Consumed by Desire

Saramin almost lost her consciousness as he began to feel a sudden urge to close her eyes and rest her body inside of the small crater on the walls of the dungeon that she created from her impact.

Her legs were about to give in and she nearly ended up falling into the bottomless pit down below when Kurt suddenly screamed her name in order to wake her up.


"Ah!!" the girl gasped as she fully opened her eyes and shoved her metal claws on the walls in order to hold herself, "Wha- Wha- What just happened??"

"Sara!" Kurt yelled again, "Get out of there! You're gonna fall!"

"Eh!?" she analyzed her surroundings and finally remembered where she was, "Ah!"

The girl lifted her head and saw the small-looking boy with dark blue hair flying towards her after jumping all the way from the arena and reading to smack her one more time.

Saramin hurried to move out of the way by turning off her body-type talent and switching to Gaby's elemental-type talent, causing her body to surround itself with lighting and allowing her to blast herself far from there.

She leaped all the way to the other side of the dungeon until she landed on another wall, but Leon began to give chase after her and jumped back to the arena before hoping one more time towards her.

"Piss off!" Sarah shouted while releasing a spear made of electricity that pushed Leon back to the ground of the arena, completely destroying it in the process.

A pile of smoke began to rise and Sarah made one last leap in order to hold onto one of the chained axes that were hanging from the ceiling in order to get a closer look at the situation.

"He's gotta be down this time... Right?" she wondered.

The clouds of smoke began to disperse, revealing Leon standing perfectly still while looking at her, much to the girl's frustration.

"Are you serious??"

Saramin had no idea how that boy was managing to take on her attacks and not fall but she knew that she would need to change her approach if she were to properly deal with him.

She took this chance to make use of the talent she memorized while watching Hugh defend Park from her lightning bolts and began to apply healing flames on herself to fix her injuries from the previous impact.

However, Leon seemed to have no desire to wait as he also leaped on one of the chains and grabbed onto the ax in order to throw it at her.

"Oh, god!" Saramin gasped before activating Kurt's metal claws and blocking the projectile with her raised arms.

Even though she managed to defend herself from the weapon, the impact still caused her to fall down, leaving her wide open for Leon to strike.

The lad did as she feared and jumped out of his chain with both legs aimed at her as if he was planning to perform a dropkick.

Sara saw him coming after her and after safely landing on the floor, raised both hands aimed at the lad and unleashed a green energy beam, Gabriella's pain converter talent, directly at his torso, causing Leon to twirl in the air and fall like a meteor on the ground.

"Okay, seriously! This time, stay! Down!" she ordered.

But once again, the kid just stood up after cleaning the dust on his clothes.

"What the hell, kid?? Do you really want me to kill you??" she complained while stomping her feet.

The process continued. Leon chasing after Saramin, trying to make use of the parts of the arena against her, and the girl just pushing him away with her memorized talents.

But no matter how much she fought, Leon just kept coming.

"What is going on??" Kurt wondered while watching the battle with immense worry, "Trevor, why is Leon trying so hard to fight Sara? And why aren't her attacks working??"

Trevor didn't seem as shocked as he was focusing on something else, the platform where Hugh and his allies were standing.

"That's not Leon..." he commented.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Look up there!" Trevor pointed at the platform once again and drew attention to one of Hugh's friends, the boy with a shaved head and well-built exposed arms.

The lad was being carried by Park at the moment as he had his eyes closed while several injuries and bruises started to appear all over him.

"This is his doing!" Trevor stated, "He is using his talent on Leon!"

"His talent? What kind of talent would make Leon go crazy while causing all those wounds on him??"

"Soul transfer!" Nala responded as she suddenly joined the conversation.

Kurt was so focused on their problem that he nearly forgot about her. He remembered that Dorothy had seen the girl hanging out with the shaved kid's group of friends before so she probably knew him better than anyone there.

"It's a psychic talent that allows him to take over the body of anyone who has lost its consciousness" she continued, "It is very powerful and very dangerous. The taken-over body receives an eighty percent boost in power and speed, but in return, eighty percent of the damage it suffers is transferred to the original body."

