Beyond The Golden Doors

(Legendary Dungeon Entrance)

Shinya stood around with the Legendary and Platinum-rankers while waiting for Amaya to arrive.

"Where is that girl?" Shinya asked himself.

Kioshi sighed as he replied.

"She's probably not coming. Maybe the thought of clearing the whole dungeon scared her to death."

Shinya then turned to face him.

"Need I remind you that she defeated a Legendary boss all on her own? That puts her on a higher level than any of us here, except Atsuya."

Kioshi knew her strength but to be told that everyone here was weaker than her was a surprise. A sweat ran down his cheek as he thought to himself.

"She's really on that kind of level?"

Shinya let out a sigh.

"We'll continue to wait until she returns. Considering the fact that there's a Mega Boss here, we will need her help."


(Tunnel #4 Mega Boss Room)

As the room lit up, the boss that stood at the end of the room was now visible. It stood around 10 feet-tall on two legs. It had long black horns coming out the top of its head. It's eyes were fully white and it's skin was grey and hardened. The creature had long sharp claws that were 5 to 6 inches long.

Amaya stared at it as she thought to herself.

"Let me guess, it's a demon isn't it."

['Analyze' has been activated]

(Demon King: Level: 45,000 Hp:900,000,000 Armor: Infinite

Atk: 2,345,000 Speed: 987 Endurance: 1,245)

"That thing is no joke. Just watching it gives me the chills. I can tell that I'm going to have to try my hardest. In order to prepare, I should take a look at it's skills."

She then squinted while staring at it.

(Skills: Double Speed, Attack Double, Fast Tracking, Absorb, Lifesteal, No other skills)

The longer Amaya stared at the list, the more she understood the strength of the demon.

"I knew it. It has powerful skills, I can't play around. I'll have to use all my powerful moves from the start."

She held out her hand as a blue bladed dagger appeared then tightly gripped it.

[Enemy had activated 'Fast Tracking]

['Burst' has been activated]

Amaya shot forward as she swung her blade. The wind all around shook violently as the demon quickly moved to the side. It then swung it's fists at her, 45 hits in a single second. Amaya quickly dodged each and every hit as she countered by slashing the demon with her dagger.

(Demon King: Hp:712,470,680/900,000,000)

"I barely managed to dodge its strikes." She thought to herself.

The Demon suddenly struck her in the chest, sending her back a great distance.

(Amaya: Hp: 9,582171/11,927,172)

The creature's strike wasn't enough to kill her but it was enough to cause her pain.

She held her chest while barely realizing what had happened.

"Ouch, that wasn't nice at all. Are you trying to kill me or something?!"

Amaya then realized the stupidity of her question. Yes, the monster was trying to kill her because it was a monster and that's what monsters do.

She shook her head in disappointment.

"Of course it's trying to kill me. That was the dumbest thing I had ever asked."

['Fast Tracking' has been activated]

['Speed Boost' has been activated]

Both Amaya and the Demon began running towards each other, shaking the air.

They both swung their fists at amazing speeds, creating a great amount of energy. Each of the creature's strikes was followed by a glowing red light while Amaya's were followed by a blue light. After what had seemed like forever, they both took a couple steps back from each other.

"You're one tough monster," said Amaya.

Suddenly, the Demon grinned and to her surprised, it responded.

"I know. Why are we talking about my strength? For being a human, you are worthy enough for me to want to spare your life. I give you the benefit of the doubt. How about, you become a demon, and I'll spare your life."

Amaya let out a sigh and shook her head.

"Sorry, I can't do that. I have a goal to protect and save others, I can't just let this dungeon keep existing. So either you give up your status as dungeon boss and have it disappear or...."

Amaya shot an evil glare at the demon as she finished her sentence.

"...I'll have to put you down."

The Demon was surprised by Amaya's courage and bravery. She was unlike any human it had come across before.

