Chapter 3 - Strength

The breathing technique of the forgotten sect is a technique which gathers the surrounding qi into the body of a person, damages it and lets the body recover itself, making it stronger.

As Luan was practicing the breathing technique, he soon stumbled upon many questions.

Like which body part to strengthen first and how many time he would have to do that.

Fortunately for him, every question was either answered in the book itself or system.

Then he realised that the first realm has to do something with muscles and organs.

Moreover He knew that the system wasn't able to answer many questions about the cultivation realms

But it could answer questions about techniques, their usages and how to effectively cultivate them.

The system told Luan that he couldn't progress much if he only focused on strengthening his body with qi because whenever someone starts cultivating, they would need to heavily depend on pills to make the process faster and more effective in the beginning.

After that, it becomes much easier and pills aren't necessary.

'Alright. Now the I should start strengthening my organs' Said Luan as he started collecting the qi inside of his organs with the technique he had learned. His organs were constantly being damaged and he was letting the body recovery itself.

"Erk! "

The first time he did it, he felt like his body was burning from inside, but after doing the process a few more times, he felt like the pain was getting weaker and his recovery rate was getting better even if it's little.


Three days later...

'Crap. I haven't eaten in days, but I'm still not powerful enough to attack that beast and not sustain major damage in the process. '

The wolf beast went out to eat whenever Luan was meditating and he never went too far from him to, like the beast wanted to kill an easy target with whatever he can.

"Well anyway. Status"

Name: Luan

Race: Human

Cultivation: None

Hp: 15

Agility: 8

Int: 90


"Hmm? Is the beast injured? "

Luan was looking at the beast who had gotten a deep wound on its back. He was kind of getting fond of the beast because he acted like a kid who would play with himself once in a while.

'I guess it's still a child' Said Luan as he kept looking at him.

But does that mean he won't kill it? no, he was getting really hungry and if he could kill the beast for food, he would. Does that mean he would leave the beast if he had food? yes he's not that heartless as to kill other living being for fun.

"But still, he's almost two times stronger than me" Said luan as he began thinking how he could defeat the beast.

'How about I jump down, take my scythe with the falling force and attack him? '

'That is entirely possible although I will get damage.'

Luan scratched his chin while looking at his scythe. It was a dangerous bet and he didn't know the damage he would receive after that.

"Ok. It's finally then"

Luan was 25 meter away from the ground and a little mistake could put his life in danger. He decided to put his plan in action when the beast wasn't looking.


The beast was waiting for Luan to come down all this time, but the human was just too stubborn! Although he had impressive agility compared to the beasts around his cultivation, he had low strength compared to them.

So it couldn't leave such an easy target and regret later. But what can he do? He was beaten by his 'friends' and couldn't get food anymore. And he had just another 3 days of food with him. He couldn't do anything to his friends as they were all stronger than him.

The beast was bored and couldn't do anything except wait as the human will certainly require food

Just like him.

The beast looked away frustrated and Luan saw an opportunity and went down with all his might. If he could kill the beast in one shot, it will help him hugely.

Just as Luan approached his scythe, he forced it out of the tree and went straight for the beast's head.

The beast sensed an energy coming at him at rapid pase. When he looked up, he barely saw the human falling towards him with insane speed.

'This is my chance! '

'The beast saw Luan just at the right time to avoid getting hit by the scythe.

'I am dead' thought Luan as he looked at the beast who was looking at him. After his fall, Luan felt like half of his health just went away.

Who is this human?! He almost died by his weapon, if he hasn't noticed the human's presence, he would have died on the spot!

The beast was shaking as he realised that. He was injured and couldn't use all of his power anymore, and that last dodge was just a fluke.

Luan realized what was happening and didn't waste a single second

He went for his stomach.

The beast tried getting away from him but couldn't, as his injury was starting to take it's effects.

Luan saw this and grinded his teeth. He knew killing the 'helpless' beast was wrong.

'This is just... '

Luan stopped in the middle of his attack as it was about to hit the beast.

The wolf beast was shocked, this was the first time someone had stopped their attack in the middle of a fight. The beast was ready to accept his fate, but just like that, he was alive.

"Hey, I know you won't understand me, but get away from here and we can both go our ways" Luan said as he started creating distance between them.

The beast didn't understand the words, but he knew that the person in front of him could have killed him if he wanted. He was stunned at first but recovered and started walking at luan slowly.

'God, I knew leaving him was the wrong thing to do, why did I do it!?' Luan said as he trembled at the danger before him.

