Chapter 12 - 10 Flowers sect

When Asher was gone. The team started going in their own direction. There were all races of people present here. Elfs, Demi-humans and humans.

Most Elfs and demi-humans were at the corner of the the grassland with just as many humans. Many People saw the new batch of people that just came and their expression turned negative.

"Another batch from the lower continent."

"Weaklings, think they can fight against us"

Luan didn't care less about the comments and just started wandering around to see what was happening.

Some people in the middle were making negative comments about them. There was a clear division between people. The people at the corners of the grassland had their head down in shame while most at the middle ignored them and some made fun. Only 2% of the people at the corners reached the Qi gathering realm and 50% people reached the same in the middle.

The team went ahead sat under one of the tree in the corner for shade.

There was a guy luan noticed immediately. He had yellow hair and brown eyes. His looked like he was 14. He had expensive clothes he had never seen before. More importantly, he reached Qi gathering 6. He decided to ask people about him and the answer was.

"He is the second prince of the Divine Empire of Vazujdus. One of the 2 super powers in this world."


After three hours, everyone saw something in the sky. There were 7 people using their Qi to fly towards all the disciples. 6 of them were elderly people. They had long white beard that reached their feet. They all wore a blue long robe. They were behind the man who was muscular.

The man was in his 30s with long black hair and few strands of white. He had a majestic red aura that surrounded him. He was wearing a white robe and black outfit under it with a long grey and black belt. His sharp black eyes made everyone in the vicinity shutter including the team even though he wasn't doing anything. His presence was as if a God has decended. His heavenly energy put people in awe. The people were murmuring among them the identity of the person.

'Appraisal'' luan said in his mind while looking at the man with wide eyes.

Name: Fitzgerald

Race: Human

Cultivation: ???

Hp: ???

Agility: ???

Int: ???

Strength: ???

'System isn't quite helpful when knowing about the cultivation realms of too strong opponents.' Luan thought to himself. System can only show the realm of someone if they're not unbelievably stronger than the user.

'System doesn't have many usage, then why was it so much of a godly treasure?'

"Silence" Said one of the elderly of the group that made everyone go quiet. His words wasn't meant as a threat for them nor did they contain any killing intent. Those were just normal words. Even still, it silenced everyone.

"Good" He said as he bowed his head down and the person at the front spoke.

"I will first introduce myself. I am your sect master Fitzgerald. These people behind me are the elders of the sect."

"I want to say, Everyone that is present here in the sect today had to put their life in danger to reach where they are. Whether it be the young or old. They all had to go through immense difficulties to come here. Joining the sect will not stop those troubles. But it will give you an opportunity you have never gotten before to reach new heights. With the cultivation resources of the sect I hope everyone here will make a legend for their own."

He was turning his head in every direction from time to time.

"This is by far the most people we have recruited for the sect." He said to everyone.

After hearing that, most people from the corner looked at him in shock. Although the sect master didn't tell them why.

Just as he said his last few lines, The Sect Master turned around and flew with an incredible speed nobody could catch up. The elders then vanished too, except one.

"Now I will take you to the sect's hall building" He said as he moved his hand in the air and massive amount of Qi came out of it.

It surrounded every disciple and they started floating in the air. The elder then turned behind and started moving with same speed. They reached their destination in just a few seconds.

There were 6 mountains in front of them. One behind the other. The elder stopped at the first mountain and the people began to fall on the stone floor. The height of their fall wasn't too high so nobody got hurt.

In front of them was a big Hall of at least 300 meters wide. Pillars supporting it.

"Go there and take your badges." He said as he disappeared.

This left the people a little confused but everyone started moving there.

There were receptionists every 5 meters and the team went to one of them.

When they got close to the receptionist he welcomed them and gave two Pamphlets for luan and Angela.

"Welcome here, take this and tick which course you want to take." They took it and read the courses one by one.

"Alchemy, Runes, weapon crafting and cultivation"

Cultivation was a compulsory course there and the others were optional. One could only take up to 1 optional subject. Luan decided he would choose that later and just wrote his name on the pamphlet. Angela also didn't choose any as well as she was confused about it.

Luan's main reason for not choosing it was that he had something else planned. He wanted to create "Spells" or also knows as "techniques".

Luan knew this was the best profession for him. A spell can do anything. A memory erasing spell can erase people's memories however one wanted and a cloning spell can make thousands of clones of the caster. A sect like this will definitely have the knowledge to create spells and luan wanted to get that. He also knew that he couldn't get it this easily as it is of immense value.

They gave the pamphlet to the receptionist and he gave them both silver badges.