"Transferred...?" Kurt mumbled.

"That means the princess will need to try even harder if she wants to take the blue-haired kid down."

Kurt focused on the fight once again and watched as Saramin was starting to run out of breath after unleashing nearly every talent she had memorized one after the other on the possessed Leon.

"Oh! This is just great..." she groaned after finishing up hearing Nala's full explanation and realizing how big of a problem she had.

Leon jumped high-up and grabbed two chains with his bare hands. He started to spin the axes attached at the end of each of them as if they were toys and launched them at Sara as if they were playing catch.

Saramin raised her palm and shouted, "Say cheese!" before unleashing a bright flash of light that blocked his vision just in time in order to make him miss his target.

The pair of blades pierced the ground inches away from her feet, making her nearly flinch.

She noticed Leon closing his eyes due to the strong flash and used this chance to organize her strategy.

"Let's see... I have two elemental types, one body type, and two psychic types..." she mumbled while thinking about her lightning, flash, metal claws, healing, and pain transfer abilities, "Wonderfull... Of five talents, three of them just had to be of different types! Meaning I have to keep playing musical chairs and keep switching them up in order to be able to fight at all..."

Sara wanted to take advantage of her matching types, but her flashing ability was basically redundant when paired up with lightning, and her healing would only nullify her pain transfer as it would erase her wounds completely.

"Ah... Today is not turning out to be a fun day for me..." she lamented.

"What's the matter, little mistake?" Park mocked, "Already reached your limit? Wanna call your brother to help you out?"

And to make things even better, she still had to endure these types of comments during everything.

"I seriously wanna kill you right now..." she threatened.

"Sarah! Don't pay attention to him! Just focus on finishing this up!" Kurt reminded her.

Leon tried to charge at her one more time but was simply repelled with another blast of electricity, causing him to roll on the ground.

Unfortunately, the blast proved to be stronger than she hoped for as the boy ended up falling from the arena.

"Oh, God!" she gasped.

"Leon!!!" Kurt cried.

Saramin rushed after him with a lightning-covered jump, but the moment she tried to reach for him, she saw his figure hanging onto one of the many holes that were made on the wall, and the moment she came closer to him, he leaped upwards to strike her chin with an uppercut.



The white-haired girl didn't even hear Kurt's scream of terror as she was too focused on Leon jumping after her once again and grabbing her by the foot in order to slam her back against the ground.


"Whoa!!" Park laughed, "That one looks like it hurt, hihihi."

Kurt glared at the curly-haired boy and nearly jumped into the platform to strangle him, but Hugh showed himself holding Gabriella and her friend, forcing Kurt to stay still like a house dog.


"What's the matter, little dude? If you want, just go ahead and help out little sissy! It will just cost you two bodies, hehehe."

"Hugh, you little coward..." Kurt whispered while glaring at his brother, "When I put my hands on you..."

"Don't, Kurt!" Saramin shouted all of sudden.

"Eh? Sarah?"

"Don't let them get to you like this..." she commented while standing up as her healing flames activated, "Losing control and playing their game is just what Hugh wants. Don't let him have that!"

"That's right, Kurtsy!!" Park mocked once again, this time focusing on the red-haired young prince, "Listen to your mistake of a sister! I'm sure a deadweight fake dragon like her has a lot of valuable knowledge to share with all of us! Hihihi."

Despite being her own words, Saramin herself wasn't sure for how much longer she could keep this all up and not lose her cool.

Every time Park opened his mouth all she could think about was dropping another lightning on his head, but that would just make her waste more of her energy. Energy that she needed to use carefully for she didn't know how long her memory talent would last, and she couldn't risk running empty before taking down Leon and treating Gaby.

She forced herself to turn away and pinched her cheek so his words wouldn't affect her, "Just ignore him, just ignore him..."

At the same time, she also needed to keep her emotions in control, for if she used too much power by accident, she might end up killing Leon, making the entire thing completely pointless.

"This really is such a pain..." she groaned as Leon stood up yet again after being hit by a blast of converted pain.

