Everyone was scattered around the place trying to figure out what to do. Harley and Ivy smiled and looked at each other. "Let's have some fun." Ivy grinned.
They began to fight the workers. For the most part it was easy. They used different methods, some messier then others. Blood was getting everywhere. Harley threw a "boom stick" into one of their mouth's. The explosion was loud and the body parts flew all over the place. Everyone ducked but they still had blood on them.
"Yeesh. That was brutal. Who's next?" Harley said.
The two of them laughed.
"Why are you doing this?" One of the worker's asked.
Harley and Ivy looked at each other. "Let's just say this is payback." Ivy said. "Like avenging all of the plants you killed. Well, now we'll kill you." Harley giggled. Her and Ivy continued to have "fun". Killing and beating up all of their victims. One by one.
Until one of them grabbed a gun that was hidden in the wall.
"Woah there, grandma. Looks like you got a few tricks up ya sleeve." Harley stood up. The lady clicked the gun and put her finger on the trigger.
"No need to get angry, granny baby." Harley smiled and winked at Ivy. Everyone stayed in silence. They we're terrified to even breathe too loudly.
Everyone except for Harley and Ivy.
Ivy threw a plant seed at the lady and then it began to sprout. A large vine with big thorns. The lady started shooting at it, hoping for it to stop. But then, it slowly creeped up on her. Right as it was about to snatch her, the sprinklers went off.
It made the plant crumble up and turn to dust.
Harley quickly took the gun and pointed it at the lady.
"Looks like the tables have turned, lady." She said.
Ivy stood by the broken door making sure no one could escape.
"You people are monsters! You reek havoc upon this world. Making everyone feel hopeless. Letting everyone that's ever loved you down. You don't even understand real love. True love. Because if you did, you wouldn't be out here killing innocent people. Losing there family and friends. In a pit of despair! So go ahead... Kill me. I already lost all of my hope. You have lost all of your ability to love...You'll never change and that is sad." The lady explained.
Harley licked her lips. "You don't know anything about me!" She yelled.
"Don't let her get to you, Quinn. She's the one who claims to be innocent. Really she kills plants for money. Her own good fortune. She deserves what she'll get." Ivy told her.
Harley hesitated. She looked around at all of the scared workers. People. They had families and hopes and dreams. She did too. The only difference is, she really didn't understand love. Most people didn't really. But for her, was she really incapable of love?
She took in a deep breath. "Harley, what are you doing? Shoot her!" Ivy shouted.
Harley looked at the woman. She felt confused. What am I doing? She thought. Just pull the trigger! She was also mad at herself for just standing there.
"Pull the damn trigger, Quinn! Before bats gets here." Ivy said.
Harley held back the tear that was forming in her eye. It was like a tug of war. Pulling her between two sides. Not by the woman. Or by Ivy. But in her mind. Fighting with herself. Like there was another person in her head. Telling her something else.