Into The Library

Now once they had descended into the dark stairs and reached their destination—they were given the sight of the library that they so desired. It looked like any part of the Kraelonia Academy but there was always something about it that made them feel like they were in another world. Glancing above provided ceilings with chandeliers that had magically lit candles and before them was a study area, tables and chairs that they could sit in to study. There were even parchments and quills left there with not a Mage in sight.

"Had someone left that?" The young man asked. Only the sounds of a rustling cloak was their answer. It wasn't like they actually had a companion that was a great conversationalist. Well there was no use there, he rubbed his face. Instead he admired their location, the space inside of this area was no doubt affected by some kind of dimensional or space magic because there were at least more than a hundred shelves beyond the table.