The original body of the shaved head kid was starting to look pretty bad as well, but Hugh just began to shower him with his healing flames and made him good as new.

"Oh, come on!! How is that fair!!??"

"Hehehe, what's the matter sissy? Don't like to fight someone who has multiple talents on his side? Kinda hypocritical if you ask me!" Hugh replied.

"Yeah! Also, I don't remember Gaby complaining when she had to face two opponents by herself. What are YOU so mad about?" Park added, "I guess the gap from number two to number one is just that big after all..."

"You two..."

Saramin was completely stuck.

Leon wouldn't fall down as long as Hugh continued to heal the one controlling him. Her talents would reach their limit at some point leaving her completely defenseless. None of her attacks were affecting him. And Park's annoying commentary continued to distract her and lead her to lose her focus on the fight.

At this rate, it was only a matter of time until she lost.

The same way she would always lose to Gaby.

The same way she lost to Annie.

The same way she always failed at making her mother proud. Failed to earn the affection of her previous family. Failed to obtain her father's healing talent. Failed to silence all of those who looked down on her.

Fail after fail after fail. Again and again and again.

Saramin couldn't even remember the last time she succeeded at something without needing someone to come and rescue her.

Even the dinner from a few days ago, she couldn't even memorize the talents of her father's butlers and got nearly killed if it wasn't for Kurt.

She was the older sister, she was a guest in this world with way more experience than him. And she still needed to be saved by the boy at the end of the day, in front of all her new brothers.

Saramin was so tired of waiting for the day when she would finally be able to do something on her own. Win on her own. Succeed at something on her own.

"I want to win..." she mumbled after losing herself in her internal self-loathing and noticing Leon charging once again.

The boy tried to strike her with a jab but she blocked it with her metal claws.

"Just once I want to win..."

He picked one of the fallen axes from the ground and swung it at her, crashing against her gauntlet and pushing her back.

"I want to win with my own strength... Without needing to be saved by anyone... "

Saramin's gauntlets began to reach her limit and ended up disappearing. She attempted to shoot Leon with lightning but that talent also was already gone.

The kid didn't waste time and smacked her in the head with a jump kick causing her to fall on the ground.

"Ugh!" she cried while dropping on all four.

Park and Hugh continued to laugh as Trevor, Kurt, and Nala observed with their faces covered with worry over her.

"I wanna win..." she spoke one more time, "I wanna win! I wanna win! I wanna win! I. WANT. TO. WIN!!!"

The possessed Leon was about to finish her off with one final punch aimed at her skull.

"Sarah!!!" Kurt screamed.

As if responding to the boy's yell, Saramin lifted her head, saw the incoming attack, and with one hand managed to block it by holding his fist with her palm.

"""What!?""" all of those present reacted at the same time.

Saramin managed to stop Leon, who was now receiving a great boost in power, with nothing but her bare hands.

For the first time ever since he entered that place, Park was at a loss for words, "What the- How did- Why is- How is she doing that?? What talent is she using!!???"

"That's not a talent..." Hugh explained.

Saramin just watched as she kept holding Leon's punch with just one arm as suddenly a great amount of strength started to appear inside of her and something began to change in her skin.

Small tiny scales of the same color as her snow-white hair started to appear as if they were covering her arm with one long glove, the same way her red-haired father would cover himself with crimson-colored scales whenever he transformed, at the same time as the nails on her fingers started to grow and resemble the claws of a beast.

"Is that..." Kurt gasped.

"A dragon claw..." Trevor finished, "Saramin managed to tap into her second form! She found her trigger!"

The girl then smiled at Leon and raised her other fist which was now also covered with white dragons scales and smacked his stomach, sending him flying like a rocket across the arena and burying him into a new hole on the wall.

The girl couldn't help but blush at the sight of her new transformation that she still was having trouble believing she had achieved on her own.

It wasn't something that she had to borrow from Kurt, or Gaby, or her mother. It was her own power, achieved by her own efforts and desire to win.

She couldn't help but grin at Park who was looking at her with complete disbelief.

"Who's the fake dragon now, asshole?"