The receptionist said, "You can use this for many different things like getting access to the forbidden places and the tower of techniques. There are a total of 5 badges according to the person's strength. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Ruby"

"When you become the outer disciple, you'll be given a gold badge, for Inner disciple it's Platinum and for Core, it's Ruby."

"At what realm I'll get those badges?" Luan asked.

"To become a outer disciple, you need to reach Qi gathering 5 and to become an inner disciple, you have to breakthrough to the Meridian opening realm. And lastly, Become an expert of pure energy realm to become a core disciple." The receptionist looked at him with solemn expression.

"I see.. Well what do we do next?"

"Go to the second mountain and you'll be allocated places to stay there. As you're #1 and #2 respectively, you get decide if you want to stay alone on the 2 floor houses. Learning will happen in one of the buildings."

Luan asked some more questions and started going down the mountain. Once they got off the first mountain, they had to run for a few minutes and they found another stairs that would take them on the second one.

After another set of running, they were finally on top of the mountain. There were a few huge buildings going up to 10 floors on either side of the road. Looking straight, one could see 2 floors houses at the front and 1 floor houses at the back of them. They were uncountable, they looked as if they went to the edge of the massive mountain. The floor was made of normal stone slabs.

There were only a few disciples present here and they had already taken some of the back houses.

The team went to one of the first house to make it their own.

"Angela go take a house for yourself" Luan said as he looked at her.

"No... I'll stay with you" She replied looking down.

'I thought she would need some privacy.' He thought to himself.

"Would that really be ok?"

Angela nodded when he said that and they reached the door of the 2 floor house.

"A Qi opening door."

It required a badge to open the door. There were 3 slots for the badge next to the door. Only the people who insert their badges first will be allowed in the house. The door will not open for everyone else.

Luan inserted his badge in one of the slot with Qi told Angela to do the same. The door opened.

"I guess you should be able to come and go any time you want." He said looking at Angela.

But there was a problem.

"Kai how would you get in?" Luan said and looked at him who was waiting outside.

"Hmm. How about you go for hunting for a while? I heard there are powerful beasts in the vicinity, you can increase your realm there."

"Wolf" Luan said in a low pitched tone as if in a slight disagreement as to not leave them alone.

After a moment of thinking, he nodded and ran down the mountain. Not from the stairs.

The first floor of the house was for sleeping as there was a huge bed and the second was for practicing. Luan tried punching the wall with all his force to see it's durability. It only made a scratch.

"Even with my strength, I couldn't destroy it? I think we're all good for now, nobody could barge in just like that."

He said that and sat down on the second floor, Angela besides him.

"Now, shall we start cultivating? We can reach Qi gathering 3 at the end of today."

He called his scythe from the dimensional storage and injected his Qi in it.

"Angela, you should start it too" Luan said as his soul went inside the weapon.

Once he was inside he immediately started to absorb the Qi in the surrounding. It was much greater in amount. He has been absorbing Qi with the scythe almost every single day after he reached Qi gathering realm. In real world, it has been over 3 months since he started his journey. But if he included the time spend in the isolated world, it would easily surpass 6 months in total.

His time spend in the isolated world was getting better and better and his mental energy was increasing at a faster rate.

A Qi gathering realm practitioner can't get easily tired and can meditate for a month in the real world without any difficulty. They wouldn't need food to stay alive as the Qi will supplement for it. That is true for normal people, but for luan, he could sped months in the isolated space and only a small time would have passed in the real world.

He was also looking for techniques and methods to fight against people and trying to know the abilities of the system. As of yet, the system couldn't do too much things except giving him a few techniques for his strength. Luan could only wait for him to get stronger.

He is currently learning 3 techniques. The first was that would increase his physical abilities. The same as he used to kill the tiger beast.

Second was a shield. He couldn't use the Qi outside his body freely and needed to use the system and scythe to just use a fraction of it. So this technique wasn't too helpful for now.

Third is the most explosive one. It can destroy everything in a 5 meter radius to nothing. But it takes him everything to do that and after using it, he would surely empty his dantian leaving him vulnerable to everything.

"I should learn the elemental magic and martial arts."

There were quite a few elements in the universe, Fire, Lightning, Wind, Water, Earth, Darkness and much more. Luan wanted to learn how to use them. People who master these elements has absolute control over them. They can control worlds.

Learning martial arts would allow him to use his physical body to do damage and he wouldn't need to rely on Qi. If he exhausts his Qi in the future and an enemy attacks them at the time, it will be over for them. A person who trains in the ways of martial arts can destroy worlds with a kick.

If he wanted to reach the spirit world as soon as possible, he would have to get strong. Stronger than the elders of the sect and the sect master himself.