" What a shame. Someone as strong as you would have great potential as a demon. Too bad I have to slaughter you.

['Rage 2' has been activated]

Amaya's skin darkened and her eyes began glowing purple, looking as if fog was flowing from her sockets.

She then replied to the Demons statement.

"No, it's too bad that I'll have to slaughter you."


(Dungeon Entrance)

All the adventurers felt shocked as an intense energy filled the air.

Both Shinya and Atsuya stared at the entrance to the dungeon.

They knew that the energy had to be coming from the 'Mega Boss' room.

Shinya then put his hand on Atsuya's shoulder.

"Tell all the adventurers to evacuate. Contact the Slasher and Survivor's guild. If that energy is coming from the Mega Boss, we'll need assistance."

Atsuya then turned around to face the other adventurers.

"Everyone ranked lower than platinum, evacuate. It's not safe here."

At that moment, crowds of monsters began rushing out of the cave.

Atsuya quickly turned round in surprise as Shinya shouted.

"We can't let them reach the town!"

Atsuya quickly took cover behind a tree along with Shinya as the Legendary and Platinum-rank adventurers fought the monsters.

Atsuya reached into his pocket and pulled out a magic communicator as Shinya stood up.

"While you contact the guilds, I'll go and help the others fight, take care."

He then ran into the crowd of monsters and began slaughtering them left to right.

Atsuya held the communicator up to his ear as he spoke.

"Hello? Yes, it's me, Atsuya. Shinya told me to contact you, we have a situation. Monsters are escaping the dungeon and running towards the city. Bring all of your high rankers."


Left and right, Amaya dodged the Demons' attacks as they kept coming.

They ran all across the room at an amazing speed followed by blinding flashes of light. The demon reached its hand out to grab her as she moved to the side and stabbed her dagger into his chest.


Electricity flowed through his body as he stood still. HE was stunned and Amaya knew this was her chance to land a clean strike. She yanked the dagger from his chest right before swinging it across his face.

"Time for the finishing move."

She swung the dagger into the demon's stomach then shouted.


There was loud thunder followed by a bright flash of light that shot into the demons' back.

(Demon King: Hp: 37,471,680/900,000,000)

There was a couple seconds of silence, the Demon then smiled at Amaya.

"You almost had me."

He rapidly swung his fists at her while dust violently flew around.

Each of his punches held great force, shaking the air around. There seemed to be to stop his punches, but he did not stop as he knew that Amaya was a threat that had to be put down. After swinging his fists non-stop, his attacks eventually came to a stop. As the dust began to clear, Amaya fell to the floor. Seconds passed as the Demon was breathing heavily.

['Awaken' has activated]

['Second' chance has activated]

(Amaya: Hp: 23,854,344/23,854,344)

Her hands bagan twitching as she slowly stood up.

The Demon was shocked. He knew that his attacks were enough to kill any normal human. Unfortunately for him, Amaya was not a normal human anymore. All in that moment, it barely struck Amaya that she was not the same person anymore. Her past self was long gone.

As Amaya's eyes continued glowing purple, she stared at the demon and grinned.

"Are you ready for the final round?"

He then replied as his claws grew twice in size.

"I am. Prepare for death."

[Enemy has activated 'Double Speed']

The demon ran forward and began swinging his claws at Amaya.

Amaya stood in place, barely moving as she gracefully dodged each of his attacks. The demon was shocked by her speed but continued attacking endlessly. At the start of their fight Amaya was having trouble keeping up with his attacks but now, she was able to move at the speed of light with little effort. His attacks kept coming and Amaya kept dodging.

She then weaved to the side and slammed her fist into his chest.

[Enemy has activated 'Absorb']

The demon was angered and began shouting.

"Did you think I would go down just because you got a little stronger?!"

He then began attacking again as he continued yelling.

"I am a Demon king! A Demon among demons!"

Amaya dodged his attacks with little effort. He then stopped and took a couple steps back.

