Chapter 101: I give you Mercy

"Arrows…How typical of elves"

The leaves and bushes rustled as a dozen elves came out of the surrounding woods. All of them had their weapons unsheathed and their arrows pointing.

"When is the wind show starting?", Sofia scoffed as she glanced at the elves with full hostility.

As soon as she said that, the trees danced and the leaves fluttered violently in the air, the dust howled as they threatened to get in one's eye.

"Ho. There we go"

Soon, the gale stopped. Another elf showed herself, this one armed only by the arrogant look she had in her eyes.

"Tch. I quite liked that human", the newly arrived elf said as she glanced at the bleeding fat man still squirming on the ground, "Well, no matter. You humans have greed all around you, won't be hard to find another worm to lure the fishes"

"As always, folks. Aim for their heads!", the female elf hollered, "We don't want to damage the goods too much!"