Chapter 102: The Parley Starts

"I give you mercy"

Viel closed his eyes as the blood showered from the elf's neck that was still standing beside him. His body drowning in red as the blood slid from his golden hair. His expression serene, not even a twitch on his eyebrows could be seen.

"I free you from your pain", he whispered.


With her guard still up, Sofia slowly and carefully walked towards the bloodied Viel. She tried calling him once again, but he did not answer, instead, he looked down to the ground, as if he was looking at something.

"Viel!?", once again Sofia called.

But this time, it would seem that Viel finally had a reaction as he slowly turned his head towards her and whispered her name, "Miss Sofia…", he whispered.

"...Are you the mother of treants?", Viel added as he looked at his opened palm.

[OBJECTIVE: Kill the Mother of Treants]