Wrath of the Nobody

One enemy on her left and one enemy on her right.

Gaby had to think fast as she watched the two girls coming closer to her position with a massive amount of killing intent stamped on their faces.

The girl with black hair tied up in ponytails was smiling from ear to ear while the blond lass was staring coldly at her face like a hunter focusing on its prey.

Both of them raised their fists to strike Gaby, one aimed at her face and another at her stomach, but the purple-haired kid simply raised her palms and blocked both attacks by grabbing their punches.

The weight of the two girls began to push Gaby back, making Dorothy fly away from above her head due to all the moving, however, she managed to escape from them by jumping into the small space between the two, followed by touching the ground with her hands and kicking both of them at the same time with her legs.



Gaby started to backflip away from the two to create some distance, but the lass with blond hair started to give chase right after her.

She raised her palm at Gaby's position and before long, her fingers started to glow with a strange green light.

Gaby reacted by instinct and jumped out of the way by climbing onto one of the chains that were hanging from the ceiling, and as she looked down noticed a small blast of energy of the size of a fist being shot right beneath her.

As Dorothy returned to Gaby's head the girl started to whistle at the sight of the energy blast colliding with one of the walls and dispersing over it like a wave.

"So this is your talent, huh? An energy beam. Very straightforward if you ask me..."

The blond girl finished unleashing her blast and began to massage her palm, "But you still don't remember who I am, do you?"

Gaby simply shrugged, "I could say I do... Or I could be honest... Which one would make you happy?"

The girl aimed her palm at Gaby again and released another blast, although this one was much smaller and weaker.

Gaby jumped into another chain in order to avoid it again but right before she could grab onto it, the ponytailed lass jumped at her with her hand raised and in less than a second emitted a strong light that blinded the entire room for a split-second.

"Argh!!" Gaby cried as she nearly burned her eyes from the intense flash and ended up dropping down on the ground again.

She began to feel Dorothy getting agitated on top of her hair and realized that the beast was trying to warn her of another upcoming attack.

Once her eyes were finally open again, she saw the blond girl coming at her one more time, but she managed to dodge her at the last second, followed by grabbing her arm and slamming her into the ground.

"Aarghh!!" the lass cried, "That hurt!!"

Gaby tried to focus but her vision was still blurry due to the flash of light. Dorothy tapped her on the left cheek with her wing and made her notice the ponytailed girl trying to jump on top of her from the chains.

She was about to flare up the room one more time but Gaby grabbed her palm as if she was high-fiving her and proceeded to pull her closer in order to strike her belly with her elbow.


Once again Dorothy began to agitate and drew Gaby's attention towards the girl on the ground who was standing up and preparing another beam of energy.

Gaby just took advantage of the girl she was holding and pushed her in front of the beam in order to take the blast from her.

As the blond lass realized what she was about to do, she cancelled her attack and let herself wide open for Gaby to rush towards her kick her in the stomach.


Kurt couldn't believe what he was seeing. Gaby was managing to hold up against two dragons even without her talent, "Whoa..."

"I told you..." Saramin commented while watching everything without a single trace of shock on her face, "Gaby isn't the number one in our class because she has a strong talent... She's the number one in our class because she is a strong dragon."

Kurt couldn't deny that he wasn't expecting that. Gaby always looked like she relied a lot on her lightning talent during her fights, with how creative and calculative she was while using it, but it was now clear that it wasn't that the power was good, it was that she was good at using it.

"But wait... When I fought Gaby, I had no problem matching her on hand-to-hand combat..." Kurt noticed.

"Well, yeah... That's because your mother's training is at a completely absurd level. Even among freaks, you still stand out..." Saramin explained.

Kurt began to twitch upon thinking what Gaby would be like if she had been trained by his mother. The idea was so scary that he did all he could to forget about it.

The two girls stoop up while Gaby continued to stretch herself up in order to not lose her pace.

"So one shoots beams and another can blind dragons if she gets close to them..." Gaby commented, "Sounds like you two would be great at parties."

Both of them began to glare at Gaby.

"You still don't remember us, do you?"

The lass tilted her head and tried to recall in her memories, but still, nothing came to mind. Gaby had faced so many dragons over the years that kept trying desperately to take her number one spot that she at some point just stopped paying attention to what the powers of each of them were.

