Back To Work.

{POV: Erin} ------

*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Bee--*

"Ugh... Noo I need sleep! "

This wretched alarm will suffer if it beeps one more time at me.

My sleep is not to be tampered with, unless you dare to release the monster within me.

I raised my head slowly to check the time. The warmth from the blankets tempted me to sink back into dreamland, but unfortunately the world awaits.

Speaking of... Why do I have to wake up this early when Jess gets to sleep whenever she wants. This is so not fair.

I'm definitely not a morning person... as you've figured out already.

Dragging myself out of bed I saw light creeping through the curtains on my right.

I really didn't want to open them due to my dislike towards bright lights.

My mom used to call me a vampire because my room was always dark, when she'd drag me outside I'd hiss and complain that the sun burns. Hahaha, I still haven't changed I see.

Shutting my eyes tightly I pulled back the curtains, I could feel the light through closed eyes already.

Slowly opening my eyes and blinking a few times to let them adjust, I headed for a shower.


Rushing to find the friend of my other shoe, I was late, again. Damn it I can't find it. Heels it is then... unfortunately, those things are okay but after a while it's torture.

Clad in a dark blue ensamble of pants, a blazer and a white blouse underneath. My hair in a ponytail, and of course the heels. I was dressed to kill, hehe I'm kidding, I was just in your average 'I'm the boss' attire.

Before I forgot I rushed to the guest room to let Jess know that I'd be gone until evening. Knocking on the door I got no response, then I opened it only to find no one inside. Her bed was already made, meaning she's probably out somewhere or playing something in the media room.

Thinking she's somewhere else in the house I wrote a note saying I'd be going to work and for her not to wait up if I'm late. I left it on the kitchen counter before grabbing my keys, ready to leave.

I opened the door to find an out of breath and sweating Jess looking back at me. She explained that she woke up early and went for a morning run, something about a bad dream I guess.

She wore yoga pants and a tank top which had a design so that the back was visible and most of the sides, although they're mine, the clothes suit her more than me.

Darn it focus Erin, you have to go remember. You've no time to be ogling her, work mindset.


Arriving at work 10 minutes late, I noticed my employees barely acknowledged my presence, that's odd since I am the owner and CEO of the place.

I walked into my office only to find it looking different and Sebastian spinning in my chair with headphones on his ears, his eyes closed while humming to a song.

I leave for a week and this is what happens?! I pinch the bridge of my nose feeling a headache coming along from what I have to clean up now.

Screw it, no playing nice boss anymore, everyone here will be fixed by lunchtime, now to deal with this little twit who forgets his place.

I stop the chair from spinning with him in it and grab the collar of his shirt, bringing him to his senses quickly.

"You bastard! What have you done to my office?! I leave for ONE week and you think own the place?!! Reality check buddy, you're gonna regret being born if I don't see everything the way it was when I left in 4 hours!"

He cowered in fear, sinking down into my seat. He tried explaining whatever this mayhem was but I cut him off by threatening to kill him of I didn't get coffee Asap.

I informed everyone in the building of my return and expected everything to be organised by lunch or I'd cancel the secret Santa party at the end of the year. They immediately started going about their work.

Sebastian is ambitious, sure but the idiot doesn't think. Of course I knew about him wanting the CEO position. Let's just say I don't miss anything when it comes to business, especially if it's mine. I also knew he planned on having me killed for that position.

Question is... who helped him?

I would break several of his bones as payment for giving me a headache this early in the morning( as well as trying to get rid of me), but I'm feeling generous so he'll get his due... soon. A knowing smirk crept it's way onto my face. This is gonna be a fun game of cat n mouse Sebastian.

He came back with my coffee in his trembling hands. I grinned at him and acted like nothing happened or was going to happen.

As usual a board meeting began. What's his name.. Jonas was reporting a glitch in one of our security systems. I had a bad feeling that this was bigger than that little sh*t Sebastian. He's only fit to be a pawn, or maybe in this case... Trojan horse.

The rest of my day I spent fixing and patching the security 'glitch' and making a list of suspects. Their motive and how high of a threat they were to Shaw Industries.

So far it's; Sebastian, Johnson guy, and a possible other. I couldn't verify anything without evidence first. I think I might help from Jess, she's the.. Uhm... okay I don't know how to describe what her job is.... like a hitman/detective/criminal/ good villian ?...

But that's for later. Right now I'm starving and tired from a hard day's work. Time to go home and sleeeeep~.


It was close to dinner time when I arrived home. Feeling fatigued and sluggish I made my way up to my bedroom.

The first thing I saw as I entered was my glorious bed, it called to me and I happily obliged. Removing my heels and blazer I decided a nap was needed...

With my tummy rumbling at me I took it as a sign to wake up. Looking at my alarm clock next to me bed it read 19:45 pm, well that was a short nap but definitely helped.

I showered and changed into more comfortable clothing which consisted of shorts and a plain sweater.

Walking out of my room I heard a faint sound of the piano being played in the media room. Taking a left turn and walking down a short hallway I stopped at the door that was open about half a ruler's length.

The only time if ever heard Jess sing was when we got drunk once at a karaoke bar and it was more slurred, but nonetheless she had a great voice.

Listening intently I heard the lyrics to the song she'd been singing.


I watch your troubled eyes as you rest

And I fall in love with every breath

Wonder if those eyes are really shut

And am I the one you're dreaming of

'Cause underneath the darkness

There's a light that is trying so hard to be seen

And I know this, cause I'm noticed,

A little bit shining through the seems

And if this is what it takes,

Then let me be the one to bear the pain

Oh if this is what it takes,

I'll break down these walls that are in our way....


The piano along with her voice stopped. I peeked inside the door to see what's going on, I know evesdropping is bad but I couldn't help it okay.

I saw Jess sitting in front of the piano and messing with some sheet music with a pencil.... What? no way she writes music? since when?! It's like we're strangers all over again...

My mind was asking and answering questions by itself while I decided to investigate more on the matter. I softly knocked on the door and walked in with a small smile.

"Hey, did you sleep well?" Jess turned to me and left the papers on top of the Yamaha grand piano.

"Yeah, nice song by the way, who's it for anyways?" I tried to sound nonchalant which obviously didn't work.

"It's for you, who else would I sing about?" She tilted her head to the side and smiled up at me.


End Chapter Nine