Movie Night.

{POV: Erin} -----

After a week and a half I still don't know how to feel toward Jess.

Hey its been 4 years, I need time to process everything. We can't just start where we left off, things have changed, I've changed and so has she.

Jess's advances are problematic at the moment. There was that night she came to my room and we ended up sleeping together... no nothing happened, don't think such things, then the whole song thing.

Ugh, I need to get my thoughts straight.. haha I'm not even straight but anyway back to my main dilemma, Jess.

I was preparing dinner and she's just staring at me with a stupid grin on her face. Honestly, how long is she going to do that without blinking... weirdo.

"Stop staring at me already." I looked at her sitting on a chair by the kitchen counter.

She didn't even flinch, instead she smiled wider. Oh my goodness I made it worse..

"I can't help it, you're beautiful Rin." Feeling my face heat up I turned my back towards her and busied myself with dinner.

"Since you're busy with dinner I'll go shower real quick."

"Hmm." Was all I could muster. I let out a sigh of relief when I heard her steps fade up the stairs.

20 minutes later I finished plating the meal, leaving Jess's serving in the kitchen I headed for the living room.

I unceremoniously threw myself on the couch and grabbed the remote to search for something good on TV.

I settled for a movie - The Notebook - was on... I never understood everyone's obsession with Ryan Gosling in this movie. The movie itself is kinda sad in my opinion.

I ate alone for a while, then I started wondering how long does she take to shower? It's been an hour.

Speak of the devil and she shall appear. Jess arrived next to me on the couch, Her red hair in a messy bun, clad in a grey hoodie, short shorts and knee high panda socks.

I for one thought the outfit looked great on her, but obviously I said nothing. I'm already confused as it with all that has to do Jess.

Throughout the rest of the movie I tried to focus, but my attention kept straying to Jess's exposed legs. She paid little attention to me instead she was intently watching the film.

Her reaction to when Ryan Gosling and his Lady friend (I keep forgetting her name) laid in the middle of the road was hilarious.

Jess's eyes went wide and she covered her mouth after a gasp. She looked over at me and asked my why they're doing that.

I just laughed at told her to keep watching.

The movie was boring for me since I'd already watched it but I enjoyed watching a curious Jess as me questions about the movie when it'd come to an end.

"Y'know none of that's real, I just a movie." She scrunched her nose and frowned at me, showing her disagreement.

I just shook my head and left to my room for a much needed shower.

"Need me to join you in there?"

I just rolled my eyes at Jess's comment and continued up the stairs.


Coming downstairs with a towel still drying my wet hair. I found a sleeping Jess on the couch.

She's really cute when she's sleeping. There's no snarky comments, no goofy grins, instead she's just... peaceful.

A smile tugged at my lips, but I suppressed it as much as I could. This is her fault, I should not be feeling all this.

I poked her shoulder.


I moved to flick her forehead, but she caught my wrist and looked up at me from the couch with a grin playing on her face.

"What are you doing there Rin? I was sleeping y'know." She smiled wider and pulled me toward her, making me sit on her lap. Her arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

Oh this is just GREAT...

"Let go Jess." I tried pushing myself off, unfortunately she's always been stronger than me.

"Hmm, you're no fun Rin." She looked at me like a rejected puppy... what have I done?

She looks impossibly cute right now.

Face it you're falling for her all over again.

Am not.

Oh really? Then why do you keep staring longingly at her when she doesn't notice.

I don't, I was just thinking.

Thinking of Jess I bet.

Why am I even arguing with you? Who are you anyways?

Haha, dont worry bout it, Jess is calling you daydreamer.

"Hellooo, earth to Erin." Jess waved her hand in front of my face.

"Where'd you go? you looked dazed." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Nowhere, just thinking."

"About what?" I felt my face heat up from the question, I already knew the answer but I didn't want to admit it to her or myself.

"Jess, I--"

*Knock Knock*

Huh? Im not expecting anyone... but..

"Hey, wait! Don't open the---"

"Erin Chelsea Shaw!"

"-door..." I hung my head low walking over to the front door.

There my best friend Natasha stood. She walked in and her attention immediately turned to the person closing ths door.

"Ohhh I see, you avoided me cause you had a lady friend over, hey Shorty." Natasha poked my side playfully then she winked.

"No I wasn't avoiding you, I was just busy with... stuff." I huffed out and crossed my arms looking straight at the smirking Natasha.

