Chapter 4 - Development

Luan talked with the old man and confessed that he was from a tribe that had secluded themselves from the rest of the world and decided to live in peace. Which was, of course a lie. He wanted to get information out of him.

What he found surprised him, there were two kingdoms in this world. The lower and higher kingdom. This was the lower kingdom.

The lower kingdom didn't have much qi and the amount which higher kingdom had, couldn't even be compared to it. Thus, lower.

Luan also asked him about the information about cultivation realms.

First realm was,

Foundation establishment: Which contained 4 minor stages (minor realms) .

Organs tempering

Bones tempering

Muscles tempering

Skin tempering

Second was,

Qi gathering: Which had 10 minor realms


Meridian opening: 10 minor realms

The old guy didn't know after those realms as he never came in contact with any of the people in it.


"Alright. I should start hunting beasts now."

Luan went to his new friend which was, of course, the beast. He planned on hunting together every beast they can find and run away if its too powerful.

Luan also sold the medical herb that he had brought with him. which amounted about 50 silvers.

In this world, 100 silvers meant 1 gold and he knew that 10 pills would be enough to advance into the next minor realm. 50 pills, if he wanted to leave foundation establishment.

"I want to get into qi gathering realm as fast as possible so I can finally use the qi to open the scythe."

The system told him that he needed to inject qi into the scythe to use the "soul aging" as he liked to call the power that can fast time to a ratio of 1:10

'I would need to hunt 100 beasts with Kai to get 50 pills' Luan looked at Kai as he thought about the battles he will be going to do.

And by ''Kai'' he meant the wolf beast that had been going with him. He didn't like calling it the beast the whole time.



Luan looking at a black wolf who was resting.

His plan was to distract the beast with Kai so he could attack him when it gets closer.

'Appraisal '

Name: Wild Beast

Race: Wolf

Cultivation: Foundation establishment stage 2

Hp: 40


Agility: 10

Strength: 25

Whenever luan would say the words, 'stats' and 'appraisal' he would get information about almost anything. And he could now see the cultivation base of the opponent.

Just after seeing his stats, luan quickly set his plan in motion.

Kai went to distract the beast and with his agility, he couldn't be caught.

Luan was just up ahead waiting in the bush for the beast to get closer.

'I can do this, I got this, I got this' Luan was very nervous and he was trying to get his thoughts together.

The beast was now just a few meters away from him and it was the perfect time to attack.

Luan raised his scythe and steeped forward as fast as he could to increase the power of his attack

The beast quickly looked at him and luan couldn't help but hesitate for a single second.

'SHOULD I REALLY DO THIS?!! WHY SHOULD IT DUE FOR MY SELFISHNESS?! I DON'T WANT TO KILL IT!! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING! I HAVEN'T KILLED A SINGLE BEING YET!!' Luan was not only fighting the beast, but also his inner self. He wanted this to be stopped. but he knew that if he wanted to survive, killing was a necessity.

What's the point of doing this? Would he achieve something great in his life? WHY IS HE TRYING SO HARD TO DO SOMETHING HE DON'T WANT TO?!

Luan had all kinds of thoughts, but as he remembered why he was doing this all, those thoughts started vanishing from his mind

He wanted revenge for the peaceful life he had lost and more importantly, for the loss of his parents who wouldn't be there for him.


Luan didn't stop his attack, he attacked The beast like it was the objective of his life. The beast got injured...Severely.

But it wasn't dead

Luan was very close to the beast. It moved his head towards luan to bite him.



He bite luan's hand and it almost reached his bone giving him insane pain and making his hand numb.

But before the damage was too great, Kai with his agility to bite the beast's leg.

Luan saw this and he did what he must.


He swang his scythe with his other hand at the beast's eyes, and this time.

He didn't hesitate at all.


"Huf, huf, huf"

Luan was very tired, both because of physical exhaustion and mental one.

The beast was lying on the ground lifeless as luan looked at his hands.

"I did it"


「The individual luan has reached the requirement to know about his 'helper'」

"Huh? What do you mean helper? "

「Please reach the Qi gathering realm to get your helper」

Luan was confused as the system suddenly started saying some weird things.

「The helper will assist you in your qi gathering speed」

"I see" Luan continued, "Then, is this helper a human or a beast? "

「The helper will be a human」


15 days later...

Over the course of these 15 days, luan has been killing every beast he could find.

Some were strong and some were weak, but he fought with every single one of them and stored their corpse in the dimensional storage.

He had also been collecting herbs and materials for specific purpose.

"That makes it 190" Said Luan as he stored the beast's corpse in the storage.

