Can't Clear It Alone

They had finally arrived back in the town.

"Alright, time to head to the guild." Amaya thought to herself.

"Where are we going?" Emi asked.

"I'm going to the guild, to become an adventurer." Amaya replied.

Emi had an excited look on her face.

"Does that mean I can get lots of snacks?"

"Only if I make enough money."

"Oh, okay." Emi replied.

Amaya began thinking to herself.

"After I find out my ranking I should go sell that weapon I got from that orc and buy a new one. I also need potions for health and mana recovery."

They had arrived at the guild. Amaya and Emi walked in and went up to the counter.

"Back again? What can I do for you?" the lady asked.

"I'm here to become an adventurer." said Amaya.

"Okay, let me get you the paperwork." The lady then went down behind the counter. A couple seconds had gone by and the lady stood back up again.

"Here you go." She handed the paper to Amaya.

"Nothing strange happened this time." Amaya thought to herself.

She then looked down at the paper.

(Name: Age: Class: )

"Since I'm going to be around here a lot I guess I should know your name." Amaya sugested

"Oh, my name is Hana," said the lady.

"Also, can I have a pencil?" Amaya asked.

"Yes, I actually have one right here." Hana reached in her pocket and pulled out a pencil. She then handed it to Amaya.

"Thank you."

Amaya then wrote down her info.

(Name: Amaya Age: 25 Class: )

Amaya then began thinking to herself.

"What should I put for my class? Maybe, fighter. No… maybe I should put 'Assassin' because I'm fast. Actually, I am more of a fighter."

(Name: Amaya Age: 25 Class: Fighter)

Amaya handed the paper back to Hana.

"Okay Amaya, I'm going to scan your overall."

Hana then stared at Amaya as her overall came into veiw

(Amaya: Overall: 2,502)

"You are now officially an adventurer. You are b-rank at number forty-one, the very bottom."

"I rank pretty low,huh?"

Amaya then turned around to face the entrance,

"Okay, I'm going to head out now." said Amaya.

"Alright, see you later." Hana replied.

As she began walking out, Amaya noticed a ton of papers pinned to a wall.

"Are those quests?" Amaya thought to herself.

She then walked over to the wall and noticed a couple of different ones.

(Quest: Clear forest dungeon Rank: A Reward: 5,500 silver coins.)

(Quest: Destroy Elite Orc Base Rank: Silver Reward: 20 gold coins)

Amaya grabbed one of them off the wall.

"This one says to clear an a-ranked dungeon. All I have to do is bring back an item that the boss dropped for conformation. Seems a bit difficult but I'll take it. A chance to get stronger." Amaya folded the paper and shoved it in her pocket.

Amaya and Emi both walked out of the guild.

"Next we're going to head to the weapon shop." said Amaya.

"What are we going to get?" Emi asked.

They began walking as Amaya explained.

"We are going to get some weapons, some potions and whatever else might help me whenever I fight monsters."

At the weapon shop…. Amaya and Emi both walked up to the counter.

"Hey there, Amaya. It's been awhile." said Hikaru.

"Yeah, it has." Amaya replied.

"What can I do for you today?" asked Hikaru

"How much can I get for this."

Amaya held out her hand and a long curved sword appeared.

"What's it's attack power?" Hikaru asked.

"It's five-hundred-thirty-two."

"I'll give you thirty silver for it, 1,550 honor." said Hikaru.

Amaya placed the curved sword on the counter.

"It's a deal."

The man handed Amaya pouch containing thirty silver coins.

Amaya grabbed it and placed it in her pocket.

"What's your most expensive sword? Preferably a katana because they're strong."

She then thought to herself.

"Actually, it's because when I was a teen I used to be a big anime nerd. I always thought it looked cool when one of the characters would fight using a katana."

"I have just what you're looking for." said Hikaru. He then went down behind the counter.

"He actually has one?! I wonder how strong it will be." Amaya thought to herself.

He then stood up and placed a long silver katana on the counter.

"It's attack is 1,000. It's cost is 120 silver, 6,000 honor"

"Will one gold coin work?" Amaya asked.

"I'll tell ya what. You'll normal need six gold coins for a weapon like this but since you're a regular, you can have it for one gold coin" said Hikaru.

"Thanks, I need to get a couple more things too" Amaya replied.

"Sure, what do you need?" Hikaru asked.

" Your strongest dagger, two health recovery potions, two mp recovery potions and that's it.

"You might want to add in two more gold coins, the potions are two-hundred-fifty a peice." said Hikaru.

Amaya placed two more gold coins on the counter.

"Here you go."

['Storage' has been activated] A small blue portal appeared.

Amaya grabbed the katana and the dagger and placed them in the portal.

