Cut Scene of The Two Boys Meeting

Of course it wouldn't be that easy. Han Jing stepped back into the street that he had gone through but still found the world around him remained the same. It was still empty. He could only hear the silence and that defeaned him more than his own ear bleeding earlier. 

But whatever had howled earlier didn't make any sound anymore.

And yet he was calm. Instead of panicking at all or doing something else—he stood in his spot and scratched the back of his head. Han Jing was pretty sure that he wasn't supposed to be here. "What had happened?" He asked.

An electrifying sensation pricked the back of his neck and he jerked away from his spot—in time to see a pink-haired figure land on the place where he had been. The concrete road was cracked, fractures in the ground like mirrors.

[ Skill - Instinctual Dodge Used ]

[ Skill - Basic Agility Active ]

[ Skill - Basic Endurance Active ]

[ Skill - Basic Reflexes Active ]