Cutscene: Secrets of the Deep and Otherworlds

Did she manage to detect him trying to read her thoughts? He didn't think so, but it was a bad idea nonetheless. "Haha… please don't." Han Jing scratched the back of his head and weakly grinned. 

"Not in front of the food at least," Faeran said as the waiter approached them and finally served them their dinner. "Thank you for the meal, here's your tip."

The waiter looked oddly at the gold coin in his hand and said, "Is this some sort of trap? Fake gold? We don't accept toys here." The man returned the coin to him and then quickly departed from their table to serve other guests.

Faeran blinked and then pouted. He turned to Han Jing and said, "All of you Humans are starting to become wiser now. I better start thinking of fresh ways to toy with your race—it isn't as fun as in the good old days."