"W-What skill is that?" Hikaru asked.


Amaya then thought to herself.

"Looks like I'm going to have to invest to put all of the potions in there."

Amaya then placed a gold coin in the portal.

"Invest, one gold coin."

Amaya then grabbed the potions and placed them in the portal.

['Storage' has deactivated]

"Well,I'll see you later Hikaru." said Amaya.

"Okay, see ya later."

Amaya and Emi walked out. She turned to Emi and handed her a gold coin. Go to the Inn and get a room, I'll be back later.

"Where are you going?" Emi asked.

"I'm going to do adventurer work, I'll be back soon, don't worry."

"Oh, okay." Emi then began walking off.

Amaya turned and looked at the forest.

"Hopefully I don't run into an extremely dangerous monster that I can't handle."

Amaya had been walking through the forest for some time already.

"Going by what the paper said, the dungeon entrance should be somewhere around here."

Suddenly, Amaya heard a set of large slow footsteps.

She turned and saw a large bear-looking creature stepping out from a giant cave.

"That must be the dungeon entrance." Amaya thought to herself.

She looked at the creature and it's stats came into view.

(Shadow Bear: Level:112 Hp:2,100 Mp:0 Armor: 0 Atk:568 Speed:89 Endurance:67)

Amaya held out her hand and a katana appeared.

"This skill makes it easier to access my weapons." Amaya thought to herself. She quickly ran at the bear and slashed it.

It turned around and swung it's claws at her.

"Dash!" Amaya jumped out of the way and slashed the creature once more.

[Exp gained] She then walked over into the cave.

"That was easier than I thought. Well, time to go in." Her sword then disappeared out of her hand.

Amaya walked in. There were torches on each side of the walls.

The further she went, the more torches there were. It felt nice and cool inside as if she was in a snowy forest.

Amaya stopped.

"Something doesn't feel right."

Suddenly, a man slowly walked out from the shadows. His skin looked like coal and his eyes were red.

"You look like your flesh and blood would taste good."

Amaya looked closer and saw that he had two horns coming out of his forehead.

"What are you supposed to be?" Amaya asked.

"I'm here to guard the entrance. The boss told me to kill any humans that enter. That means….since you entered you have to die."

Sher then replied.

"Demon or not, a monster is a monster...and I'm an adventurer."

Amaya then thought to herself.

"I just sounded so cool, hahah."

Amaya looked at him and his stats came into view.

(Elite Demon: Level:89 Hp:15,500 Mp:5,600 Armor:4,000 Atk: 4,800 Speed: 321 Endurance: 311)

She held out her hand as her katana appeared.

The demon was suddenly behind her.

['Speed Boost' has been activated.]

['Penetrate' has been activated]

Amaya quickly turned around and slashed the demons chest.

(Elite Demon: Hp: 13,441/15,0000) The demon smiled.

He swung his fist at Amaya, but only hit the air as she moved out of the way.

['Penetrate' has been activated]

She swung her sword and suddenly stopped as the demon held the tip of the blade.

"You're a pretty fast human but, you're still not faster than me."

['SpeedBoost' has deactivated]

A chill shot down Amaya's spine as the demon reached out to grab her.

"Dash!" Amaya jumped to the side ['Penetrate' had been activated] and slammed her fist into the demon's face.

"I know the difference in our strength and speed but, I'll keep pushing, and I will overcome you!!" Amaya shouted.

(Demon: Hp: 12,323/ 15,000)

The Demon had not moved an inch. The demon then ran around her in circles so fast she could not see him.

The demon quickly and firmly poked Amaya's forehead. The impact pushed her, knocking her on her back.

"The difference in our strength is too great. You don't have what it takes to overcome me. If adventurers are supposed to be strong enough to beat demons like me then, that means you're a failure."

At that moment thought's rushed through Amay's head.

"No matter how far I go….I always end up needing someone's help.

Why? I don't know. I want to be strong and save others but I can't even save myself. Throughout my childhood, I've always been the weak one. Can I ever win or be successful at anything? Can I even win this? I don't know but….I have to try. I won't lose without a fight."

She then jumped to her feet. Her skin began darkening and her eyes turned fully white.

['Rage' has activated]

['Speed Boost' has been activated]

She then gripped her sword and quickly ran at the demon.

The demon quickly swung his fist at Amaya.

She ducked and ['Penetrate has been activated] stabbed the demon's stomach.The demon grabbed the blade from Amaya's hand and tossed it to the side.

She jumped to the side and held out her as a dagger appeared.

Amaya then shoved the dagger into the demon's eye, then yanked it out.

"Agghhh" The demon swung his arm at Amaya, but only hit the air as Amaya jumped back.

"She got faster?!" The demon thought to himself.

