's basic biology?"

"Of course! I always love going back to the basics! It feels nostalgic!"

Kurt could relate. He was reminded of times where he would go back to an old game he had already beaten and start with a new level one character setting even though he already knew all the ins and outs of the experience. There was something really rewarding about trying something again once you already mastered it.

"Cool! So, you wanna meet up after school? We can form a study group!" Kurt suggested.

"Sounds good! You wanna invite Gaby and Sara as well?"

"Gaby and Sara...?"

"Yeah! Saramin probably knows more about dragon flames than most of us here! She's always studying the different types in order to better prepare in case she gets to memorize them for a fight!" Trevor commented.

"Ah! I see."

"And Gaby can give you some hints on combat lessons and on how to enhance your senses in case something like the seat incident ever happens again. You know how much experience she has in fighting."

"Makes sense!" Kurt nodded, "So that covers biology, flames, and combat... Only thing left would be history. Is anyone here good at that category?"

"Well..." Trevor looked around nervously, "There is but..."

Kurt was confused by his reaction for a moment, but then understood what he meant.

"Ah... Right... The rest of the class is still on the fence on how they feel about me." he assumed.

"You did send out a lot of mixed signals..." Trevor noted.

"Yeah, that's fair."

Kurt realized that he was so focused on Gaby and her situation in these last few days that he had completely forgotten about his own image.

Thinking back, he probably was in a good place early on when he tried to stand up to Gaby, the class' number one enemy, but that all crumbled once he began to take her side against everyone, causing Saramin to be the new hero.

But now, he, Gaby, and even Saramin were all on good terms, so the question was still in the air on whether the students would be willing to accept him.

He most likely could ask Sara for help so she could put up a good word on his behalf, but he didn't want to bother her with something that he himself caused.

For some reason, after sensing what he was feeling, Dorothy began to sing inside his head.

'Give me a 'Hy'. Give me a 'Po'. Give me a 'Cry'. Give me a 'Te'!! What does that all make??' she blurted, 'Hy.Po.Cry.Te!!!'

[Oh, shut up...] he grumbled, [Just because I don't wanna bother Sara doesn't mean I'm not gonna ask for help... You don't have to try to draw parallels to what I and other people do all the time...]

'I can't help it, drawing parallels from your actions gives me life!'

[Ugh...] Kurt rolled his eyes.

'In all seriousness though, if you need help, I'm sure Sara wouldn't mind! She does kind owe you one after all, considering she tried to use you to get revenge on Gaby.'

[No. I'm never gonna meet new people if I keep following these two all the time. I just need to find someone who can give me a hand... Someone like...] he commented while circling his gaze over the classroom.

He noticed a couple of boys and girls staring at him with suspicion, others completely oblivious to his existence, some a little busy chatting in a circle and just giggling and laughing to themselves.

Until finally, he managed to found his target.

He spotted a young boy sitting on the far corner of the back of the class, the exact opposite of where his seat used to be, taking notes and writing down everything he had gotten from the previous lesson.

"There!" Kurt stated before standing up and moving towards the kid.

"Eh...? What are you-" Trevor tried to calm him down but the red-haired lad was long gone already.

He marched towards the young boy so quickly that it almost seemed like he was about to run him over for a moment.


"Huh?" the kid reacted from the sudden greeting, "Oh... He- Hello...?"

The boy was short and thin. He looked a little younger than the majority of the students of the class, probably something around eleven or twelve years old. His hair had a dark tone of blue and was long enough on one side to cover one of his eyes.

"Hello! I'm Kurt!"

"Oh... Right... You were the new student that kept picking fights with the top students, right?"

"Uuuhh... Something like that... But I was mostly just going through a phase. I'm to doing that anymore!"

"I see..." the kid replied, trying to understand what Kurt wanted from him.

"So, anyway... I'm kinda thinking about having a study group after class and am in need of someone good at history! Would you like to join?"

"Oh... I- I- I..."

Kurt kept looking at the boy suddenly starting to stutter as if he was being threatened.

"Ah... You don't have to do it if you don't want to!" Kurt tried to explain while waving his hands to calm the lad down, "I just noticed that you were taking notes and assumed you could help me out!"

"Oh... I wasn't really taking notes for the history lesson..." he commented while showing his notebook and revealing several drawings of dragons of species Kurt had never seen before.

"Whoa... What kind of dragons are those??"

"Oh... They aren't really any class of dragons... I... I just invented them..."

"You invented them? Really?" Kurt responded. He began to have flashbacks from when he was younger and dreamed about making his own comic book should he ever learn how to draw, "These are amazing!! Can I see?"

"Oh... I... I rather not... These look bad... They're sorta embarrassing..."

Kurt could tell from the way this kid kept saying 'Oh... Oh... Oh...' all the time that he was probably not used to talking with others much. He could relate.

"I see... But, just so you know, I'm a big fan of these things... So, if you ever feel like showing them, let me know, okay?"

The boy's eyes began to light up, "Re- Really? You like it?"

"Yeah! I love dragons and I love art! I would love to see some of the stuff you come up with!"

"Oh... I- I- I see... M- maybe I can show you sometime!"

"Neat! I'll be waiting!" Kurt grinned, "Alright! Well... See you around them!"

"Oh... Ah! Ah... Ah-" the kid tried to say something but from the amount of trouble he was having just forming words, it looked like he was in the middle of a heart=attack, "I can show you after class! If- If- If you want!!"

"I can't... I told you, I'm having a study session after class."


Kurt noted the look of disappointment spreading over his face, "Buuuut... If you want, you can join us at the session and you can show me later! How does that sound?"

"Su- Su- Sure!!"

"Perfect! I'll see you later then... Uuhhh..."

"Leon!" the blue-haired boy spouted, "My name is Leon!"

"Great! I'll see you then, Leon!"

Kurt parted from the boy and got back to his seat just in time for the class on dragon flames to start.

He was trying to remain calm but in reality, he wanted to jump out and scream from excitement.

'You seem very happy!' Dorothy noted.

[A bit, yeah!]

Kurt didn't want to show it too much, but he was really happy after finally trying to start a new friendship on his own.

Gaby was an enemy that he somehow managed to turn into a friend. Trevor was someone who just suddenly approached him out of nowhere and he suspected what his true intentions might be. And Sara? She only tried to befriend him because she wanted him to join her group, much like what she was trying to do with Gaby in the past.

Leon felt like the start of the first real, honest friendship he had since coming to this world, so he was really excited that the kid seemed nice and that he was skilled at such a cool thing as drawing.

'Dork...' Dorothy commented while rolling her eyes. She was shocked that this is all it took to get Kurt in a good mood even though he was the son of an emperor in a world of dragons. She assumed not many things could be cooler than that for a young teenage boy, but it seems she was wrong.

[Youre just jealous cause you don't have a friend that can draw!]

'Neither do you...'

[Not yet! But soon...]

Dorothy took a small glance at the boy as he returned to his drawings and began to notice that his face was slowly taking a tone of obsession as he continued to glare at his notebook with a wide smile on his face.

'Eh... I'm sure this will be fine...'