"Can't say that I do... But honestly, I really don't know what the big deal is. Why is it so important for me to know who you guys are?"

The blond girl began to grit her teeth and grabbed her left index finger with her right hand.

"Eh...?" Gaby mumbled, and during that moment of distraction, the ponytailed lass raised her palm one more time and ignited the entire dungeon with a bright light.

Everything went white for a second before the sound of the blond girl suddenly screaming in pain echoed through the place.


"What the-" Gaby gasped while trying to cover her eyes with her arm.

Dorothy started to go crazy yet again, and when Gaby took a look she noticed a gigantic blast of energy coming straight at her, this one three times bigger than the first one.

"Oh, no!"

She jumped out of the way mere seconds before getting caught by it, but just as she started to ran away, the girl with a blinding light talent appeared right in front of her and smacked her in the face.


Gaby began to wabble backwards and handed up having her shoulder caught by the energy beam, making her scream in pain as an intense feeling of pain began to spread through her body, as if someone was pressing melted iron against her skin.

She pushed herself away from the beam and dropped to one knee while looking at the state of her shoulder, but much to her surprise, there wasn't a single scratch in it.

"Huh!? How is this possible?? I could swear I-"

"This is my talent..." The blond girl interrupted.


"If you actually bothered trying to remember who we are, you might not have been caught so off-guard..."

Kurt and Trevor exchanged looks with each other.

"Trevor, what's she talking about? She's an elemental dragon, right? Isn't her power just that beam?"

"I'm not sure... I don't really remember-"

"Hahahahaha!!" the blond lass suddenly started to laugh out loud, "Of course you don't remember! After all, we aren't as amazing as the oh-so-great number one student! We aren't even worth remembering."

Gaby just raised an eyebrow confused, "What are you on about...?"

The girl aimed her fist at Gaby once again and shot her right leg, causing her to burn in pain again.


But just like before, once the attack was over, there was no signs of damage anywhere, not even on her clothes.

"I'm not an elemental dragon... I'm a psychic one!" the girl claimed.

"Eh...!?" Kurt gasped.

"Yeah! That's right! I'm a psychic! The strongest type of dragon! But even then nobody knows who I am! Crazy, right?" she yelled while shifting her gaze from Kurt to Gaby, "Even though I should be stronger than an elemental dragon, I still never managed to beat her! Do you know how pathetic this is??"

Saramin started to glare at the girl, "Excuse me? I'm also a psychic and I also lost to her! But you don't see ME whining and crying just because of that!"

"Oh, please! You are a daughter of the emperor, a guest from another world, and one of the top five students of our class! Everyone knows who you are! You have no idea what it feels like to be a nobody!"

"Ugh..." Gaby tried to stand up, "Is that what this is all about? You two just want attention? And are jealous of me? Are you serious?"

"So what if it is??" the lass unleashed another beam, but this time not as big as the previous one.

Gaby easily dodged but still felt the pain on her shoulder and her leg tingling while trying to move.

The ponytailed girl appeared in front of her again though, and delivered a kick on her stomach that knocked her down.

As she touched the ground, the corner of her eye noticed that one of the fingers of the blond girl's hand was broken, the same finger she was holding before the big flash of light from before.

"What did you do??" Gaby wondered.

The girl noticed that she saw her finger and began to smile at her, "That's just one of the great joys of being me... I can't use my talent if I don't injury myself."


The lass raised her hand again and unleashed another beam aimed at Gaby, who evaded it by rolling on the ground.

"My talent allows me to channel all the pain I feel and converted it into an attack..." she explained, "It doesn't cause any physical damage... But all the pain I feel gets sent over to you!"

"You... You're transferring your pain to me??"

"Sounds silly, right? But then again... That's the only way anyone will ever care about my pain."

The girl then proceeded to break another one of the fingers and just like before, started to scream in agony over the injury. And while keeping her focus on Gaby, began to charge another blast aimed right at her head.

Gaby tried to get out of the way but the ponytailed lass jumped on top of her and locked her down to keep her from moving. She tried to struggle but all her accumulated injuries were starting to pile up and making her body go numb.

Both lasses were enjoying her fighting to get out.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"This is my little gift to you, Gaby! I hope you like it!"

Gaby simply stared hopelessly as the blast that was now five times bigger than before approached her, carrying all the suffering and agony of the girl that hated her so much whose name she never even tried to remember.