The travelling girl II

The arrows kept raining down while the girl kept lost on what to do as the two vampires flying above her continued to act with extreme hostility towards their presence.

"We gotta move!" she shouted while dashing away from their strike zone.

Lian Garen also tried to get away after finally pulling the spear from his body and managed to evade their attacks in the last possible second.

"Why are they attacking us!!??" she shouted as an arrow continued to appear everywhere she stepped as if it was a trail following her.

"We are intruders! Of course they are going to attack us!" the red dragon in human form responded.

Another spear suddenly appeared from the sky and pierced his torso, causing him to fall on the ground and drenching the grass with the color red.

"Oh my God!!" the black knight gasped.

She tried to rush to his aid just when the two vampires were about to launch another rain of projectiles on top of the two.

"Stop it!!" she shouted while grabbing her sword and using it to slash the arrows with immense speed.

But while she was distracted, be of the flying enemies managed to approach her and launched a third spear in her direction.

"Oh no!" she panicked and tried to use her blade to intercept the lance.

Lian Garen watched the scene and became filled with rage, "You fool!! What are you doing!??"


The girl only realized too late what he meant with those words. Once the spear collided with her sword, an immense wave of pain began to spread out through her entire being.

"AAAARGHHH!!!" she yelled while sensing the claymore's pain as if it was her own.

"Stupid child!!" the dragon insulted again, "Your metal is indestructible, you don't need to try and defended yourself!"

"I wasn't defending myself! I was defending you, ungrateful idiot!!" she replied while being brought to her knees from the pain.

"That's even more proof of what a fool you are! I'm able to recover from any injury, and am the target of your hate! What could possibly compel you to try and protect me!??"

"I don't know! I just reacted! I saw someone in danger and tried to help!"

"Tch! Human behavior... Such a self-destructive mindset..." he commented while stepping forward and using his agility in order to evade their attacks.

All the arrows and spears passed right through him without leaving a single scratch on his clothes, and the more he healed himself, the faster he got and the easier it became to evade.

"You- You can dodge them?"

"I can now! I allowed them to hit me on purpose so I could understand their attack pattern. They will never touch me again!"

"And you call me self-destructive..."

The vampires noticed that neither the dragon was being hit nor the armor was being harmed. The two then proceeded to try and approach them very carefully while holding their fire.

"Identify yourselves! Now!" one of them ordered. He was a young lad with white hair and black leather clothes with two black wings on his back and armed with a bow and a bag of arrows.

Or so the girl thought, but after looking closer, she noticed that those weren't arrows, they were bones. She also stared at the terrain and as she feared, it was covered with scattered bones as well.

"Eewwww!!! What the hell is all this??" she cried while trying not to step on one of them by accident.

"Behave, child!" Lian Garen ordered, "We are about to establish communication! We can't show weakness!"

The girl understood what she meant but she couldn't help but feel like she was surrounded by a pile of corpses right now, "I think I'm gonna get sick..."

"You CAN'T get sick! You don't have organs!! If you won't help then step aside and let me work!"

"Ugh... Be my guest..."

The dragon approached the vampire with his hands raised in order to show he meant no harm, "We didn't come here to fight!"

The white-haired young man pulled an arrow made of bones and pointed it at the red-haired man with his bow.

"State your business! Before I put a hole between your eyes!"

"We came from the human faction!"

"The human faction? What would the weakest nation of all empires want with us?"

"We simply came to secure our survival!" Lian Garen explained, "The dragon race tried to attack us a couple of days ago, but our guest managed to face them off and emerge victoriously!"

"Your guest? They defeated a dragon??"

"Yes! She did!"

He then proceeded to point towards the girl who was busy trying to control her shivering when she suddenly realized that they were talking about her.

She looked at the two and tried to wave at the vampire boy, "Sup!"

The lad continued to look at her less-than-impressive behavior and felt like they were trying to trick him, "Nice try! But it will take more than some stupid lie to deceive us!"

