The missing girl III

"Come ooooon!!! Mooove!!!" the girl mumbled.

The girl stuck inside the black armor was currently finding some technical issues with her current situation.

"Whyyyy. Caaaaaan't. IIIIII. Leaaaaaaveeee!!!???"

She was trying to leave her current location in order to find someone to talk to and gather some information on how to return home.

"Let me leave! Let me leave! Let me leaaaaveeee!!"

Only problem was, every time she reached a certain distance away from the giant oak, her body would suddenly stop as if there was some kind of invisible barrier surrounding the area or as if she was chained up and unable to break free.

"Someone!!! Heey!!?? Anyone out there!!?? Helloooo!!!"

Even after trying to walk away, crawl, jump, or rush at her maximum speed, she would always find herself stuck and unable to do anything.

"Oh... Come on..."

After realizing nothing was about to change anytime soon, she simply decided to give up and returned to take a seat at the bottom of the tree to rest a little while holding her legs.

Her frustration from being imprisoned in this hill suddenly started to turn into desperation as she began to wonder if she would be stuck there forever in this strange body.

Even after the sun had completely vanished from the sky and in its place there now was a set of small moons circling one larger moon in the middle, announcing the arrival of the night, she could not feel any cold from the breeze.

Not only that, she didn't felt heat either, or tired, or hungry. Her body acted as if it had lost some of its senses.

"What is happening...? What is happening??? Why am I here??"

She tried to remember her past. She knew another life before this existed, but the details about if were fuzzy. She remembers drowing in the ocean, fighting with some strange guy, and spending time with her best friend.

But more specific things like her own name, the faces of her parents, that school she studied of the city she lived, or the number of people she knew, all that was as if someone had put some kind of mental block on top of it.

"Who am I...?"

The night went on, and even though her body wasn't tired, she still managed to fall asleep somehow. The girl hoped that maybe her dreams would have some answer, or maybe that this was the dream and sleeping would help her wake up, but before she knew it, the sun was already up and everything was the same.

Seeing the start of a new day filled her with motivation to try and escape her invisible prison again, thus, she proceeded to fight against the force that was keeping her here one more time, hoping that something would happen, maybe she would get some kind of clue.

Maybe she could leave at the right time of the day, or maybe she needed to find a secret exit to escape, or maybe she needed to destroy the tree to free herself.

That last idea sounded tempting, but she was also reminded that last time something happened to the tree, a small wave of pain covered her as well.

Even though she had no skin, she could imagine herself twitching at the idea of what could happen to her in case something happened to that tree.

After making no progress, she began to inspect the giant oak tree and seek some kind of detail she might have missed, but after circling it for hours she couldn't find anything strange besides its stupidly large size.

"Maybe I should try climbing it...? Or I could dig it up and carry it with me? Ah... No way... I don't have that kind of strength... Do I?"

The girl began to stare at her gauntletes and wondered just how powerful was she after all. The man that tried to fight her was defeated with minimum effort even though she was pretty sure she was not used to combat.

Although, considering her memory problems, who really knows? Maybe she was actually a trained soldier in her previous life.

[Ghost armor!!! I challenge you!!!] someone suddenly screamed, breaking her concentration.

"Eh...?" the girl lifted her face, or rather, her helmet, and noticed a strong-looking brown-haired woman carrying a pair of axes with a scar below her left eye and incredibly muscular arms.

[Face me! Demon of the night!!!] she yelled while holding her weapons aimed at the girl.

[Ghost armor? Demon of the night...? You talking about me??]

[Ah! It can speak!!? Wonderfull!! Let's face each other in the most honorable combat!!]

The girl just waved her hand, [No thanks... I'm good...]


[I'm not into violence... Sorry... Maybe next time...]

The strong lady began to frown, feeling like she was being mocked, [You dare to make a fool out of me!!?? What kind of cursed armor refuses a duel??]

[Cursed armor? The heck are you talking about...?]

[I'm talking about you!! You are a cursed armror!!!]

The girl began to analyze her own body and finally reazlied where the lady was coming from, [Ugh... That sounds kinda suspicious... Can I be a blessed armor at least?]


The lady started to swing her axes at the girl, using every ounce of her strength to take her down, but once she was done, not a single scrath could be found in the black metal.

[I- Impossible!! What are you made of?? What are you??]

