And the winner is...

Kurt bent down in order to fetch the glasses that Saramin had stolen and returned them back to Gaby.

"Here you go" he whispered while handing them over.

"Th- Thanks..." Gaby replied while putting them on and suddenly shifting the world around her from a blurry mess to a proper scene of the red-haired boy that kept bothering her so much lately looking right at her with a bright smile on his face.

That really was the best way she could describe him, bright. Ever since he showed up, her life had been full of light and energy, way more than her own electric abilities could provide.

"Hey... Were you serious just now...?" she mumbled while trying not to look at him directly.

"About what?" he wondered.

"About you liking me?"

"Ah, that! Yeah, pretty much!" he bluntly admitted, "I just admire you a lot! And honestly want to get along better with you, if you don't mind!"

Gaby properly gazed at him and, much like any other time they interacted, she could feel a lot of honesty from his words.

"Okay... I'll... I'll think about it..." she replied while avoiding his gaze again before he could notice the amount of red surging on her face.

"Sweet! Now then..." Kurt commented while shifting the focus towards Saramin, "How about we settle this?"

Sara was using the time while they were distracted to apply the ability she memorized from Kurt and heal her wounds.

"I don't know why... But I'm feeling a little left out right now while looking at you two..." she stated, "Kinda makes me wanna split you two apart..."

Sara began to charge her arms with electricity while also gathering floating pieces of rock around her.

"She always uses only two at the same time..." Kurt commented.

Gaby just raised an eyebrow unsure of what he meant, "What?"

"She used rock with lightning, and steel with density... But she never tried any other mixture..."

Gaby stared at Sara for a moment and then offered her own conclusion, "Rock and lighting are both elemental... And steel and density are both body... Maybe she can't use talents from different classes at once!"

"Ohoho!! That's interesting!!" Kurt commented while gazing at the arena and noticing Trevor still knocked out on a corner, "Gaby, can you keep her busy for a moment? I wanna place Trevor in somewhere safe."

The purple-haired girl stared at the boy for a few moments while wondering if she should listen to him.

"What? Still don't trust me?" he asked while puffing his cheeks.

Gaby just stuck out her tongue while smiling at him, "As if! You're too much of a hopeless dork to lie to people!"

"Oh, hey!" Kurt gasped, "Would you look at that!"


"We are finally understanding each other!"

Gaby paused for a moment and then began to run towards Saramin while engulfing herself in energy, "I guess we are..."

Saraming began to rush towards Gaby as well and the two started to exchange blows with each other as pieces of rock and sparks of electricity were flying around all over the place.

"Jesus!" Kurt commented while sensing a small shiver, "So this is what a fight between the top two look like... I have a long way to go..."

He finally began to focus on his mission and hurried to get Trevor away from the arena.

Gaby continued to launch a barrage of lightning spheres at Sara while doing her best to avoid getting hit in the process.

Sara herself had a way of evading the spheres since she had access to Ron's talent and could simply block her attacks with instant walls of stone.

"Here we are! The two of us again! Just like old times!" Saramin commented as she dashed around the arena while sending a wave of stone spears from the ground towards Gaby.

"You mean the same old times where you tried to beat me with my own power but never, ever managed to get even close?" Gaby replied while using her electricity to propel her body forward in order to avoid her attacks, "I know, pretty nostalgic, right?"

Saramin used the earth below her to lift a small platform in order to launch her high up, proceeded by once again combining steel skin with increased density in order to make her drop from the sky with the power of a meteor and smashing the arena.

Gaby succeeded in getting out of the way in time, but Sara was giving her no time to fight back as she continued to shift from her body talents to her elemental talents.

"How about that? The brat was right!" Gaby noted, "You really can only use the same pair of powers at once!"

Sara tried to imprison Gaby with a pair of floating rock hands, but Gaby just charged her arms with lightning and shattered them into pieces.

"So what? You still only have one power against me who has five! How do you plan to win?" Saramin wondered while charging another blast.

"Guess we will just have to stop you from using all five, right?" Kurt suddenly stated while appearing behind her and kicking her in the shoulder.

However, Sara reacted faster and turned her skin into steel, making Kurt break his leg.

"Ugh!!!" he cried while sensing an immense amount of pain for a single moment before healing it completely.

"You think you can catch me off gua- Baaughh!!" Sara screamed while being blasted by a lightning arrow in the back.

She hurried to apply her healing ability but Kurt used this chance to attack her again.

"Oh shoot!" she gasped while putting on her defense one more time.

Only this time, Kurt stopped his attack right before his kick reach her skin of steel, and instead, she ended up getting blasted by Gaby again.


She was caught in a trap. Her lighting could block Gaby's attacks, but Kurt would be able to harm her since he could just heal himself right after. And her skin of steel could block Kurt, but Gaby would use this chance to release a lightning bolt on her.

And what was worse, even though she could just heal herself, she had no time to do it since she would need to turn off any protection she had against these two.

'F*ck! Am I going to lose??' she complained in her mind.

It wasn't just a reckless two-on-one fight. Kurt and Gaby had somehow matched into perfect harmony. They were each covering one another's weaknesses and blind spots.

Even though she had five powers and they only had two, their teamwork was making her memory ability be entirely useless since they weren't giving her the chance to use it at full power anymore.

