The Killing Game

"Puhuhu...Well... you know... if a student were to murder another..." the bear said and chuckled with amusement.

The atmosphere in the entire room grew heavy as everyone's blood went cold, after they heard what the bear said. Even the more stoic people of the group weren't unfazed by this change. Everyone showed a reaction. Everyone but Jason.

'I see... so this is what God meant... interesting...' Jason thought and waited for the bear to continue with his explanation.

"M-Murder!?" said the short brown-haired boy

"Stabbing, strangling, crushing, drowning, igniting, beating, it doesn't matter how you do it. You must kill someone if you want to leave this school. The rest is up to you. Do whatever it takes to obtain the best results in the worst way possible. Puhuhu... I bet that you guys are shocked right now! Like I said before, you guys are the world's hope. To take that hope and seeing it get crushed creates a dark shadow of despair. A shadow of despair... is so exciting!!"

"What do you get out of it?" Jason asked, gaining the attention of the others

"What do you mean?" the bear asked, and tilted his head to the side

"Why would you encourage us to kill each other? What do you gain by making us do this?" Jason asked. For a few seconds, everyone's gazes moved from Jason to Monokuma, until...

"Alright, come on! How long are you going to keep this up?" said the idiot

"What?" asked the bear in confusion

"You got us, okay? You scared the hell out of us. so how about you drop the charade?"

'He really IS an idiot...' Jason thought, as he looked at the idiot with an apathetic expression. However, Jason didn't miss the fact that the bear dodged his question

"Drop the charade?" asked the bear

"Yeah, because, that's what this, is isn't it?"

"Okay, I've had enough! Move out of my damn way!!" Mondo exclaimed in anger, shoved the idiot to the side and approached the bear

"Listen, asshole! This shitty joke has gone way too far!"

"Joke? Like your hair?" the bear said casually

"What the hell did you just say to me, you little piece of shit!? I don't give a shit if you're a stuffed toy or a robot. Either way, I'm going to rip you to fucking shreds!" shouted Mondo, grabbed Monokuma, and lifted him.

"AH! Violence against the headmaster is a violation of school regulations!"

"Shut the fuck up!!! Let us out of here right now, or I swear I'll..."

The bear suddenly went limp and a loud beeping sound started coming out of him.

"What? No smart-ass comeback this time?" asked Mondo mockingly

The beeping didn't stop. Instead, it started to speed up.

"Enough with the fucking beeping and say something!" shouted Mondo

Jason immediately recognized the meaning of the sound and exclaimed:

"Get rid of it right now!"

"What?" asked Mondo

"If you don't want to blow up, then throw the fucking bear!"

Likely stunned into silence by the urgency of his voice, Mondo did as he was told and threw Monokuma into the air and as soon as he did…


Monokuma exploded. Everyone was in shock due to the turn of events.

"What the hell!? He fucking exploded!!"

"Wait, if the teddy bear exploded, then it means it's gone, right?" said the short light brown-haired girl

"I told you, I am not a teddy bear. I am Monokuma!" the bear's voice said, and another Monokuma appeared on the podium

"There's another one!?" exclaimed Leon in shock, his face turning pale.

"You son of a bitch! You fucking tried to kill me!" said Mondo in anger

"Of course I tried to kill you! You can't just break the school rules. I'll let you slide with a warning this time, but I'd suggest you be more careful from now on. Bad, rule-breaking children won't walk away with just a spanking here!" the bear said angrily

"Does that mean that... there's like, a bunch more of you all over the school???" asked (fake) Junko

"Yes, Monokumas have been deployed to numerous locations throughout the school. Plus, there are also security cameras that are installed everywhere. And if you are caught breaking the school rules, well, I think that I don't have to explain it. Puhuhu... I won't be so forgiving next time, so don't let it happen again" the bear said with amusement

"T-That's not even a punishment. That's… just… wrong..." the optimistic girl said, visibly disturbed.

"Lastly, I have a welcome gift for each of you!" the bear said, and brought up what looked like several smart pads.

"This is our official school handbook. Pretty neat, huh? As you all can see, they are electronic, so naturally, we call them...the e-Handbook!

The e-Handbook is a vital part of your school life, so don't go losing it. When you turn it on, it will display your real name, so make sure you got the right one. These things can do more than just identify you.

Also, it's completely waterproof and thanks to its modern-day design, it can withstand up to ten tons of force. It also contains all of the school rules. You should all read through them.

I have said this before and will continue to say, violation of the school rules will not be tolerated! Rules exist to both restrict and protect. Peace cannot exist in society without laws. And the same goes for here! That's why there are strict punishments for rule breakers!" the bear explained

"Well, this concludes the entrance ceremony..." the bear started to say, but then Jason asked:

"Can you answer a question of mine?" he asked, gaining the attention of everyone

"Sure! Do you want to know how to get a knife? Or maybe, would you like to know about some quiet place, where you can lead someone there and then..."

"You said that if someone were to kill somebody, he'll be able to leave, right?"

"Sure do!"

"Then, if, theoretically, someone were to kill someone right now, would he immediately be able to leave?"

"Puhuhu... why won't you try and find out?"

"...I see. If you're not going to answer my questions, then I won't bother to ask you more questions in the future"

'As I thought... the fact that he won't tell me, means that there is more to it than simply kill someone...'

"Well, then please enjoy your new school life, and... see you!" the bear said, and disappeared, leaving the shocked 16 students alone