The Joy of Sharing

Chapter 3


So another morning came and I woke up late again.

It was almost noon 'again' when I descended the staircase.

"Good morning," the couple greeted me in chorus enthusiastically.

"Good morning," I greeted back with the same enthusiasm.

As I seated by the kitchen island, Sarah handed me a cup of coffee then she's back to her task.

I knitted my brows after I had enough time to wander my gaze around the kitchen: so much food.

But before I could ask what's the occasion, the doorbell rang.

I volunteered to answer the door as the couple really had too much in their hand.

A woman in her sixty's beamed a smile at me holding a platter of something covered with a banana leaf.

Then her smile faded and was replaced with wonder and curiosity as soon as she realized I was someone she'd never seen before.

She looked over my shoulder, maybe looking for familiar faces.

"Hi," I greeted.

"Hi," she snapped that brought her attention back to me.

She ran her gaze from my head down to my toes then arched a brow as her gaze went back to my eyes.

"Who are you?" She curiously asked.


I think I should be the one asking that since she's the one visiting my house but still I remained civil.

"I'm Sky," I answered.

"I'm visiting the Carter's." I added.

The grandma nodded and handed me that something with the banana leaf.

"I'm Rosie," she extended her hand while beaming a smile at me.

"Welcome to Verona."

My stomach knotted at the warm of her smile— it was homely.

"Tell Sarah I dropped by." She instructed then patted my shoulder twice before going on her way.

I followed her with my gaze and she disappeared at the house next door.

'a neighbor'

I returned to the kitchen and told Sarah the happenings.

She excitedly opened that something with the banana leaf and it turns out to be a food— that was foreign to me.

She tasted it and handed me some. I threw her an unsure look if I should really eat it and she playfully wiggle her brows in persuasion.

So… I ate it— and it was good.

Sarah gave me a victorious smile then she's back to her task at hand.

By then, I remembered something from Sarah's tales of her hometown way back those years that it is common occurrence for neighbors to share their food here….

It's not because one lacks… or does not have anything to eat— but it's about...

'the joy of sharing'

Now I experienced it first hand and I loved it.


Just how many years did I lived at our Villa and I've never heard our neighbor giving us something: I don't even know who's our neighbor all the years.

And in my apartment, I do not even recognize who's living next door.


Now, now, now.

This small town, Verona— I'm now very interested.


It took me awhile before finally asking Sarah what's all the excessive food for.

"Oh…" she snapped while patting her forehead.

"Today is Town Fellowship Day Sky."

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you."

I wryly smiled.

Just what the hell was that?

So she explained.

It's kind of gathering of the town folks.

It happens twice a month that falls on Saturdays at 3:00 in the afternoon onwards.

Each family would bring food of their choice and share it with everyone laid down in a really long table.

There are also games and some music to entertain everyone.

And it's being held at the lawn of someone I don't know, big enough to cater everyone in the town.

I imagined it like a picnic maybe.

I don't know.

I'm yet to experience it.

And not everyone could make it due to work schedule or something but there are those families that never been absent.

"So, what should I wear?"

"Is it fancy or something?"

Sarah laughed.

Others would even attend in their work clothes coming down from their farms so she suggested— I should just wear something I'm comfortable with to walk around.

So I did.

"What?" I asked as soon as I got out of the front door to hop into James' car.

We're heading out.

"You look cool Sky." James complimented.

Then he resumed to load stuffs in the trunk.

"Do I look weird?" I asked Sarah.

She smiled and shook her head.

"You look really cool." She seconded.

"Just that, you stand out."

I smiled.

Well, Sarah once told me that I look good in everything even a 'rag' would look good on me.


So, we're headed to that town gathering with me — feeling all excited.