Luan could hunt the beasts on his own now, even if they were stronger than him, as he knew all their patterns. And he had developed a special skill.


Name: Luan

Race: Human

Cultivation: Foundation establishment stage 2

Hp: 30

Agility: 15

Int: 90

Strength: 25

Name: Kai

Race: Wolf beast

Cultivation: Foundation establishment stage 2

Hp: 30

Agility: 20

Int: 40

Strength: 17

Luan and Kai had stepped into foundation establishment stage 2 which was bones tempering. Their organs were now fully tempered and most of the normal attacks in the same realm couldn't give them serious injuries. Also, luan could now kill beasts which were on stage 3.

He became a stage 2 solely with his fight with the beasts and the breathing technique, not because of pills. In fact he never left the forest as he wanted to fight stronger opponents than him.

'It's becoming harder and harder finding beasts now. I guess we'll have to go to the town now.

'We should go now"

Luan looked at the beast in front of him. It had white fur. It was of course, Kai. He had gotten bigger.


Just when they were about to approach the small town, luan took out all of the corpses out of his dimensional storage and carried some of them all the way to the hunting guild.

He wanted to sell them. He couldn't show his dimensional storage to people, as for them it would look like he is spawning things out of thin air. After all they can't see the system. Although It will make the process slower. He will have to find a solution for it later.

"Hunting guild, hunting guild, oh! hunting guild!" Said luan as he looked at the big shop in front of him.

It was the biggest store he had seen since coming to this world. It was 20 meter wide in length, and a little shorter in width. He didn't waste any time and went inside it.

The interior was very simple, the walls were made out of concrete and the floor was the same. There were many people on left and right side of the guild who were drinking and playing with their party members.

On the far front, there was a receptionist who was a middle age old women. She looked like she was handling some paper work.

"Who is this kid? he smells really bad" someone from the group said as he looked at luan.

"I guess he hasn't cleaned himself in a while" Another person said.

"But look at him, although he's young but still so handsome"

People started murmuring among themselves.

"Yeah you're right about that, I don't think he is a native, if he was, he would be the most popular guy in the town."

As luan heard them, he realised that he hasn't taken a bath since coming here. But for now he ignored it and went to the women

"I would like to sell the beasts corpses I have" Said luan as he showed the woman 4 corpses he had with him.

"This will be 2 gold coins" The women said as she looked at them.

"Oh, wait I have many more of them, please take care of these for me" Luan said as he went to get other corpses.

He wasn't afraid someone might steal his hunt as there were many people who were looking at him, and if someone did try to, they will certainly be labeled as 'stealing from a kid'.


It took him some time to get all the corpses in the guild, but it was finally done. As luan was bringing in more corpses, the receptionist was calculating the amount.

"Oh wow, just how many beasts has he killed?! " Said someone from the group of people.

"I know right!? That's awesome!"

Hearing them, Luan only smirked.

"That would be 95 gold, sir" The women said politely.

And before he knew it, the whole guild gasped in surprise.

95? That would be their yearly income if they are lucky, it was just too much for them.

But despite all the noise, Luan remained calm and the women presented the gold in front of him.

Luan took all of the gold and got out of the guild fast, all of this attention was just too much for him. He liked to live in peace and silence.

Luan went straight to the alchemy store and brought 80 pills for stage 2 and above.

The old man was greatly surprised, but he did as luan said.

'Sheesh, I think I will become popular in this town now. But first'

He thought and he looked at the clothing store. His clothes were torn and he needed new ones.


Luan brought some decent clothes with the money he had and surprisingly, it took him only 3 gold for 5 pair of neat clothes. He wanted a pair or two for the 'helper', though he didn't knew the gender of the helper, he brought clothes that were unisex. Now he had 12 gold left.

''I should start advancing in my cultivation...''

luan started moving out of town towards Kai who was in the forest. The trees bathed in warm orange light which turned black with every step he took.

Also, he never saw a lake in the forest and he didn't know how he could clean himself, so he decided he would change clothes after cultivating as it places body through stress possibly ruining his new cloths.

''...the first thing tomorrow"


"Hey, have you heard? The 10 flowers sect is recruiting deciples!", A young boy said as he looked to his side.

"I know, my cousin told me about it, he will be trying to join it too" Another person answered as he continued looking front. This guy was just a little Older than the boy.

"Wow your cousin seems cool, Alden was it?. Just imagine if we could get into the sect too! our lives will definitely change"

"Your right about that. If we use 10 generations of our luck, maybe then, haha" He joked as he threw a small stone in the lake.

"Yeah, probably"