She finally realized what a mistake it was to try doing everything on her own instead of working together with Wesley and Ron. If only her pride didn't blind her and convinced her to take on them by herself.

Sara tried to create some distance between them by raising a wall of rocks but Kurt and Gaby just took it down in a second with a kick and a bolt.

One thing she couldn't help noticing was that Gaby was acting as if she was strangely enjoying herself. Any time one of her attacks patterns matched with one of Kurt's moves, Gaby would just smile and blush like a little kid. She wasn't just enjoying it, she was absolutely loving every second.

She tried to go after Gaby while surrounded by lighting and rocks, but Kurt was much faster and kicked her away from Gaby, hitting her face one more time.

"Ough!! Dude!! What is it with you and kicks!!?? Did you train for a marathon or something??" Saramin complained while rubbing her face again.

"I spent my entire childhood learning how to run away from my mother..." he responded while glaring at her as if her question had just brought back plenty of unpleasant memories.

"I... Wait... Wha...?"

"I don't wanna talk about it..."

Saramin just ignored his comment and tried to blast him away one more time, but Gaby once again stepped in to cover for him and pushed her away with a whip of lightning that made her trip.


This wasn't even a fight anymore. Gaby and Kurt were in total control of the situation, almost as if they were somehow leading a dance while Sara was desperately trying to follow and failing miserably.

Kurt tried to punch her with a downwards fist, but Sara gathered every bit of her strength to leap backwards and avoid it.

"Enough!! I'm done letting you two play with me!! I'm done being treated as a joke after I finally managed to get this far to get a win against Gaby!! I'm not losing now!! Not here!! I won't let you take me down so easily!!" she announced.

"Actually, you will!" Kurt stated.


The red-haired boy just smiled while pointing down and made Saramin realize that she had stepped out of the arena, and thus, was disqualified.

"AAAAAAAAAARGHHHH!!! DAAAAAMNIIIIT!!!!" she shouted while pulling her hair out and making the ground break while stomping it with her increased density.

Gaby and Kurt, at last, took a moment to breathe after finally ending the fight with a victory.

Sara was so focused on trying not to get hit, she didn't even notice that each of the duo's attacks were slowly driving her away from the limits of the battlefield.

"Can't believe she lost in such a boring way after all that rampaging... It's almost anticlimatic..." Gaby commented while whipping the sweat off her face.

"I guess... But hey!" Kurt called while giving her a light push with his elbow, "You can't say this wasn't fun! Right?"

"Fun...?" Gaby repeated while staring at him and his dumb bright smile.

She never stopped to think about combat lessons as fun. All they ever did was make new enemies for her since people kept getting upset from losing to her.

But this time? She honestly wouldn't mind if she had to keep going. It was a strange new feeling for her. In fact, she probably wouldn't even mind if they had lost.

"I guess it was!" Gaby agreed.

She then rushed out of the arena as well and walked towards Sara who was still facing some existential crisis upon yet another defeat.

"Hey, Sara!" Gaby called her out.


The glasses girl with curly hair then extended her hand while showing the same kind of grin that Kurt would often have, "I had a blast!! Let's do this again sometime!!"

Saramin was speechless. She had never seen Gaby make that face before. She barely recognized her for a moment.

"Ah... Sure..." Sara, not knowing how to properly react, just grabbed her hand and shook it off, "I... I had fun as well..."

"Same! I hope you will bring some new powers next time! I can't wait to see what kind of combos you come up with!"

"Ah... Haha... I wonder..."

Kurt watched the two girls having a bonding moment while he rushed over to Trevor in order to finally, FINALLY, fix his wounds.

While doing so, the sound of people clapping their hands began to take over the place as the crowd who had halfway into the fight turned silent from how focused they were, was now cheering and howling with full energy after watching a duel unlike any other before.

"That was awesome!!!!"

"You guys rock!!"

"Let me join your team next time!!!"

"You all were incredible!!!!"

Kurt just couldn't be bothered to try and understand these people anymore.

"Man... One moment they all hate us, one moment they all love us... I should just give up trying to understand anyone by this point..."

'You sure?' Dorothy asked with her mental link.

[Oh! Hey, Dory! What did you think of the show?]

'You tell me! Did you finally make peace with yourself? Are you satisfied?'

Kurt glanced at Gaby and Saramin chatting and laughing at each other as if they were two good longtime friends as they discussed their moves during the duel and how crazy the whole thing was after some point.

[Yeah...] he confirmed, [I'm pretty satisfied!!]

Trevor finally opened his eyes after Kurt finished treating all of his wounds and injuries.

"Rise and shine, buddy!"


Trevor whispered confused while glancing at the students going wild, the arena completely destroyed, and Saramin and Gaby getting along.

"Uuhh... Did I miss something important?"

Kurt rolled his eyes, "I guess you could say that..."

"So... Who won?"

Kurt glanced at the scene around him. Their classmates, the teacher, the two girls, and even Dory, all sounding and looking pretty happy with themselves about how everything concluded.

"I think we all did, honestly..." he admitted.

"Oh! Thank the lord!" Trevor sighed in relief, "I'm not gonna have my head cut off..."

"Wait, what?"
