The Wolf

Nala and Trevor couldn't stop looking at Kurt with their eyes wide open as the boy stood in the center of the piles upon piles of rubble with his fist raised after making his announcement.

Park was startled as well but the two brothers had a particularly deeper reason to show that reaction, especially considering that everything the prince just said was being broadcasted.

"Kurt..." Trevor mumbled with all color on his face slowly vanishing, "Do you have any idea of what you just did?"

The young red-haired boy just tilted his head in confusion, "What? Was it too cheesy? I kinda lost myself in the moment and just started to spout anything that came to mind..."

"No..." Trevor uttered while holding his head, "No, no, no, no... This isn't good..."

Kurt began to worry while looking at Trevor and wondered if Nala could help him figure out what the problem was, "What? What is it?"

"What you said just now..." she explained while trying to calm her brother down, "You really shouldn't have said that..."

"You mean the thing about creating a place where everyone can be happy? I mean... I know it sounds childish and all but-"

"Not that!!!" Trevor interrupted, shocking both Kurt and Park who was just as lost as the prince, "You shouldn't have announced that you will become emperor!!"

"Wh- Why not...?"

The more the prince looked at the brothers the more he started to see the fear spreading through their faces, and this was after they all just faced off against a giant red centipede dragon that had the ability to heal himself.

Trevor tried to put himself back together and attempted to talk again, "Because... There is someone who is already running for the next seat on the emperor's throne... Someone who is currently the number one candidate for the title of strongest dragon in the land!"

"Who...?" Kurt innocently asked.

All of sudden, a pair of arms appeared around his neck on both sides from behind him before hugging his shoulders while a large amount of hair drenched in a crimson tone started to caress his face.

Kurt instantly flinched before noticing the face of a teenage girl with her huge eyes wide open staring directly at him while holding the boy in her grasp as if to stop him from escaping her.

She was showing a child-like smile that went from ear to ear before whispering softly directly into his ear, "Me."

Kurt instantly jumped away from her and assumed a battle stance while revealing his claws but the moment he turned around in order to face her, she had already vanished.

"Who was-"

And just like before, he suddenly found himself getting embraced by the same girl who was now holding him from the back and pressing her face against him as if she was a cat.

"Mmmm!! I missed this smell so much!!" she mumbled while touching him.

Kurt swung his metal gauntlet at her by instinct, but she once again had disappeared and moved somewhere else.

"Tsk. Tsk..." the girl commented while holding her arms crossed as she stood right in front of the fallen Hugh, gazing at his sorry state, "You really went and made quite the mess this time, didn't you...?"

Now that he could give a proper look, he noticed that the girl was wearing a black dress that lacked sleeves, revealing her rather muscular bare arms. Her hair was big and wild like that of a lion, but the most eye-catching feature about her was her intense gaze.

It was almost as if instead of looking at what was in front of her, the girl was engraving it into her soul.

Kurt was completely lost. The strange girl was zipping around the place like the cat from Alice in Wonderland.

He glanced at Trevor and Nala but the two looked like they had seen a ghost from the way their bodies remained completely still and pale.

"Guy...? What's going on?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah, guys? What's going on?" the red-haired girl also asked, trying to do a poor imitation of Kurt's voice while standing right behind him and messing up his hair, "My little brother is starting to get worried you know? Don't make him sad..."

The boy tried to remain calm as he knew if he showed a big reaction she would just vanish again, "Little brother...? Who..."

"Oh! You forgot me again? How rude little lamb... You're breaking your sister's heart... Sniff, sniff..."

Trevor didn't know how to react. He wanted to rush to Kurt's side and get him as far away from there as possible, but just the sight of that woman was making him lose the ability to move his legs.

The memory of the day Sabiri took him away from the ceremony flashed once again in his mind.

Nala also found herself stuck in place. She knew that one wrong move could possibly lead to horrible consequences.

"Please do try to remember me this time, okay?" the red-haired girl mumbled, "I'm your big sister that loves you very much...

Ana Maria Garen... Or as I like to be called...


"Anomalia..." Kurt repeated. He had heard that name before and had vague recollections from meeting the lass in his father's dinner. But much like many of the events of that night, it was as if detailed parts and pieces were missing to allow him to form a full picture.

"That's right! But you can just call me Annie if you want! It's a way to show how close we are! Hihi!"

"Right..." the boy replied feeling like something was really wrong about this girl, "How were you moving like that...? Do you also have a teleportation talent?"

The girl pressed her index finger against his cheek, "Mmmm... I wonder... If I refuse to say, are you gonna start hanging out with me more to find out?"

"I'm... Not that curious..."

Kurt couldn't tell why but he senses that getting closer to this girl more than he needed to was a grave mistake. In fact, every fiber of his body was basically screaming for him to either run away or attack her with everything he had.

"Oh, shame... Well... I guess you could call it a form of teleportation..." she explained while gazing at Trevor and Nala standing still and staring at them.

Before they could react, Annie had placed herself right in between them and had her arms around their necks as if they were long-time best friends.

"It's a psychic ability that I inherited from my sweet and lovely mother... It allows me to move myself to anywhere my eyes can reach.

I call it... 'Predator'."

Annie then raised her hands and began to caress both brother and sister with gentle touches of her fingers.