He then held out his hand.

"Sorry, but If i keep messing around you might actually win. Flame!!"

A violent hot spinning flame shot out of his hand towards Amaya.

She quickly jumped to the side, dodging the flame.

Amaya quickly ran at the demon.

['Dash' has been activated] ['Penetrate' had been activated]

She then dashed at him and swung the dagger, stabbing his chest then slammed her palm into his face.

(Elite Demon: Hp: 2,590/15,000)


The demon grabbed Amaya's arm but she quickly turned around and threw him over her shoulder.

She lifted her foot then stomped down as the demon quickly rolled ouf of the way. He then sprung to his feet.

"You'll die here!"

He ran at Amaya and reached out to grab her. Amaya was too fast and quickly weaved to the side.

She then swung her fist, hitting his jaw then yanked her dagger out from his chest.

(Elite Demon: Hp: 942/15,000)

The demon grabbed Amaya's arm.

"I'm not going down without landing a hit on you, human!"

Claws grew out of his hands. He then swung them at Amaya.

She yanked her arm away from his grip and ducked then quickly stabbed her dagger into his stomach.

[You have leveled up] [You have leveled up] [You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up] [New skill learned: Fast tracking]

The demon then fell backwards.

Amaya's skin and eyes went back to normal.

She looked down at the him.

"I guess I blacked out again."

She noticed that her dagger was stuck in the demon's stomach and that her katana was on the floor.

"Weapons, return to storage." Her dagger and katana then disappeared.

She then bent down and ripped off the demon's horns.

"Maybe, I can have Hikaru craft this into a dagger for me." She then stood up.

['Storage' has been activated]

Amaya placed the horns in the portal and noticed that her mana points were low.

['Storage' has deactivated] (Mp: 95/567)

"I guess I better drink a potion." Amaya held out her hand and a glass bottle containing a blue liquid appeared. She took the lid off and drank the potion.

"This actually tastes kinda sweet." Amaya thought to herself.

She then tossed the bottle behind her and began walking deeper into the dungeon as it shattered.

"I blacked out for most of the fight but I know that demon was strong.

It said he was an elite so I doubt all the other monsters here are as strong as he was. If they are, then I'll probably die."

She began walking further in.

"Maybe I should put together a party to come here with me. I don't even want to Imagine how strong the boss will be."

Amaya stopped as she heard loud footsteps slowly coming her way.

She looked closer and saw five bear-looking creatures.

(Elite Shadow Bear: Level:74 Hp:4,500 Mp: 0 Atk: 1,200 Speed:98 endurance: 79)

"Elite shadow bears. Those are the type of monsters I heard about from Misaki's childhood story.���

Amaya reached her hand out as her katana appeared.

['Speed Boost' has been activated.] Amaya moved past one one of the bears as she swung her sword. The bear's head fell off.

[You have leveled up]

"Penetrate!" She quickly turned and slashed one of the other bears.

(Shadow Bear: Hp:1,022/4,500)

It then lifted it's arms above her.

A chill shot down her spine. She quickly jumped back as the bear slammed it's arms down.

"If that had just hit, it would've been over for me."

Amaya reached her hand out and a glass bottle of green liquid appeared. She bit the top off and drank the potion.

(Amaya: Hp: 1,588/1,588)

Amaya held her katana straight, waiting for one of the bears to attack.

One of them raised its arms then slammed them down at the ground.

The floor began to shake and Amaya was losing her balance.

"This is the same thing that weaker bear did to me!" Amaya thought to herself.

One of the bears ran at her full speed. Amaya quickly dropped her katana and crossed her arms.

(Amaya: Hp: 388/1,588) The impact pushed her back a great distance.

"I'm still at the start of the dungeon and I'm already having a hard time."

[Enemy has activated 'Speed Boost'] [Enemy has activated 'Speed Boost']

[Enemy has activated 'Speed Boost']

Amaya's eyes widened as the bears suddenly got faster. They all ran at her and rapidly began swinging their claws.

Amaya began moving side to side doding the attacks as they kept coming.

"They're not that fast but, It's hard to keep up with all of their attacks.

[Enemy has activated 'Burst']

Suddenly, one of the claws was seconds away from hitting her face.

['Dash' has been activated]

She quickly jumped to the side.

"I'm getting a really bad feeling that's telling me I can't handle this yet."

['Speed Boost' has been activated] Amaya turned around and began running towards the entrance of the dungeon. In less than thirty seconds she had finally made it out.

Amaya stopped to catch her breath.

"I need to get much stronger if I want to clear that dungeon." Amaya thought to herself.

She began walking.

"When I make it back to town I will see if anyone at the guild wants to form a party with me. After that, we'll come back."