Trust in friendship

"By the way, Kurt..." Trevor whispered.

"Huh? Yes?"

"Do we have a plan or anything like that?"

"Not really, no... I'm kinda just going with the mood by this point..." Kurt admitted.

"I see..." Trevor commented while beginning to lose all hope while fighting the urge to run as far away as possible.

It should be obvious that Kurt would not have a plan, he wasn't even expecting to fight Saramin today, much less fight her in a three-on-three battle. He had no idea what her talent was, nor did he know what Trevor's talent was, and he definitely didn't know how to fight as a team since all his training with his mother consisted of solo fights.

Everything that was going on right now was brand new for him. All he had was the skills from his training and the trust in his teammates... That is... Assuming he could in fact trust them.

Trevor decided to join his side, but all that proved was that being on good terms with Kurt was worth more than having the affection of the other students. His motivation was still unclear for the red-haired boy, but one thing he did know...

"Don't worry! As long as you promise to have my back, I promise I'll have yours!" Kurt assured.

"Sounds good to me!" Trevor nodded, "Let's do it!"

The fight began, and Kurt and Trevor started to dash towards the middle of the arena, just as Wesley and Ronney proceeded to do the same on their side.

"Kurt! I'll handle the big guy!" Trevor suggested, "You go for the skinny one!"

"On it!"

The kid with spiky hair tied up by a bandana seemed to enjoy being called out by Trevor and responded to his call by charging at him while gathering pieces of rock around him, covering his hands with a pair of rock gloves.

"Let's have some fun, big guy!" he shouted while raising a fist to attack.

Kurt began to worry about Trevor taking that punch head-on, ut the boy didn't even try to love and just stared at the attack with no reaction.

"Trevor!!" Kurt shouted.

But the moment the fist connected, Trevor's body became see-through, and the other kid's attack passed right through him as if he was a hologram.

"What the heck!??" he shouted in confusion.

Trevor used this chance while he was startled and kicked the kid in the face, making him roll on the ground twitching from the impact.

"Whoa!!" Kurt gasped, "You can turn intangible?"

"Pretty cool for a body-class talent, right?" Trevor smirked.

Kurt laughed back at him. That meant his team had a body-type dragon with Trevor, an elemental-type dragon with Gaby, and a psychic-type dragon with Kurt. They were a balanced group.

Sadly, Kurt was so focused on his friend that he lost track of his enemy.

The kid with glasses and a thin physique took the opportunity while he was looking at Trevor to strike him down.

'Eyes up, kid!!' Dorothy shouted with her mental link.

[Ah!] her voice called his attention and he managed to see the boy coming at him.

He was getting ready to throw a punch, but what was strange was that his skin had completely changed to some kind of grey coloring.

His fist finally connected, and although Kurt was fast enough to put up a defense with his forearms, he still took a lot of damage while feeling his bones crushing the moment he was touched.

"Kuaaaahhhh!!" he screamed in agony, but the pain only lasted for a split second as he rushed to release his healing flame and put his body back in place.

The kid with grey skin did not waste any second and continued to attack, but Kurt's superior agility helped him evade his moves with ease.

"Stay still so I can punch you!!!" the boy yelled.

"Well, gee... When you ask it so nicely, how could I possibly refuse?"

Kurt managed to avoid his fist one more time, and tried to fight back by punching the boy in the cheek, but doing so seemed to have backfired as this time the bones in his hand were crushed.


Once again, the moment he felt the pain, he rushed to use his talent and fix his injuries. Fixing himself before the pain could become a threat was one of the first things he learned during his training. Even if he could heal from anything, if he received too much physical abuse, it could start to affect his mind, so he needed to make sure to always act fast and not let the moment of pain last more than it should.

But still, he had yet another problem to deal with.

"What is your skin made of?? Metal? Iron?" Kurt asked while giving a few steps back.

The boy smashed his two fists together and created a sound that echoed through the gym, "One-hundred-percent pure steel!"

"Lovely..." Kurt mumbled.

He knew he was in trouble. His body could heal from any injury but he had no means of causing any damage.

"Hey, Trevor? This guy is kind of a bad match for me! Wanna switch?"

Kurt glanced at the other fight and saw that Trevor was stuck in some sort of dance.

The kid with rock powers would keep attacking with either fists made of stones or bullets made of collected earth launched at high speed. Trevor would always avoid them with his phasing talent, but he seemed to be getting no openings to fight back.

It looked like the stone boy had gotten smarter and was giving no chance for Trevor to catch him again.

This was bad. Kurt had a supportive ability, and Trevor had a defensive ability, meanwhile, both of their opponents had offensive abilities that also could deal a lot of damage.