Lian noticed him about to shoot him with an arrow again and raised his hands again to calm him down, "It's not a lie!! She really did defeat a dragon!"

"Actually I kinda defeated two!" she added.

"She defeated ONE dragon, and managed to hold off the second one in a stalemate battle!"

"Nah, I totally won that fight."

"It was a draw! Neither side won!" Lian yelled again, "Now quiet!"

"Sore loser..." she mumbled.

The vampire boy still didn't seem convinced and exchanged a look with his partner that was still flying in the sky.

"How could a mere human manage to defeat a dragon? The weakest race defeating the strongest race? It's ridiculous! Even our kind has trouble with that odious faction!"

"She is not like other humans!" Lain continued, "You can test it yourself if you want!"

"Wait, what...?" she mumbled.

"You want to challenge me?" the vampire lad assumed, "You must be underestimating our true power!"

Garen noticed that he almost had the boy, he needed to push it a little more, "If she manages to beat you, and prove her worth, you allow us passage towards your land. How about it?"

"Allow you passage? Why should I? What would I gain from that??"

"Because she might be your best chance at surviving the next game!" he stated, "Now that the angel faction is gone, as well as the darkness faction, the lava-giant faction, and several others, it only makes sense that the vampires will be eliminated next! They're the biggest threat to the dragons right now!"

"Maybe... But how do we know that you are not from the dragon faction yourselves? What if you are just a pair of spies sent to infiltrate us and lower our defenses?"

Lian frowned his eyes as if that question had somehow insulted him, "First of all, the dragon faction doesn't need infiltrators! They have more than enough power to defeat any opponent they want SHOULD they want it."

"And yet, I'm still here..." the girl mumbled again.

"Quiet, you! Your case is a special situation..." he stated before turning to the boy again, "Second, even if we are with the dragons, that would mean we have valuable information! Wouldnt you want to capture us and try to find out what we know?"

"Mmmm..." the lad began to ponder while lowering his weapon.

He then looked at the black knight once again and considered his options.

"Very well... I shall see if this one is really as mighty as you claim her to be. I'll test out her powers myself!"

"Wait, we really doing this?" she asked while gazing at Lian.

"You heard him. Get ready for combat!" the dragon ordered.

"Wait! We didn't come here to fight! We just came to help you deal with the dragons!"

Lian smacked his own head, "Grow up, child! In this world, power is everything! If you want them to listen to us, we need to show our superiority!"


"Enough talking!!" the lad screamed while dashing towards her while using his wings to glide above the terrain.

He pulled out a mace made of bones from one of his pockets and smacked her blade with it.

"Aaarghhh!!!" the girl shouted the moment his weapon came in contact with her claymore.

"Focus, child!" the red dragon screamed, "They know you are a guest! They will be coming for your weapon in order to harm you!"

"Thank you, Captain Obvious!!!" she complained while seeing the lad dashing towards her one more time.

She placed her sword behind her and used her metal elbow to block his attack this time.

The vampire lad widened his eyes once he realized that there wasn't a single mark in her armor, "Not bad..."

"Thanks!" she replied while grabbing him by the hand and smacking his back against the ground, raising a pile of dirt.


The boy was injured by her attack, but he still continued to fight by kicking her in the face with both legs.

Just like before, the girl did not feel anything, but what she didn't notice was that the boy was in fact trying to obscure her vision in order to get her distracted and land another hit on her blade.

"Aarghhh!!! Goddamint!!! Why does this hurt so much!!??" she whined while letting go of the lad's hand.

The boy used this chance and swung his mace in a vertical angle, landing a hit on her torso that sent her flying upwards like a rocket.


"This greenhorn defeated a dragon? Pfft! Pathetic..."

The boy opened his massive black wings and began to fly after her, proceeding to strike her again just as she was about to fall, and sending her flying sideways this time.


He began to chase after her one more time and continued to smack her around as if he was playing ping pong in the sky, never giving her a chance to hit the ground.