Trevor then noticed that she was looking at him with a big smile.

"You look like you have grown a lot... Maybe we will get to actually play this time!"

The boy could feel his heart about to burst out of his chest from how fast it was beating. The sight of Annie merely smiling was enough to make any previous nightmare look like a joke.

"Why are you here?" the prince asked.

The girl then shifted her gaze towards Kurt and, just like she explained, appeared right in front of him, "I heard that our troublesome brother was misbehaving, so I came here to put him in check. But it seems like you got it handled."

The two of them gazed at Hugh still knocked out on the floor completely immobile.

"Let's see if he learned his lesson, shall we?" she commented before repeating right in front of him.

Kurt wondered what she was going to do but then began to fill himself with worry as Annie revealed her palm covered in flames and began to bathe Hugh with it.

"What are you doing!? You're gonna wake him up!! Stop!!"

And just like Kurt screamed, Hugh suddenly opened his eyes and stood up while unleashing a powerful howl that caused the ground to shake.

"Little duuuuude!!!" he screamed while locking targets on his younger brother.

But Annie simply tapped one of his may legs and waved while smiling at him, "Hi! Hi!"

"What the- Annie?? What are you doing here??" Hugh asked.

"Well... Dad heard you were causing trouble and sent me here to take care of things! Have you learned your lesson? Are you gonna be a good boy now?"

"Lesson?? I'm the one who is teaching a lesson!! Get lost Annie! I need to settle a score with little dude!!" Hugh shouted while moving around his sister and charging after Kurt.

The boy wanted to strangle that girl for just waking up a literal sleeping beast like that but he suddenly had his attention grabbed by her appearing right above his head with her arms behind her back.

"Oh well... Seems like you are still a bad boy..."

Hugh then paused after hearing her words and began to feel a heavy pressure above his shoulders.

Annie finally dropped her smile while still keeping her eyes focused on the red dragon while she slowly lifted her right leg, "And bad boys... Need to be punished."

She then dropped her foot above Hugh's head and caused the entire beast to fall on the terrain and getting most of his body buried under a pile of rubble and dust.

"Kuuuaaaghhh!!!" he cried while Annie appeared next to Kurt as if she was enjoying watching his fall.

"Turns out you were right, little lamb... Sorry about that..." she commented while giving him another hug.

Kurt could not believe what he was seeing. It took basically turning himself into a living meteor and hitting him with everything he had to take Hugh down, and yet this strange girl just managed to stop him by literally bringing down her foot.

"How did you-"

She pressed her finger against his lips before Kurt could finish his question, "Don't worry, my lovely lamb... We will have plenty of time to chat soon enough... Especially after that little declaration that you just did. Now then... Where is the boy that helped Hugh set up this little prank?"

Kurt did not respond but his eyes instantly moved towards Park who was just hiding in a corner behind a large boulder and watching everything quietly.

The prince almost wished he could scream 'run' in order to alert him to escape, but Annie acted faster and followed his line of sight.

She turned around and meet eyes with him, "Ah... There you are!!"

Park knew that he should get away from there and began to gather specks of golden light in order to teleport himself away from there.

However, the light never even managed to reach him as Annie suddenly appeared behind him while looking away with her hand suddenly covered in blood.

"Sorry... I'm a very petty girl... Just thinking that someone out there can teleport better than me just makes me wanna gut them."

"Blaargh!!" Park cried while spitting on the floor and dropping to his knees. A massive wound had appeared on his stomach as if someone had just pierced his body in a matter of seconds.

"NOOO!!" Kurt screamed while rushing towards the boy.

He began to engulf him in his healing flames but it was already too late. Park was no longer breathing.

Kurt glared at his sister, "Why did you do this!!??"

She simply came closer to him and caressed his skin, leaving a drawing of a smiling face made from Park's blood on him.

"Because now you have a reason to come after me..."

Kurt tried to stab her but she was already gone once again.

The girl then began to appear and re-appear behind each of Hugh's floating broadcasting devices and tearing each of them into pieces, moving from one place to another like lightning.

Kurt wondered why she even bothered to do that, but after taking another look at the scenery around him, he then realized.

She had completely disproven his point.

In front of everyone who was watching, right after Kurt announced that he was going to find another path that didn't require abandoning the weak in order to aid the strong, she showed Kurt being unable to take Hugh down a second time and defeating him herself, as well as punishing Park for not recognizing his place among the weak, just as he was starting to look like he was about to have a change of heart.

And once she was done and no longer needed to prying eyes, she simply disposed of them.

Basically, she just mocked Kurt's resolve in front of everyone.

"Let's do this again sometime... Little lamb!" she whispered while giving Kurt a kiss on his forehead after appearing right in front of him.

Right after that, she appeared next to Hugh, grabbed his arm, and vanished completely while taking the golden-horned dragon with her.

Kurt dropped to his knees as soon as she was gone and began to punch the ground over and over again with his metal claw that he promised to change the world with.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!"

Evans was dead, Park was dead, the school was basically destroyed, and Kurt's words were completely disproven.

The prince couldn't help but feel like in the end he had accomplished nothing.

All he could think about was the sight of his sister grinning with joy as if she found cute his attempts to make a difference.