Surprise party

Kurt couldn't remember the last time he had seen his father.

Ever since he was young, the man would always leave when the boy least expected, return just as suddenly, and only interact with his son for brief short moments.

One of the young lad's goals since an early age was to work hard to make his father proud, but this proved to be a rather difficult quest considering he hardly ever interacted with the man.

And yet, here he was, once again, completely out of nowhere, right in front of him.

The entire room seemed just as surprised. The emperor must have arrived while Kurt was distracted with Hugh, he didn't notice his presence until he stopped their fight. But that wasn't the most shocking part for the boy right now.

"Father... Father, what did you just say??"

The emperor just smiled in response and continued to rub his son's hair, "What? You were surprised to find out you weren't an only child?"

"What!? But- But-"

His father pressed his index against Kurt's lips and simply gestured him to keep quiet, "Calm down, son! We will talk more soon enough! Let's go!"

The emperor began to walk away from the arena while glancing back to make sure Kurt was following him.

"Go? Go where?"

"We're having a special family dinner tonight! I came to pick you up! Come on! We don't wanna be late!" his father responded while showing off his usual gentle smile.

"Family dinner...?" Kurt repeated while looking back at Trevor and Gaby who were still bowing in the presence of the most powerful dragon in the land.

The boy was so shocked that he didn't even notice that his identity had just been revealed in front of the whole class, they all knew he was a prince now.

"I... I already had plans for today..." Kurt mumbled as he didn't want to miss out on his study session with his friends.

The emperor continued to smile at him and began to speak once more, "Mmm? Did you say anything?"

"I... I said that I was going to-"

"Kurt..." The emperor opened his eyes wide and stared directly at Kurt while still maintaining his smile, only this time, the boy could sense an immense amount of discomfort coming from him, "I. Asked. If. You. Said. Anything!"

Kurt's body began to tremble and he felt an intense urge to bow down his head, "N- No, sir... I'm looking forward to the dinner..."

"Good!" his father laughed while going back to his usual expression, "Let's go! You two as well!"

Kurt was confused by what he meant but suddenly the large lad that was laying down next to him stood up while screaming from the top of his lungs.

"WOOHOOO!!" Hugh shouted while jumping up and down from joy, "Damn, kid! That was awesome!! If I knew playing with you would be this much fun, I would have visited you eons ago!! Hahahaha!!"

Kurt twitched at that sight. The more he saw of Hugh, the less he wanted to interact with him.

"Hugh, stop playing around. We don't wanna be late." The emperor stated as he continued to walk towards the exit.

"Aye, aye, pops! Let's go little bro and little sis!" Hugh responded while following him.

"Little sis?" Kurt repeated in confusion.

"He means me..." a girl with long white hair, golden eyes, and chocolate skin commented while appearing in front of him.

"Saramin!??" Kurt gasped.

"Ugh... Stop shouting... You're embarrassing yourself..."

"Wait!! You- Him- We are..."

"Why do you think I was trying so hard to get on your good side, doofus?"

Saramin followed after Hugh and the emperor, leaving Kurt completely lost on what was going on.

"Kurt...?" Gaby lifted her head to look at him.

"Gaby... I..."

"Kurt!" the emperor raised his voice, "We are leaving. Now!"

The boy's face began to twitch and looked away from Gaby in order to follow his father.

Dorothy began to fly after him and landed on top of his shoulder, 'You okay, kid?'

[I... I don't know...]

[What you don't know?] Hugh asked, speaking with the same language as the boy himself.

Kurt froze upon hearing him talking like this, [You can understand me??]

[Of course, we can!] Saramin replied, also using a different language, [We all are guests in here!]


Kurt continued to walk away from the arena and as he watched the two students and his father in front as he left behind his friends and classmates who were all shocked, confused, or scared without a single explanation, he began to feel like his life was about to change forever once again.



A carriage without wheels was waiting outside for the four of them with a massive orange dragon being attached to it by chains on its back.

Kurt, Saramin, Hugh, and the emperor all entered the vehicle and allowed the beast to take flight and carry them to their destination.

Kurt was feeling extremely uncomfortable.

They were all placed in parallel seats with his father and Hugh right in front of him and Sara on his side.

A man who he wanted to impress but barely got to see, a girl who only interacted with him if she could get something back in return, and a muscle freak obsessed with fighting and laughing out loud while not caring about the damage he could do to others.