Which meant, they needed an offensive ability as well.

"Gaby!!!" Kurt shouted, "Gaby, give us a hand!"

He turned around and instantly froze once he realized that Gaby had not moved an inch from her initial spot. What's more, she was staring at them with a look of complete bored indifference.

"Gaby...?" Kurt called again.

The girl just released a loud yawn and scratched her curly purple hair, "What do you want... Just kill each other already so we can move on..."

"Gaby! What are you talking about?? Come here and help us! This guy has a body made of steel! He is perfect for your thunder ability! Just magnetize him to a wall!"

Gaby then rolled her eyes and released a long sigh, "Ah... Why the hell would I do that...?"

"Eh...?" Kurt felt time freezing around him for a second, "What do you mean?? Aren't we on the same side??"

Gaby stared at him for a few seconds before giving her response, "You know... You been spouting all this nonsense for a while now... Stuff like, we are on the same side, I understand you, I want to start over, I'm sorry for what I did..."

"Gaby...?" Kurt could not understand what she meant. All he was doing was trying his best to act friendly towards her, what else could he possibly mean?

Gaby rubbed her forehead and proceeded to glare at him as if he was a bug, "You really think I'm that big of an idiot to believe any garbage that comes out of your mouth?"


"You think I don't know your game? Ever since you found out I'm the top fighter of the academy, you've been kissing my ass left and right like some lost puppy looking for an owner! What kind of moron do you think I am to buy any of your lies for even a second??"

Kurt then finally got it. His change in behavior was so sudden and so drastic that Gaby was having a hard time believing he had any sign of honesty in his actions.

In her eyes, he was acting like some shrewd opportunist looking to gain someone's favor in order to sponge off on their success.

"So... You still don't trust me..." he mumbled while lowering his head.

"As if..." she responded while cleaning her ear, "I told you before, and ill tell you again... You guys are all the same. You can just go ahead and kill each other for all I care... I'll just deal with what's left after that..."

Kurt felt like he had taken more damage than any punch from any of the individuals that attacked him in the last two days.

Even though he was honestly trying to make an effort to try and be better, the one person whose opinion he cared about still was trying to put a wall between them.

"Hey, excuse me..." the boy with the skin of steel mumbled. Kurt was wondering why he wasn't using this chance to strike him, but looking at his smiling face, it seemed like he was enjoying seeing Kurt embarrassing himself, "You really think you can take on all three of us by yourself after we dust these two?"

Gaby tilted her head while giggling and crossing her arms, "Trash added with trash is still trash... Doesn't matter if it's three, three-hundred, or three-thousand... You guys are all just scum that I can deal with with my eyes closed."

"Oho!! I wanna test that theory!! Just stay there and let me finish this sucker real quick! I'm coming for you next, purple-hair!"

"Be my guest..."

Kurt felt something snap inside of him. He assumed Gaby of all people would get how he felt and understand that he meant her no ill. But it was clear now that the hole she gained from her years at the academy was bigger than he imagined.

"Okay... I'm done..." he suddenly commented.

"Eh...?" Trevor and the two boys reacted.

Saramin, who was just quietly enjoying everything from a distance until now, finally spoke a word, "You're done...? What's that supposed to mean? You giving up?"

"Yeah, that's right... I'm giving up trying to become friends with his annoying girl..." Kurt admitted, causing Gaby to glare at him, "I offered her my hand a bunch of times, and got rejected every single one of them... I did my best to fix my mistake, but if she just doesn't want me to, then I won't bother with it anymore..."

The crowd became curious as to what he meant by that.

"So you're not gonna try to defend her anymore? You finally ready to join the rest of us against her?" Saramin suggested.

Kurt peeked at the students one more time and spotted Dorothy with the teacher among them.

"Hell no... I'm not a bully..." he replied, "But I'm also not some idiot who wastes his time with people that want nothing to do with me..."

Kurt then shifted the target of his gaze and looked at the one person who has stood by his side no matter what up until now.


"Eh!?" Trevor gasped, being suddenly called in the middle of his fight, "W- What?"

The boy with stone powers was about to shoot him with another bullet made of rocks, but Kurt used his superior speed to intercept it in time by stopping the bullet with his bare hand.

Kurt then used the same rock he grabbed and shoved it into the kid's face, smacking him against the ground.

"Kurt...?" Trevor whispered, wondering if he was talking with the same kid from before, as the look on Kurt's face had suddenly changed to something much more full of confidence.

"You're the only one I can count on, man..." Kurt commented while looking at his friend, "Wanna help me kick their asses?"

"Oh... S- Sure..."

"Cool! Cause I just figured it out how to take them down!"