The travelling girl III

The creature revealed its figure in the sky.

An enormous serpent covered with green fur over its entire body, six gigantic feathered wings flapping away any nearby cloud, and one single golden horn above its head, so shiny that reflected the brightness of the sun itself on any eyes that tried to stare directly at it.

"We were too late..." Lian Garen whispered, "They are already here!"

Him, alongside the vampire boy and the armored lady, watched speechless as the massive beast pierced the air and used its wings to clear away the mist that covered the entrance to the vampire kingdom.

A series of black castles and grey buildings on top of a dark mountain could be spotted on the other side of the bridge, giving of the appearance of a place that had been built by every goth artist that ever lived in the eyes of the girl.

"The vampire kingdom..." she mumbled, "It's like my world's Transylvania!"

The beast continued to advance and as it did so, several vampires started to soar towards the heavens and fly towards it in order to protect their home.

The sky suddenly found itself filled with men and women, all with white hair, black wings, and dressed in leather carrying different types of weapons. Swords, shields, spears, daggers, anything that could be used in a flying battle and that was easy to maneuver.

"You lied to us!!" the boy shouted while jumping on top of the girl.

She saw the hysterical lad coming and simply grabbed a hold of him and pushed him down against the ground.

"Calm down!! We are not enemies!!" she stated.

The boy tried to free himself, but she would not budge, "LIES!!! You kept us distracted so your ally could pass through our defenses!!"

Lian Garen slapped his forehead, "What defenses!!?? You really think two stupid vampire kids could take on a dragon like that?? Use your head, brat!!"


The girl didn't want to but she had to agree with him, "He's right... If you two tried to fight that thing, you wouldn't have lasted ten seconds!"

"It wasn't enough to invade our land, and try to trick us, now you even mock our combat ability?"

"Oh, for the love of..." the girl then gave him a light headbutt in order to calm him down. Light for her, that is, the boy got severely injured, "Would you just chill already!? You saw our power! If I wanted you dead, you would be dead!"

"I don't want to hear anything you fiends have to say!!" the boy cried while blood started to drip from his hair.

"Lily, this isn't working!" she mumbled while turning towards the red-haired man, "What now?"

"This might be a lost cause... They won't listen to us as long as we don't find a way to prove our-" he paused for a moment, "Wait... The f*ck did you just called me!!??"

The girl released the boy and watched as the battle started. Dozens of vampires circling the giant winged snake and attempting to attack it from all sides, only to be knocked down instantly from the swing of its tail.

Many ended up getting smacked against the building of the kingdom, others were not so lucky and fell into the abyss. Only some managed to regain their balance and go back into flight, but the dragon did not stop at any point.

It was assumed that the beast would perhaps spit fire from its mouth, but instead, it just began to shove its own body into several constructions and coming out on the other side like a worm.

"It's going to destroy everything!!" she gasped.

"No! It's trying to provoke them! It's trying to have the guest and its ruler come out and face it!" Lian corrected.

"What?" she asked before looking again and watching even more destruction and death being spread, "All this, just to find the vampire guest??"

"Hmpf! Not all dragons can be nimble and precise as yours truly when it comes to performing their duties"

The girl stared at the dragon man, "Are you boasting?? Now?? While people are dying??"

"Still..." he ignored her comment, "This might be a lost cause. This land will soon perish and our chances of forging an alliance will be fruitless. We should use this chance to move on to the next faction before another dragon attacks it as well."

Lian Garen then proceeded to clean off the dust of his clothes and walk away from the bridge, at least he was about to before the girl stabbed him in the back and forced him to stop.


"Where do you think you're going, Lily?"

"What is the meaning of this, child?? Can't you see that we don't have time to waste? We have to keep moving!"

"Damn right we do! We gotta go and help these people!" she stated while pointing at the serpent piercing another castle and bringing it down.

"Can't you see it's hopeless? Their guest is probably already dead by this point! We're done here!"

"Lily..." she gently mumbled while moving her hand towards his face and carefully grabbing it by the cheeks, "You are not really planning on turn your back on an entire kingdom while it's under attack, are you?"

The red-haired man pulled its torso away from her blade and began his regeneration process, "Considering our options, it would be wiser to use this chance while the dragon is busy with another kingdom to search for a new one before another attack starts and secure-"

The girl pretended she couldn't hear a word he said and just kicked him in the back in order to make him lay down with his stomach.

"What are you-"

She then stepped on him as if he was a carpet and stood still on his back, "Turn."

"Excuse me??"

"We are going to stop that giant green worm. Turn into your dragon form."

"If I turn I will reveal my identity and will let the rest of the dragons know that I betrayed them!"

The girl wilded her sword with both hands and assumed a battle stance, "Not if I kill the only witness!"

Lian Garen was shocked by the coldness of her tone, "Kukukuku! Not bad! Looks like you are finally starting to use- Ouch!!"

She smacked him with the back of her blade in order to keep him quiet, "Stop talking! Let's go!"

"Ugh... Very well..."

"What am I watching...?" the vampire boy mumbled.

Lian Garen finally did as she told and began to transform into his other form, a giant red bat covered with scales, the head of a snake, and filled with black horns from his head to his tail.

The girl was about to fall off from his back but she proceeded to stop it by shoving her blade on his torso.

"Ugh!!! Why do you keep harming me with that thing??" the dragon complained.

