Cut Scene of a Boy In His Natural Habitat

The creature tilted its head at Han Jing for a couple of moments before it started to move away from him. It moved like a cat, its paws pattering down the street and went down on its merry way. And when it was finally gone, it was in that moment that he let out a breath. 

Han Jing raised a hand to his forehead and wiped the cold sweat off his brow. He glanced at his screen and almost expected that he'd unlock [ Skill - Terrain Camouflage ] but that wasn't the case.

That would have been too easy, even for him. 

It wasn't like he had blended with his surroundings either. He was literally just standing outside of the door. And yet this still gave him the creeps. What was he supposed to do now? He wasn't going to be stuck in this place would he? He had multiple sources of inspirations to draw from, media, games and series—something like this would have been familiar wouldn't it?

He had passed through a street and then everything changed.