The girl wasn't receiving any damage from his attacks, but she knew his true goal was to disorient her in order to get her to release her sword. The moment they got in possession of her ruler, she would have no means to fight back.

"Child! What are you doing!?" the dragon shouted, "Show them the power you showed me when you were ready to put your life in the line to achieve your goals!!"

"I... Can't!! I don't know how to move in the air! He's too fast!"

The boy started to become faster and faster with his blows. It was only a matter of time before she dropped the claymore.

"Of course you can! In all my years I've never seen someone as determined to grab her own victory the same way you did! You are much more powerful than this mere vampire kid! Now let him know that as well!!

Show him who you are!!"

The boy began to approach her at great speed while piercing the air with his wings. The girl could see the trajectory of his attack but she knew she wasn't agile enough to avoid him.

Not knowing what else to do, she came up with the only idea she had in mind and grabbed onto her own arm and launched it at the boy.

"What!!??" the vampire kid gasped once he saw the pieces of armor flying towards him.

With his speed, it was nothing he couldn't evade, but the moment he moved out f the way, the armor began to move and latched onto his wings.

"Huh!!?? What sorcery is this!!??" he screamed while trying to get rid of the gauntlet that continued to grab him.

The girl used this chance while he was distracted and threw her sword at him as well.


Just like before he managed to move his body out of the way in order to escape from it, almost getting his stomach slashed open, but the arm that was latching onto him managed to grab the sword and sliced a part of his skin when he least expected it.

"Aaarghhh!!" he yelled out in agony. The damage was small but still managed to do its job.

The boy ended up falling on the terrain like a rock and right after that, the knight girl herself appeared and dropped on top of him, squashing his stomach and burying his entire body into a crater.


Her missing arm finally dropped as well and reconnected with the rest of her body, allowing her to hold onto her sword once again and aim it at the boy's neck.

"Do you concede?" she asked.

"Ugh... Y- Yes... I surrender..." the boy mumbled while feeling the pain spread through his body.

The girl moved away from him and began to stare at her own arm, "Can't believe that worked... I didn't even know I could do that!"

Lian Garen stepped into the hole the vampire boy created after being smacked by the girl and proceeded to heal all of his wounds with his ability.

"What? What is this?" the boy gasped.

"Healing flames..." Lian responded, "One of the most powerful abilities from the dragon race!"

"You- You are from the dragon race??"

"Wrong!" Lian stated after finishing up his treatment and looking at the black knight, "I might be a dragon, but I now devote myself solely towards the human race, and to the defeat of the dragon faction!"

"A dragon... Fighting against the dragon race?" the boy gasped, "Alongside a human??"

"And, should you allow it..." he extended his hand, "Also alongside a vampire!"

The boy gazed at his friend who was just watching everything from a safe distance from the sky and began to wonder on what he would do.

"This is nonsense... You think this mere human can defeat the dragon race??"

"Maybe not alone... But... If you are willing to join forces with us!"

The girl couldn't believe how smooth Lian Garen was with his words. She knew all he cared about was being freed from her. He didn't give a damn about the human race, the dragon race, or the vampire race.

But from the way he talked, it almost sounded like he really was on her side.

"Wait a minute..." she whispered while thinking back on how she had no means of stopping him from escaping while she was busy fighting the vampire boy, "Why did he stay...?"

A heavy atmosphere took over the air as all three of them seemed to be lost in their own thoughts, but they were all interrupted by the sudden scream of the vampire that was still flying above them.

"We are under attack!!"

"""What!?""" all three of them spoke at the same time.

"From who??" the boy added.

Lian, the boy, and the possessed armor all stared at the sky and noticed a massive shadow approaching towards the other side of the bridge, the entrance to the vampire faction.

A loud noise could be heard coming from it as the shadow kept approaching its destination.

Both Lian and the girl recognized that kind of sound. It was the roar of a creature able to destroy everything in its path with the greatest of eases.

After killing one of them and spending nearly a month fighting another, the girl had no doubt about who this roar belonged to.

"A dragon."