Heading Back To Kraelonia Academy

A ball of fire ricocheted off the walls and darted back and forth as Han ducked along with Miss Lilia behind some chest and boxes. The woman looked a bit frazzled as she scratched her forehead and looked at him, "It might not have been a wise choice to demonstrate the capacity of this fire wand."

"I'm more concerned why the walls are not being burned down?" Han asked as he followed the flame move around until it finally extinguished. Magic fire obviously—normal fire didn't jump around like that.

The store owner coughed as she pulled herself up, "This is an Arcane Shop, young man. What kind of silly person would I be if I did not at least have the walls warded against magical attacks? I'll let you know that this place is sturdy."

"I see, that makes a lot of sense too." Han nodded, he bit back the urge to ask a question like—how would the walls fare against the never-ending bolt of lightning attack from a Colossal Wyvern.