In Awe

Chapter 10


I descended the staircase all dressed up for school next morning only to see no one in the kitchen or in the living room.

It was unusual, Sarah usually awaits me by the kitchen everytime.

So I grabbed something to eat and in a while Sarah walked in yawning.

"Good morning, " I greeted.

She just hummed and nodded, pulled up a chair, sat beside me and poured some milk for herself.

"Your car arrived," she said dryly placing the car key on the table.

I took it and nodded.

Dad had informed me about it last night and it's a white Range Rover Evoque Convertible, an old model.

We had even our little argument as he was feeling bad giving me the old one but I insisted 'cause I don't want to stand out more than I already am.

After my breakfast, I kissed Sarah on the cheek and headed out the door and I stopped before taking a single step out from the front door.

I immediately closed the door in my face and turned back to Sarah.

"Why are there so many people outside?" I wandered.

She sighed, "You've got a really fancy car Sky."

My brows furrowed and my mouth hung low, "And?"

"That's just an old car; a model from four years ago."

Sarah sighed again then pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Even so young lady, it's still a fancy car."

"Nobody in this town can earn it's worth even working to their bones day and night."


I groaned and took a peek from the window.

James was in deep conversation with other full grown men. They were occasionally pointing finger on my car so they're probably talking about it. And some youths were taking turns for a picture too.


"Sarah…" I trailed my voice, sounding helpless.

Sarah just shrugged and shoved me out the door as she laughed.

"You're gonna be late young lady."

'sob sob sob'

I reluctantly smiled to everyone as I approach my car. My shoulders were droop so low too.

I was shy from all the attention.

I hugged James then hopped inside the driver's seat. I pushed the horn once then drove off.



I kept my head and eyes straight on the road as I entered the school grounds. It was an uncomfortable sight to see: everyone was gaping in awe as I pass their way.

'It's just a car people…'


I parked near my department and it was as though a coincidence that my new found friends were also among the astonished individuals with their mouth in a shape of an 'O'.

I groaned internally.

Also, it didn't escape unnoticed to me, the bulging of both Jake and Jhen's eyes as well as the covering of their mouth in 'unison' as the convertible roof of my car moved to close.

Well, I parked under the shade of towering trees so I don't want falling leaves to trash the interior.

I got out of the the car and walked towards them with a smile.

"From now on, I won't be surprise anymore in everything about you, " Jhen said.

I playfully nudged her arm then we headed to our classes as the bell rung.

The classes proceeded as boring as it was and I was disappointed that Nikki was absent when I'd been looking forward to see her.


After my lunch with my friends at the cafeteria, I headed to the open volleyball court as I was free the entire afternoon.

Well, Nikki was absent so no class. Hers was the only class I have in the afternoon.

Right, I have agreed to my friend's request to take them for a ride, so basically I was just waiting for their classes to end.

And for killing the time, I sat on the grass under the shade of a tree near the volleyball court— ogling.

Yeah— ogling.


What am I suppose to do anyway?

The school is too small to have a cheer team 'cause if it has, for sure I would be there ogling at their cheer practice.

Anyways, I'm taking what's available so it's the volleyball team with their skimpy shorts.


I was there for a while when my phone rang. It was Todd.


I ran the pathway to my classroom for Nikki was in... for her lesson and it was quiet a distance.

'the fuck'

I thought she's absent for the day.

When I got to the building, I briskly walked 'cause running is prohibited in the hallway.

Then I was catching up my breath as I stood leaning slightly by the doorframe of the classroom— all eyes on me.

"Excuse me… and sorry I'm late," I apologized with a slight bowing of my head then took my seat at the back.

I flinched as my gaze met with Nikki's as soon as I seated.

I gulped and it hurts as my throat was dry from the running.

Nikki sighed, "Three consecutive absences in class would automatically be dropped."

"Three consecutive lates would also be dropped."

"Same goes with nine alternating absences without valid reasons every time."

"I suggest you give time reading the student handbook Marshal."


I just humbly nodded then she resumed her lesson.

I think I just got to her bad side.

Then I was in the zone again of staring at her dreamily with my chin supported by my hand on my desk.

And well, Todd again nudged me.

I turned to him, he's whispering something and I got it.

I looked around, everybody was listening attentively on the lesson, taking notes and tapping their calculators following Nikki's lecture while me—

Yeah, me—

I did nothing... and I have nothing on me either other than my phone.

It was like I went to a war without any weapon.


When you are an engineering student, scientific calculator is your best pal. It's your academic life saver.

One goes everywhere with it.

One sleeps next to it.

One whispers prayers to it during exams.

One panics when it gets lost.

One can't just live without it—

And there I was, sitting in class not having it; forgetting it.


Well, forget about that. I was not interested in the lecture anyway. I was more interested in knowing Nikki.
