The Warmth

Chapter 4


Have you ever experience being stared at like a celebrity on arrival in which as though you are the only one everyone sees at a moment?

Well, I just had it.

They were staring and whispering among themselves.

Well, I know I'm damn gorgeous and I've had a fair share of staring gazes in my twenty year of walking this Earth but this time was just way too different.

'the fuck Verona'

I have lived my life of being at the top proudly. That includes wasting money, bitches flocked around me, night after night of drinks in a gay bar on me—

So I'm used to staring, much more to those lustful and flirtatious ones but… but what's with this town folks?

They looked at me — of course with curiosity but there's something in their eyes that's new to me as well as with their smiles.

I treaded the path towards the crowd along with the Carter's. A woman in her forty's approached us then after some pleasantries with the couple her attention finally shifted to me.

Sarah introduced me and I was welcomed so warmly.

Then I was overwhelmed as everyone simultaneously greeted me one after another.

Most around were elderly, and they either shook my hand, patted my shoulder, kissed my cheek, hugged me open arms—


It was overwhelming— 'cause it isn't fake like I've been used to get in the city.

The welcome I got from everyone this time was warm and sincere— genuine.

Their enthusiastic welcome: the approach, smile, gestures, made me feel a sense of caring, belongingness and appreciation.

Then I heard James on the mic with his humor.

"Oh right everyone," he called for attention.

"We don't want my guest to be stressed out with all the commotion, do we?"

Everyone laughed at it.

"Come here Sky and introduce yourself once and for all," James gestured for me to come over.

I smiled as I made my way to him then I noticed the sets of musical instruments around him but I set the thoughts aside as I took the mic from him and faced the crowd.

I ran my gaze around, a feeling of warmth washed over me 'again' with everyone's friendly faces and genuine smiles directed towards me anticipating my words.

And so I introduced myself briefly— yeah briefly as I was suddenly got embarrassed and anxious.

It was my first time feeling it ... 'cause I usually held my head high as I am always at the top of my game.

But here, I felt like I'd become so fragile and meek.

Then Sarah took over for more elaborated introduction for myself.

She claimed me as the daughter of a close friend in the city and well— shared a 'surface' of my unruly life.

Atleast, just the 'surface'.

Hence, my father asked the Carter's for a year of chastening in hope that I would be bended of my ways.

Well, that's the script anyway but I suddenly felt embarrass and self conscious after meeting everyone here.

I was shy suddenly.


Since when did I give thoughts and care to what other people would say and think of me?





The fellowship proceeded, everyone was in groups: laughing at some cracked jokes, gossiping, while those of my age and younger were helping in the setting up and preparation of the foods.

I suddenly felt like useless.

Well, that's kind of true since I really don't know anything about laborious stuffs.

Yeah, even carrying a chair is laborious to me.

Got a problem with that?

Then Sarah nudged me after my talk with an elderly woman.

"How about giving me a hand?"

Then she led me to a table, most were mom's and those of my age and younger, each has a task in hand.

Sarah handed me a table napkin and instructed me to wipe all the utensils to dry.

I turned my gaze at both of my side, everyone who met my eyes did smile and so I gave back a smile before starting my task.

At the corner of my eyes, I could tell those lingering gazes at me— curious were most of it especially to those of my age.

The ones beside me and the one opposite me were so obvious in trying to make a conversation but reluctant to do it so I just let them to push themselves but no luck anyway.

"Give me the 'colander' Sky," Sarah commanded.

My brow arched in question.

'What the fuck is that?'

Sarah seemed to get me. She pointed it out to me.

It's just in front of me though. I just really don't know the name. So I handed it to her.

She mouthed 'thank you'.

"Sky, the 'cleaver knife' please." Sarah asked me another item after some time.

My eyes landed on a wooden knife holder— 'again' in my reach.

My thoughts ran wild as I battled which of the knives is the 'cleaver knife'.

I pulled one from the rack and showed it to Sarah— she shook her head for 'no'.

I pulled another one— she shook her head again.

The knives were out of her reach so she's pointing at it this time at my fourth attempt, fifth and still no—

I already caught the attention of those around me.

And my patience was getting thinner as well.

I sighed in helplessness and grabbed the entire rack and handed it to her— and she laughed.

Yeah, she laughed at me.

I just rolled my eyes and went back to wiping the spoon and forks to dry.

And when I thought that's the worst that could happen due to my cluelessness and ignorance, a middle aged woman appeared across the table and dropped a bomb at me.

"Could you please hand me the 'whisk' sweetheart?"

She nonchalantly asked me with that—along with extending her arms expecting me to hand her the item.

My mouth hung low then I gulped and ran my gaze on the kitchen utensils around me.

Why the fuck are most of the utensils were on my reach?

And what the fuck is a 'whisk' ?

A whiskey?

Then an angel came to my rescue.

"Here you go Mrs. Potts, " she handed the item.

"Thank you dear."

As soon as the woman turned her back, beside me was a lovely girl, the height just my shoulder looked up to me and smiled.

She awkwardly extend her hand for a handshake.

"Hi, I'm Lisa."

I wryly smiled due to my embarrassment and shook her hand.

"I'm Skylar."

"Thank you for the... rescue?" I trailed my voice in shame.

She laughed.

"It's as though you've never been in a kitchen huh."

I laughed with that. She sounded friendly and light— sport.

"I just walk passed it everyday." I tried to make it humorous and guess it did since she laughed.

And I joined her.

I think I just made a friend with that laugh.