The girl almost forgot Lian could talk even in this form, "Well, for one thing, it's immensely therapeutic."

Lian rolled his eyes and began to take flight.

The vampire boy was paralyzed from shock as he saw the image of the black knight piercing the sky on the back of a red dragon.

"What the hell..." was all he could say.

The serpent was about to knock down another batch of vampires, as well as an entire tower filled with innocents when Lian and the girl suddenly interrupted it shoving themselves between them.

The girl pulled off her claymore and pointed it at the beast, "You leave this society of flying goths alone, you overgrow fish bait!!"

The dragon just stood there completely still trying to understand a single word she said, but the girl just used this chance to leap out of Lian and slash one of its six wings down.

"ROOOOOAAAAAARRRRR!!!!!" the creature screamed in agony after watching one of its body parts being slashed and falling into the bottom of the mountain.

"That's one!" she stated while leaping away from it and landing on top of Lian again.

The green dragon glared at its former ally as if asking what the hell Lian was doing by helping their enemies.

"What is the meaning of this!!??" the beast shouted.

"Nothing personal, my brother! Our interests just happened to diverge from each other and hers man mine don't!" Lian claimed while spinning around and smacking the serpent with his tail.

The beast was launched like a comet away from the dark kingdom and dropped on the other side of the bridge, almost squashing the vampire boy in the process.


"Damn! Nice one!" she praised.

"Don't waste time!! Kill him now! If he escapes and reveals about my betrayal, they might send others after me!!"

"Understood, Lily!" she nodded.

"And stop calling me that!!!"

"I refuse, Lily!!"


The two went after the beast again and Lian proceeded to drop on top of him with both his claws, burying the enormous serpent even further into the ground.


"Lily! Use your fire breath!!" the girl suggested.

"What fire breath??"

"Aren't you a dragon?? Just spit fire on him! All dragons can spit fire, right?"

Lian glared at her, "First of all, that's really racist..."


"Second, I can't just spit fire! My power is the ability to regenerate!"

"Wait... So... The only thing you can do is not die? Like a cockroach?"

"I do not know what that is but- Guaaaghh!!"

As the two were distracted, the green dragon emerged from below and began to shove its fangs on Lian's neck, causing it to rain pools of blood over the ground.

"Gaaaagh!! Child!! What are you waiting for!!??" the red dragon cried.

"Sorry! Sorry! I'll just-"

As soon as the girl lifted her blade in order to attack again, the serpent dragon released Lian from its grasp and pierced his head with the golden horn above its skull.


The impact was so powerful that made the girl fall from her ride and land on the grass below.

She tried to stand up again, but the green beast was faster and slapped her away with the back of its tail, causing her to fly like a bullet towards the bridge and completely destroying it in the process.


"Oh no..."

Lian Garen watched as the girl began to fall alongside the pieces of the collapsing bridge and about to be lost forever at the bottom of the mountain.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!!" she cried with horror as she had nothing to latch onto.

Lian tried to come to her aid but the green dragon just kept him stuck with its horn and smacked him against the ground.

"Is this it?" she gasped.

Suddenly, someone's hand appeared to grab her before she could fall even further.

It was the vampire boy from before who was so suspicious of them just a moment ago.

"You!!??" she shouted.

"Finish what you started!!" was all he said.

The boy flapped his wings as fast as he could and emerged from the mountain with the black armor in his hands.

"Ah! Wait! My sword!! Where is-"

"Here!!" another vampire yelled. It was the vampire boy's friend who was guarding the bridge with him.

The girl assumed he must have dived in to fetch her weapon for her. Both of them believed in her!

"Give it to me! I'll do the rest!" she declared.

The girl jumped off from the boy that was carrying her and began to dash towards the serpent as the other vampire tossed her the claymore as if it was a frisbee.

Once the serpent saw the girl dashing towards it, it did all it could to escape, but Lian began to use his healing flames to close the wound on his head and stop the beast's golden horn from being pulled off.

"Now, child!!"

The girl leaped towards the green dragon and with one move stabbed it with her blade in its mouth.

"ROOOAARRRR!!!" the giant creature screamed one more time.

"O... Pen... WIIIIIIIDEEEEE!!!" the black knight shouted as she began to run by the serpent's side with half of her blade still inside of it, and completely spilling its guts above the terrain as if the monster was a piñata.

More vampires began to appear in order to help fight the beast, but by the time they arrived, it was already over.

Once the knight was done, the green dragon finally fell lifeless on the ground in front of the entire vampire kingdom who could not believe had just seen a member of the most powerful race in existence being defeated by a walking empty armor.

"Child..." Lian Garen whispered to her, "It's your moment to shine."

The girl understood what he meant once she noticed the crowd of flying blood-sucking beings staring at her and simply raised her blade to announce her victory.

"Vampire kingdom!! Fight with me!! Give me your strength!! And I promise! You will never have to fear the wrath of the dragon race, ever again!!



The entire crowd simply began to roar with excitement over the idea of someone standing up to the dragons and claiming to be on their side. Cries of joy, excitement, and relief infested the entire sky as the girl had now made herself the new hero that would bring down the dragon race.

Lian Garen used this opportunity to go back to his first form and began to aim his gaze towards the ground in order to hide his laugh.

"Excellent! Just excellent!"