Chapter 11 - The Nightmare and Destination

Luan fainted just after his maniac laughter was over. He was way too tired to do anything and his injuries were very severe. He looked at Angela and Kai one last time and made sure they were handling their opponents without much difficulty. After that, He fell on the ground and slept.

The person with glasses went close to him and picked him up just in time for Angela and Kai finish their opponents.

"This guy, does he have a personality disorder? One time he is normal, the next he becomes a completely different person."

He said as he took him to the carriage and returned to take Angela who also fainted.

The other disciples saw the fight and they were instantly relieved they didn't try a similar stunt to take their #1 and #2 spot.


Luan regained his consciousness in a dark quiet place. He was standing alone in complete darkness in all four direction.

"What is this place?"

As if to respond to his question he felt someone behind him. He looked back to witness the impossible.

There were two recognising figures standing behind him. Dripped in blood from head to toe. Swords were struck inside the female's torso and both arms were missing on the male one. The skin was absent in many places of their bodies as if someone had torn it apart. The blood released from their wounds was coming at luan's feet.

"Mother...Father...." He said with a horrified expression at the scene before him.

"...Why did you leave us? We cared for you and this is how you repay us?" His father said as he came a little closer to luan.

"You left us isolated in our last moments" His mother said as she did the same.

"We died in your place"

"Why did we have to die?"

Both said at the same time. As their walking pase increased. Luan stepped back.

"You deserve to die." His father spoke.

"You will be lonely forever for your sin" His mother said.

Luan started running opposite to them while his heart was pounding fast.

"No, no, no... Why did it have to be like this" He continued, "This... This has to be a nightmare. Yeah a nightmare" He said with a pale face and feared smile.

"Is this how you decide to run away from the truth? Calling it a nightmare?" He heard a voice not too far away ahead of him. There was a pool of blood surrounding a dead body. It's brain was outside the skull it's organs were scattered close to it's body. But it could still speak.

"An...Angela?" He looked at her with as tears started forming in his eyes.

"No...How-How did this happen?"

"Don't you remember? You ran away from the beast's fight. You left us to die."

"I...This is not true, I would never do that!" He said in denial.

"That's what you think. But, the truth is, you isolated us." He heard a voice in his right ear. It was his father's.

"You never took responsibilities for your actions" His mother said in his left ear.

"Die! Die! Die! Die!"

"Die! Die! Die! Die!"

"Die! Die! Die! Die!"

"NOOOOO!!! Please leave me alone!!"

Luan said that and ge snapped out of the nightmare. His eyes were filled with tears.

He looked around to find that he was in a bed. He got up thinking about his dream.

"What the hell was that?" heart was still pounding. He remembered what happened before he fainted.

"He touched his head with both hands and sighed.

"I absolutely did not like that nightmare"

"I should check up on Angela and Kai just in case." He said as he went near the door and opened it.

He looked around to find that he was on a ship's deck. The person with glasses was sitting on a chair reading book next to his room. His eyes drifted towards luan.

"Good morning, you slept for 2 days. I'm pretty impressed you actually managed to kill it." He continued, "You must be confused, sit here I'll explain everything to you." He gestured to the chair in front of him.

Trying to forget his nightmare, luan did as the person told.


"Oh!" Angela spoke as she woke up.

She experienced a small headache not long after that. She touched her head trying to understand where she was. The room was rolling from side to side and in Up-down motion.

"What! The world...!"

This was all completely new to her, she looked around in surprise and wide eyes.

She saw an exit

She ran towards it but fell on the ground in the process. Her bone on the left side was covered in bandages. She grabbed a stick closer to her and used it to help her steady. She then opened the door to find the carriage they were traveling in was no more and she could just see dark blue ocean for as far the vision could go.

"Angela? " Said a person few feets behind her.

She looked behind to find luan, who was covered in bandages in the chest.

She ran towards him but lost her balance in the process. Her leg wasn't completely healed.

Fortunately for her, luan grabbed her by the shoulder and took her in his arms before she completely fell.

"You're...Alright" She said while hugging him.

"Yeah, I should say that to you too". He smiled warmly at the thought that she was safe. Especially after his dream.

"What am I seeing?! Are those two hugging each other?

"Ohhhh are they dating?"

"Idk about you but they look good."

The disciples on the ship were watching them.

"Wolf!" A bark from Kai took them by surprise. And the disciples started wandering around doing their errands.

"Kai, you're ok?" Luan said as he looked at him and ignored the commotion.

Kai came closer to luan and nodded. Luan patted him and explained the team what was going on.

They were going from western sea to in the eastern sea of the higher continent. It would take them about 2 hours to reach the land and tomorrow morning they should be able to reach the sect.

Luan said they should rest before reaching the land. Moreover, He noticed the abundant amount of Qi in the surrounding when he was fighting the beast. But now, it was almost 2 times as much.

After checking on them, he started going to his room which was just besides Angela's.

"I feel like the amount of Qi in the surrounding is more stable now" Person with glasses spoke as he stood beside the door.

"Isn't that normal? We are reaching the higher continent so it should be like that." Luan said as he turned towards him.

"Hmm no, it was just greater in amount before, but now I feel like it's a bit more stable." He replied.

"Well, ignore me, why don't you rest? It will take us a whole day to get there." He spoke as he moved away from him.

"What a weird person" Luan said as he went inside his room.

After two hours, the vast sea that was there before was no more. A city was before the disciples. The ship docked at the port and the people began to descent on the land.

It was a city with average amount of people. They were all busy with one thing or the other. It was very peaceful.

"Let's go, the trip is a straight one from here"

They didn't stop to admire the quiet and peaceful city as the person with glasses told them to go fast.

They did as he said and the disciples left the city as quietly as they came. Three hundred people were alot, they were a little surprised for some reason but it seemed like the city folks were used to this.

Seeing the excitement of the people the person with glasses decided to share a fact.

"You are now walking on the land of the 10 flowers sect and this is it's one of the peaceful cities in the land. The Aaru city"

This immediately grabbed everyone's attention near him.

"Who rules over the state?" One disciple asked.

"One of the 10 strongest person in the sect." He answered.

"Ohhh! Then, does everyone of them controls a state?" Another disciple asked.

"Yeah that is true. Although you'll know more about it when you reach a specific level" Person with glasses said as he put his finger on his lips.

The disciples groaned in frustration. Everyone of them was excited and the person with glasses wanted to keep it that way by not spoiling anything.

The team has been listening to this from his side but didn't say anything.

Like this, they went down the road until night.


The next morning they woke up quite early as the sect was not too far away now. The sun was starting to shine a little.

They sprinted for a while in the forest before stopping because of the sudden change in the surrounding. A few seconds age they were in a forest and now they were in a grassland which went for miles. More than thousand people were waiting here. The team looked behind them and saw the trees just stopped growing abruptly. As if someone had destroyed the whole place to make the surrounding like that.

"Aaaand now we wait for the sect master to greet everyone. You guys can part your ways from here" The person with glasses said as he looked at the three hundred people.

"I wish you all good luck for your cultivation journey"

Everyone said their goodbye to him and he turned to luan's team.

"Especially you guys. I know you will become something great in the future, so don't stop growing" He said with the first smile on his face in the whole journey.

"You don't need to say. By the way, we still don't know your name." Luan spoke and waited for an answer.

"It's Asher" He said as he vanished right in front of them leaving behind a small breeze of wind.