Well Hello.


Explosions could be heard reverberating through the walls of the mansion.

"We have to get out of here, Now!... Untie me."

Jess struggled to get free from her ties to the chair, hearing the loud percussions.

"Max, escape route."

Her watch lit up blue and showed a loading sign.


"What is it?" Jess couldn't hear who Erin was talking to. She just saw Erin talking to her wrist watch.

"Could you shut up for a second Jess, I'm trying to think!"

[Damnit I don't have much time before the building blows, three guys behind the door and one of me..... unless..]

Erin glanced at Jess and thought, this is a bad idea... but went ahead with it anyway.

She untied her and before Jess could say anything.

"This is temporary until we get out of here alive, first we escape then... well we'll go from there."

Jess was stunned, she knew Erin probably hated her for what she did, but Erin was willing to co-operate.

"Okay... let's go then." Jess readied herself and they both ran out the door.

Although she was weak due to the blood loss and pain, she still managed to keep up with Erin... who she thought was a spoiled and had everything done for her.

Turns out Jess was wrong, what she didn't know is that after her sudden disappearance, Erin trained in mixed martial arts for 3 years in order to be able to defend herself in sticky situations.

Erin gave Jess one of her knives and she readied her glock 43 semi automatic, with a 9mm calliber. It's Erin's favourite one due to the fact that it's handy and easy to conceal on the body.

"Why don't I get one?" Jess pouted.

"*eye roll* Because you're... you." Erin tried to ignore her tantrum.

"Max, position of targets."


Max's voice in her ear told her the details.

She nodded towards Jess. Signalling 3, 2, 1...

They burst through the door. Erin shot the middle man in his leg.

"Urgh!!" He screamed in pain holding his leg.

She turned to her left and knocked the next one on his head with the under side of her gun.

Meanwhile Jess was struggling in a knife fight on Erin's right. Erin decided she didn't have time to delay and aimed at the man's arm.

He fell and rolled over in pain.

Jess, surprised she didn't hear the gunshot turned around and asked.

"Why'd you do that?! I had him!"

"Sure Red... sure you did." Erin held back a laugh.

[Wait what?... why am I laughing... I'm supposed to hate her...]

They ran upstairs, through the hallways avoiding debris from some already destroyed rooms. They reached Erin's car, they stopped and watched, panting. The house exploded one last time breaking the windows and catching fire inside.


"Yes." Erin got in the drivers seat and called Jess in.

She drove to her house intending to clean herself up and ask Jess a few questions.


"Is it done?" A voice sounding very androgynous talked into a telephone while facing out a window of the 20th floor in their office.

"Yes, it seems they died in the fires, but unfortunately that includes the five candidates we sent." the person on the other side of the phone answered.

"Casualties were expected, let me know when you find the bodies."

It was a woman wearing a grey pantsuit, her black hair falling onto her shoulders in waves and her eyes matching her outfit shining with malice.

Walking away from the window and towards a large oak wood table. She sat half on the desk with her feet planted on the floor for balance. She rubbed her temples feeling a headache coming along from a loud noise behind her door.

The door to her right opened and a bodybuilder type man spoke in a panic.

"Sorry to disturb Miss K, but there is an emergency!"

"What is it?" She replied annoyed.

"There's a man downstairs demanding to see you."

K rolled her eyes and told the panicked man to let him in.

{POV: K} -------

Why do I have to deal with this shrimp now? I have bigger matters to be concerned with other than an idiot crying like I stole his favourite toy.... Speak of the devil and he shall appear..

" Hello ma'am, I just came to confirm our deal."

"Mm, I figured."

"I was thinking that we could be more flexible with the money though, seeing as I lead my boss into your trap I think an extra $10 000 wouldn't hurt, right."

This idiot... He's even smiling, I'll so it off his face soon enough.

I walked towards him and wrapped my around him patting his shoulder, hard.. he flinched.

"Sebastian dear, do you know who I am?"

Visibly sweating he stuttered an answer.

"Y-you're t-the ruthless leader of.... t-the biggest... c-criminal organisation in the c-country... k-known as.... K. "

"Correct Sebastian, that's correct."

My smile grew more sinister and I held him tighter.

"One of my subordinates failed to complete an important task. They left a witness, that just so happens to be the woman you call boss. Now when I offered you the deal did you refuse? No. And yet you come here asking for more money even when you have everything you want, do you want to end up like your beloved boss?."

He shivered under my grip.

"N-no, I take back what I said."

"Good, I wouldn't want you to end up dead with them. Now leave before I change mind."

He almost sprinted out of my office. Finally some silence, I need to find out if that traitor escaped. Knowing Jess, it's possible..


Erin and Jess arrived at the Erin's home. Jess hesitant to go inside remembered the past memories in there, she secretly wished she didn't hurt Erin. She could never tell Erin that though.

" Give." Erin held out her hand to Jess.

Not knowing what she meant Jess held Erin's hand.

"No not your hand,... my knife." Erin quickly retracted her hand from contact with Jess's.

[Why would she give me her hand?! Ugh I need coffee this is exhausting my brain.]

"O-Oh, right.." Jess took out the knife and handed it to Erin.

"Thanks, shower's upstairs, you need it. I'll treat your wounds after." Erin's face was expressionless when she spoke.

"Thank you, Rin." Jess's smile genuine.

[It's been so long since I saw her smile.... Even after what she did to me, I could never bring myself to hate her... why?.... Tell me Red why can't I bring myself to hate you?..]

By the time Erin was out of her thoughts Jess's footsteps could be heard going up the stairs, heading to the bathroom.


Jess was finishing off her shower. Stepping out she looked in the place where the towels would be, only to find none were there.

[Great, no towels.]

As if reading her mind Erin entered the bathroom with a towel in her right hand and clean clothes in the other.

"Well hello Rin" Jess turned to her left with a smirk.

Erin stood frozen in place. She opened and closed her mouth but no words made their way out. Finally after a few more seconds of staring at Jess's nakedness she put the towel and clothes on the counter next to the sink and ran out the door shouting.



End Chapter four