The girl sighed, [I don't know... I'm kinda trying to find out...]

[Wraaagghhh!!!! Die! Die! Die! Die!!!!]

[Ugh... So annoying...]

The woman started to rampage into several wild attacks with her weapons once again, but the girl just remained still and smacked her in the stomach with a heavy fist and sent her rolling down the hill like a barrel of wine.

[People here are so rude...]



The following days started to follow a pattern after that.

The girl would take some time to try to leave the hill. When that failed she would try to inspect the oak. After a while someone would show up at a random time of the day to challenge her, only to get defeated by her unbreakable surface and uncanny strength, finishing up with a beautiful view of the sunset and a quick night of sleep before starting it all over again.

[Black armor!! Face me!!!!]


[Metal demon!! Face me!!!!]


[Evil spirit that resides this body with your hideous presence and spreads your evil throughout our land!! Faaace meeee!!!]

[Would you guys just knock it off!!!???]

For some reason, every day, once per day, someone would show up out of nowhere, challenge her, get beat up by her, and not show up again. Each time a different person would appear, and she had no idea why.

Many times she would try and talk to them, ask who they were, where they were coming from , what they wanted, but they simply would keep saying the same things over and over again about how she was some kind of possessed evil armor that needed to be destroyed or how they wanted to take her unbreakable metal for themselves.

The girl didn't know how many times she had done that same cycle already, nor did she know how many more she still needed to do.

Sometimes she would just vent her anger on the ground and repeatedly punch the soil with her fists since she was too afraid of what could happen if she attacked the oak.

"Why is this happening to me...?? Is this some kind of punishment? Was I... Was I some sort of terrible person in my previous life? Is this some sort of hell for me to live in and suffer?? How long do I have to keep going with this!!??"

[Evil armor!!!] someone shouted once more.

"Oh! For the love of God!!!!"

It was another warrior who had arrived to battle her while armed with a sword in his hand, [I came here today to face-]

[I. DO. NOT. CAAAAREEEE!!!!] she shouted before he could finish.

[Huh!?] the swordsman was so surprised that he was taken out of his battle stance.

[I do no give a damn if you're coming here for honor, or for glory, or to protect your people, or to get my metal, or whatever stupid-ass excuse you idiots keep coming up with to justify annoying the hell out of me every single day of the week!!! I just want to get out of here!!!]

The man started to lower his weapons as it seemed like the armor was going through some personal issues.


[What!!?? What the hell do you want from me?? Why do you guys keep coming here every bloody day!!??] she asked while stomping her way towards him.

[S- Sorry... It's... It's just... We all assumed you were some evil spirit lurking around this tree...]

[Excuse me???]

[W- Well... It's just... You keep staying here and never leave... No matter how much time passes... Aren't you putting a curse on us or something? Our village is right at the bottom of this hill...]

[A curse??? Are you people insane?? I'm not leaving this place because I'm stuck in here!! Every time I try to leave, my body just stops moving until I try to go back!! I'm a prisoner!!]

[A prisoner...? Wait... You're stuck here?? You want to leave??]

[YES!!!] she shouted while waving her hands, [Yes, I want to leave!! I never wanted to leave more in my life!! I'm so sick of this stupid tree on this stupid hill and these stupid morons jumping on me every single day!!! I'm just so... So... SO tired...]

The man observed as she kneeled down on the grass and slowly began to cry with a weak voice.

For a moment, he almost considered using this chance to attack while her guard was down, but all he could see in front of him was someone who needed help, not someone who could cause harm to anyone.

[Okay...] he mumbled while putting his blade away.

[Okay...? Okay what?] she asked.

[You want to leave... right? I'll help you out!] he declared while extending his hand to her.

[Really?? Aahh!! Thank you!! Thank you!! so much!!!] she yelled while jumping of joy and hugging him.

[Ahhgh! Get off, get off!! You're gonna choke me!]

[Sorry, sorry!]

[Ugh...] he groaned while rubbing his neck, [Just to be clear... If I help you, you will go away, right?]

[You get me out of this area, you will never see me again! I give you my word!]

[Okay... Now... Tell me how you got here in the first place.]

The girl began to hold her "chin" and think back to when did this all began, [Well... Let's see... I think it all started while I was drowning...]

[Wait what...?]