But what happened next was the complete opposite of what he thought, the beast bowed down to him and let out small growl, indicating he was of no harm.

The beast did this because he wanted to follow luan. He had a simple mind, he saw how luan had the chance to kill him, but he didn't. He knew that the human was strong. If any other human was in his place, he would have killed the beast without blinking.

'He's bowing! what should I do!? This beast doesn't seem to want to kill me but follow me? '

Just as luan thought that, the beast ran with his injuries to get something.

It was food that he had collected and reserved for later. He wanted to give it to the human as the 'fee' for joining him.

As the beast ran away, luan started going out a different direction away from the beast. After all he couldn't risk dying and it was a good time to run.


On the way, he collected many different types of plants and flowers. He thought that they could sell for some price in a human settlement.

'System, show me my Hp'

Hp:(15) 7

'I lost 8 hp from that fall? sheesh'

'Oh and also tell me how to use the time thing in this scythe'

Luan wanted to use this scythe to 'speed up time' as his father called it. Although, he didn't understand what that meant exactly, he knew it would help him tremendously.


「 When the individual uses the power of this scythe, they can seperate themselves from the rest of the world. Their soul will go inside it and the scythe will start absorbing the surrounding qi for the individual」

"Hmm. What's the time difference compared to this world? "

「It is 1:10」

'That's interesting, if I see that time difference, I can technically increase my cultivation in this world ten times faster.

After 5 min, luan heard something coming at him.

He immediately got into a 'defense posture' that he thought would be the best for him.

It was the wolf beast who came with food on him.

The beast presented the meat of a few rabbits and a deer.

Luan knew what he wanted to convey and he didn't refuse the food as he was starving.

'Mmmm, this food tastes like heaven! '

After eating three rabits his stomach was full and he could not eat more.

After finishing the food, luan looked at the beast who was patiently waiting for him to say something

Luan went close to him and patted him head. A smile appeared on his face without him knowing. He relaxed his face after all everything was going wrong after his birthday. And this was the first time he was not in constant danger.

"Ok then do you want to come with me on my journey? " He asked the beast

The beast just woofed at him, indicating that he said, "Yes"

About 30 minutes of waiting for the beast to eat half of the deer, luan wanted to rested as his legs with hurting.

'I wish I could carry the remaining supplies and we wouldn't have to worry about food for 1 and half days'


「The system has the ability to store items in it. Do you want to store 2 rabbits and a deer in dimensional storage?」


Luan wasn't surprised. In all the chaos, he forgot that the system has more functions than he used. For now.


"1 day of resting should be sufficient" Said luan as he went down of the tree he was resting at.

"System, show Hp"

Hp: 15

'Nice, it's full'

Luan said and looked at the beast.

"Show his Hp too"

Hp: (20) 12

"I see, he had lost almost half of his Hp too" He said as he tried sitting on the beast for traveling.

The beast didn't complain and simply let him get on his back.

He then proceeds to say

"Human, Human, go, go" while pointing at himself.

The beast partially understand what he was trying to convey and started going on in a specific direction.

Luan wanted to get stronger and he knew that he needed pills to do so in the starting of his cultivation path.


After 3 hours of sprinting, the beast stopped and a small town could be seen 200 meters away. Now bright light clearly laminated the surroundings as he was not in the forest anymore.

"You wait here. I'll go and see the town."

Luan knew that he needed money and for that, he would have to kill many beasts in the region.

As he moved close to the town, he could see two guards standing there. By the looks of it they seemed bored.

"Hey wait there! what is your reason for coming to this town? " Said a muscular guard who was playing attention at his surroundings.

'He looks strong'

"I want to buy pills, and if possible, please tell me their location"

"Pills? people rarely come here for pills, That's strange. Well anyway, Go to the right direction and you will find a store that says Alchemy shop" The man said as he signed the people behind him to open the door.


Ding ding

"Hello! please come to the store what would you like to buy!" Said an old looking man with a warm face.

"Can I get pills for my cultivation"

"Yes of course! What is your realm? "

"Oh I don't know yet... " Luan said in an as he because self conscious of the question.

"No problem sir, you can check it if you place your hand on this device"

The old man took out a glass sphere

It reflected some of the light that came through the window. And in the middle of it, a small rune could be seen.

Luan did as he said and a light green energy came out of the box.

"Hmm. Looks like you're in foundation established stage 1"

"I, see" Luan didn't know anything so he could only agree.

"The pills for advancing to next stage are organ pills. They will be 1 gold each"