Saramin was simply staring out the window in silence looking rather bored, Hugh kept grinning and laughing to himself while remembering the fun fight he just had, and the emperor, he was gazing directly into Kurt as if trying to guess what he was thinking.

"You must be confused" he assumed.

"A little bit..." Kurt admitted, "I wasn't expecting to see you today..."

"I bet your classmates must have gotten quite the shock. Kukuku."

"Probably... Hehe... He..." Kurt replied. He had absolutely no idea what they should talk about.

"So, what's the occasion, dad?" Saramin bluntly asked while still looking at the sky, "You never show up unless something important needs to be dealt with."

Kurt flinched upon hearing Sara call the emperor 'dad.'

"Can a father not spare some time to see his children every now and then?"

"Can an emperor abandon his duties just to see his children every now and then?" Sara responded.

"My children are also my duty! If I feel they need my presence, of course, I'm willing to grace them with it."

"I see..." she commented while going back into silence.

"I just wondered if now would be a good time to let Kurt meet the rest of his family!"

"Rest...?" the boy whispered.

"It seems the three of you are already familiar with each other!"

Hugh began to agitate in his seat, "Oh, yeah! Totally!! Little dude and I are basically bestest of buddies right now!! I can't wait to hang out more with him! We are gonna have tons of fun together!! Ain't that right, little dude? You love me, right?"

"Drop dead..."

"That's the spirit!!! Hahahaha!!"

"Ugh..." Kurt simply rolled his eyes while trying to let everything sink in, "Father... About what you said before... What did that mean?"

"Which part are you referring to, my boy?"

"About... Well..."

"Oh, we're here!!" Hugh shouted while shoving his head out of the window.

Kurt looked outside as well and noticed that they were being brought into a palace he had never seen before. It was twice as big as the one he lived in and looked much more well-guarded with huge walls surrounding it with a small river in the middle.

They landed on a balcony where a group of ladies was all waiting for them.

Five of them, all clothed in expensive-looking dresses and bowing once the emperor stepped out of the carriage.

"Greetings, our emperor!" they all spoke at the same time.

Kurt gazed at the ladies and recognized one among them, a lady with long blond hair and in a red dress who was showing a rather uncomfortable expression.

"Mother?" Kurt whispered.

Sabiri did not react and simply kept waiting alongside the other ladies.

"Rise, my lovers!" the emperor ordered, allowing them all to lift up their heads, "Tonight is a moment of joy and celebration! Our family is finally reunited at long last!"

Saramin walked towards one of the ladies, a tall woman with a golden dress that had the same skin and hair color as the girl herself. Kurt also recognized that lady, she was the stranger that he met in the hallways of his mansion many years ago when he still had trouble speaking the language of the land.

"Hello, mother!" Sara greeted while approaching the lady.

"Hello, my little vampire! Have you been enjoying school life so far?"

"It's been so so..."

Hugh also stepped forward and suddenly embraced one of the ladies, "Hi mom!! You won't believe how much fun I had today!! Hahaha!"

The lady was wearing a beautifully detailed light blue dress and had wild orange hair, making it look like her head was on fire. Her teeth were sharp as the jaws of a shark and her eyes had an intense glare aimed at the large boy. The only reason she didn't fall down once Hugh tackled her was because she herself was also rather big.

She grabbed the lad and slammed him against the floor with a judo-like move, causing the ground to shake and break apart.

"Behave yourself, you stupid boy!! You are in the presence of the emperor!! Show some dignity!!"

"Yes, mom!! Hahahahaha!!"

"Stop laughing you worthless piece of useless trash!! Hurry up and stand up before I smash your teeth open!!"

"Yes, mom!! Hahaha!!"

Kurt had no idea what the hell he was watching. The difference between these two and Saramin and her mother was like night and day.

Sara was always calm, collected, and focused while Hugh was agitated, impulsive, and always looked like he was having the time of his life.

"Kurt..." Sabiri finally called him while he was busy watching the scene, "Are you okay?"

The boy didn't know how to respond, "Mother... Mother what is happening...?"

Kurt kept watching and trying to understand the situation. He was pretty sure he was his mother's only child, but the emperor mentioned that Hugh and Sara were his siblings and two of these four strange ladies were their mothers.

That could only mean one thing.

"Mother... These ladies..." the boy whispered in order to avoid sounding rude, not that it mattered in a world where people had sense-enhancing abilities.

"Yes..." Sabiri nodded once she noticed the kid had finally understood the situation, "They are like me. We all are the wives of the emperor."