Unbreakable Loyalty

His name was Kono. While he was infamous among assasination jobs, today he was out seeking information to fulfill his personal goal.

'I will find you and make you pay, Ace Skyman.'

A blue light flashed from his hand, revealing a small bag on the floor next to him. Kono reached in and pulled out black dagger, gazing on its sharpness.

'I really want to avoid spilling unnecessary blood. Hopefully getting the information is easy.'

Minutes and minutes of waiting passed until an hour had fully gone by.

Kono stood by the corner, waiting for his target. Finally, there he was, a man wearing a brown suit passed.

'That's him.'

Kono followed the man from a distance until he turned a corner and completely vanished.

'Huh? Where did he go?'

A voice spoke from behind.

" I noticed you were following me. What is the meaning?"

Kono spun around, seeing that the voice came from the very man he was tailing. But how did he know he was being followed.

" I just need to ask you a couple questions about the person you work for." Kono revealed a blade for the purpose of intimidation.

"I have nothing to say to you, regarding my employer." said the man as he turned around and started to walk off. However, Kono wasn't going to stop there.


The man yelled in agony as a knife was thrown into his leg.

"I didn't want to do that. But I couldn't let you leave like that." said Kono.

Unable to walk, the man desperately started crawling but was stopped as a foot weighed onto his back.


The knife in his leg was pulled out, before being stabbed into his hand.

Shnk. Gush.

"I want to know about Ace Skyman. Tell me about his location." Kono demanded.

Despite the pain he was in, the man refused.

"I would never betray Sir Ace in such a way. Especially because of your hostility. You don't have good intentions."


Kono firmly pulled the knife out from the man's hand.

"You're right. I hate him with everything in my body. One day, he will fall by my hands. And only then, the score will finally be settled."

Grunting in pain, the man went on to speak words of doubt,

"No...Sir Ace could not fall to the hands of someone like you. He is the embodiment of h-"

Shnk. Stab.

Kono shoved his dagger into the man's back. Still, the man continued to talk, even as blood filled his mouth.

"He...is the embodiment of hope… and strength…Sir Ace.. is the truest protector of the lands…."

Until his dying breath, he kept quiet. Kono took a bow, whispering.

"Your loyalty was strong. You have my respects. I wish you had made things easier."

A sensation of a chill ran down Kono's back as he sensed someone step foot inside the alleyway. He turned to face this person with caution. It was a girl white snow-white hair. If Kono was any other person, he might not have noticed her presence.

'I wish this girl didn't choose to come here at this time. I don't want to kill her, but I can't have nobody tracing me.'

Kono leaped towards her and thrusted his dagger at the girl's face.


He had missed, leaving the girl to firmly grab his wrist, questioning him.

"I'm just out for my nightly walk. It's the only thing that's able to keep me from going insane lately. Why did you just try to stab me?"

Her strength was unbearable as Kono could feel his forearm being crushed by her fingers.

Instead of answering, Kono used his free hand to throw a punch at the girl to which she easily dodged.

The air was knocked from his chest as he felt himself get slammed to the floor.

Smash! Crackkle!

Kono nearly spit out blood. Now he was more sure that this girl was a capable fighter. Wobbling, he got back on his feet.

"You're a strong one. Who are you?"

The girl stepped forward revealing herself as Amaya, a Legendary-rank adventure.

Kono began shaking when he heard her claims. But he wasn't shaking because of fear. In fact, an opportunity like this was something he had wished to happen for the longest time.

Kono believed her claim without a second thought as he could see her stats due to his unusual eyes.

{ HP: 95,417,376 | Atk:25,003, 776 | MP: 25,003, 776 | Speed: 2,246 | Endurance: 2,820}

The numbers were higher than any adventures he had even heard of, enough to make anyone scared. Though Kono didn't feel any fear, he knew that fighting her in his current power wouldn't be enough.

'I should find an opportunity to escape. As much as I want to , fighting this girl would only send me to an instant death.'

Kono took a step forward, addressing her.

"I never heard of you, but your stats show that you are no joke. Perhaps you're a hidden weapon of the kingdom?"

The fact that Kono was able to read Amaya's stats had surprised her if only for a second.

'He can see my stats?'

Amaya hadn't yet noticed the body laying on the floor until her eyes gazed towards the floor, it was then that she realized that was going on.

"That man on the floor isn't alive. You're responsible, aren't you?" Amaya asked.

A sigh flew from Kono's mouth.

"You ask that question but you already know the answer."

After hearing his response, Amaya's eyes suddenly held an even darker look to them.

"I was just making sure before I did anything. It's corrupted people that I hate to their cores. So, it's corrupt people I will gladly put down."

With a light that flashed from her palm, Amaya gripped a dagger that appeared.

[You have taken an item from your storage.]


She leaped forward and a blue light followed behind the swing of her blade.

Kono's eyes easily saw her movement but his body was only able to dodge by the length of a hair.

Amaya didn't use her full speed in the attempt but she was still surprised as even most monsters wouldn't be able to avoid her attacks.

With haste, she twirled her blade, adjusting her grip before she turned and swung once more.

Again Kono had barely managed to dodge by jumping into the air, landing on a roof.

'Now's the time to run!' he thought to himself.

Hislegs starting bring him from roof to roof, fleeing.

But he didn't escape yet as a cold shover slid down his spine. Amaya had instantly apeared behind.


A powerful kick had struck Kono's hip, throwing him off the roof, falling onto the stone road.


His body trembled in pain while trying to get up but he could barely even move. It was a feeling, like his entire body was shattered like glass.

'What...even hit me?...'


Amaya gently landed next to him, before holding the point of her blade to Kono's back.

"Why.. didn't you kill me with that kick?" Kono asked.

"That kick was meant to cripple you. I just felt like giving you a chance to say your final words. Go ahead." Amaya replied.

"My final words, huh. How about this? Sacred: Traveling Shock."

An unseen force traveled from Kono's back, and onto Amaya's blade before reaching her body. A great stinging sensation filled her figure and all her muscles tensed.

Kono jumped to his feet and sprinted off with flashy speed.

'I have five seconds before she can move again. I need to get as far as I can.'

{Seconds passed: 2}

A sudden burst of speed ran though his body and he sprinted even faster for a brief second.

{Seconds Passed: 3}

Kono jumped onto a roof before jumping once more. But this time, he jumped over the town's border, landing him in the forest. Even then, he ran through-out the forest without stopping.

{Seconds Passed: 5}

Amaya re-gained the ability to move and quickly tried to see where her opponent had gone. He had gotten away. All Amaya could do was put her blade away and shake her head.

'He's too far gone. I won't be able to find him even if I start looking now. I guess the only thing I could do now is report the victim's body.'