"You're too fast for me to hit, huh? With this next attack, I'll use up all of my magic power in a single great attack. So big that you won't be able to dodge."

He then held out his hand as he shouted.

"Whirling Fire: Extinction Flame!"

A great big magic circle appeared in front of the demon. It began glowing brighter and brighter until suddenly, a great giant flame shot out.

Amaya stared at it as it came closer and closer.

['Cooldown Reduce' has been used on 'Second Chance']

The flame then covered Amaya along with that half of the room. Smoke was everywhere, covering the demon's view.

Seconds passed and the demon still could not see due to all the smoke.

"I think I finally got her. That was one though human."

['Awaken' has activated]

['Second Chance' has activated]

The smoke then began to clear. The demon stared ahead as his eyes widened. Standing behind all the smoke was Amaya.

['Rage 2' has deactivated]

She began walking towards him as she spoke.

"I'm not mad anymore but that doesn't mean I can let you live. You are a monster, and monsters kill humans. I want to save lives so, by killing you I believe that I'd be preventing people from dying in the future."

She held out her hand as a blue bladed dagger appeared. Amaya then gripped it tightly as she approached the demon.

"Sorry, I have to do this. Sacrifice!"

Loud thunder roared through the air as a bright flash of light shot through his chest. He kneeled down in pain as blood dripped from his mouth.

"You say that I'm a monster. We have that in common. You are no longer human, you are a monster yourself. If you continue using that raging skill, you will become no better than me. To bad ….I couldn't recruit yo-"

The demon then fell forward on the ground.

[New skill learned : World Gate]

Amaya let out a breath of relief.

"A skill? What's world gate?"

She then shook her head.

"I better focus on getting out of here first. I heard that dungeons disappear pretty quickly after the boss is defeated. I'll have to walk because my endurance is low.

(Amaya: Endurance: 0/1,410)

She then began walking.


(Dungeon Entrance)

Outside was quite as monster corpses laid on the floor. The Slasher and Survivor's guild both had adventurers on the scene guarding the entrance alongside the Legendary-rankers. Both Shinya and Atsuya had noticed that the energy coming from deep within the cave had died down.

Shinya had a feeling that the Mega Boss had been slain but did not want to believe it because of the fact that no adventurers had been sent in.

Atsuya was thinking the same thing but put the pieces together and realized what had happened.

He then put his hand on Shinya's shoulder.

"Hey Shinya, I think I know what had just happened.Remember how Amaya said she took down about 2 of the bosses in the dungeon."

Shinya was confused as to why he was bringing this up but replied.

"Yes, I do. Why do you aske."

Atsuya then continued.

"It's weird how Amaya hasn't shown up to enter the dungeon yet considering her strength. Also, Ayumi told us about how Amaya was able to create portals taking her in and out of the dungeon. That skill has to be none other than 'Gate'.

The magical energy flowing from the cave had to be the Mega Boss. The way the monsters ran from the cave must have meant that the boss was in battle. Then the way it suddenly died down must have meant it was defeated. Do you think that Amaya could have opened up a portal to the dungeon then defeated the boss?"

Shinya found it hard to believe that a 'Mega Boss' could have been defeated by one single adventurer, but then he remembered that Amaya had a unique skill that allowed her stats to double when her health reaches a certain point.

He then replied.

"I found it hard to believe but the dungeon seems to be slowly disappearing. That only happens once a dungeon boss has been defeated. So in other words, your theory checks out. I just hope she makes it out before it completely disappears."


(Inside the Legendary-Rank Dungeon)

As Amaya walked, she noticed that parts of the dungeon began slowly disappearing. She knew that she had to get out quickly.

"I have to get out of here, and fast. That's right, I can just create a portal to the outside."

She then held out her hand ,but before she could activate her skill, she began feeling dizzy and her vision began slowly darkening.

Amaya held her head as she felt her legs growing weak.


Her vision completely turned dark as she fell towards the floor.