Just Han (Soul Waves)

Time flew quickly if you closed your eyes and allowed it to pass by with no desire to hold it back. The first day had been difficult for Han struggling to come to terms with both the presence of Timothy and Iola gone, and yet it had been done.

Lessons were listened to, conversations ebbed passed him, but it also ended.

Then came the second and third, almost as difficult as the first one—the reality of things sinking into the man's psyche that even when Han Jing himself was gone, Han would lie awake in bed and wonder about the two's whereabouts.

And yet he also needed to rise from this.

There were things left in Timothy's room that Han himself sequestered for himself. He had done it before the other Students complained about the stench of nearly dozens of dead rats in Timothy's room. This was the night that Han focused on the books of magic and skills once gotten from the library.

It was where his [ Hastened Learning ] almost grew exponentially.