"Yeah sure, you guys been real busy, hehe..." Nat ruffled my hair.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your girlfriend over here?"

"Natasha this is Jess who's not my girlfriend. Jess this is Natasha, my best friend." I sighed.

Natasha's eyes widened as she turned to look at a smiling Jess.


"Me what?" Jess asked confused.

I was also lost for a while, until I remembered that Natasha knows everything about me just as I know her. This meant she knew about my past with Jess, even the part about her attempt to kill me.

The part where I was in the hospital for 3 months after that. The part where I fell in and out of depression for a long while.

Natasha was always there for me, she hated Jess for what she did to her best friend. But I now know it wasn't Jess, but Natasha doesn't.

Right when I snapped out of my thoughts I heard a thud on the wooden floor.

Natasha seemed to have tackled Jess to the floor and started punching her.

"Stop!!" Natasha obviously didn't hear me shouting, she continued to give blow after blow.

Jess winced with every punch recieved, but never fought back. She looked... blank.

"Get off her Natasha!!!" I pulled her off Jess.

She tried rushing back into the one sided fight but I slapped her.

"What the hell?!" she asked angrily.

"Are you an animal?!" I shouted back at her.

She shook her head no.

"The stop acting like one. Apologise Nat, now!" She looked at me with disbelief.

"But she--"

"I know Nat, it wasn't Jess, well not the real her anyway."

I looked over to Jess, she stood up with my help. Her left temple looked bruised already, her cheek bled. A small cut could be seen under her right eye.


"No she doesn't need to apologize, I guess I had it coming." Jess smiled softly at me, then held out her hand to Nat.


Natasha's eyes narrowed at Jess, she took the offered hand. I watched them exchange looks.

One was a; This-is-not-over-yet look. The other was a; Sure-whatever look. I rolled my eyes at them, knowing this "truce" won't last long due to Nat's irrational behaviour.

We all moved to the living room, Natasha sat down. Jess and I kept standing close to the couch. The tense atmosphere was suffocating. "So why are you here Nat, other than to haress people in my house.''

"You haven't answered any of my calls and you missed our usual night out, I came to check on you."

I hit a realisation and let out an Ohh. Jess tried to stifle her laugh. I lightly punched her stomach only to have her wince and instinctly move back from my touch, then she looked at me with those puppy eyes.

Gosh, what did I do? I didn't hit her that hard... did I?

I moved close to her and took the hem of her shirt. Jess stopped me from lifting it. Then after a stare down which I won, she let me examine the damage my best friend unleashed.

Her taut stomach was mostly covered in blue and purple bruises. I ran my hand softly over her abdomen, checking for anything broken or fractured.

Jess only flinched when I poked close to her belly button. Thankfully that meant nothing was broken, she seemed ticklish though hehehe. Pulling down her shirt Jess looked down at Natasha.

"You hit like a UFC fighter y'know that?" Nat just smiled evilly at the comment.

"Nat's a big fan of that stuff, but she can be a bully." She stuck out her tongue at me. She's so childish.


After explaining everything to Natasha she looked shocked for a moment then her face lost emotion.

"Even if it wasn't you who did it, it's your fault it happened in the first place."

"You think I don't know that?!" I looked at Jess, she was clenching her jaw. That was the first time she'd raised her voice. She avoided looking at me and settled for staring at the TV which was off.

Natasha was about to say something but stopped herself. She stood up and headed for the front door. She said her goodbyes then left.

''Hey.. it's okay, I know it's not your fault Red."

Jess looked at me then smiled. "You haven't called me that in a while."

"I-.. you.. Whatever... I'm going to bed." I stood up to leave only to feel a pair of arms snake around my waist from behind. I felt warm breathing on the back of my neck.

"Let me go.." I said faintly.

"No, not tonight." She traced up and down my forearm softly, buried her head in my neck. Making me melt in her embrace. I gained my senses before I lost them completely.

"If you don't let go I'll hit you." I internally smirked when Jess almost immediately stopped, but still didn't let go, hesitant.

I took her by the hand and led her to my room. I let her hand go and fixed up my bed for sleep. She looked at me confused. I climbed under the covers.

Jess was about to leave when I called her back. "You said you won't let go for tonight didn't you?"

She slowly nodded in understanding.

"Then what're you waiting for, come here." I patted the space next to me.

Jess got under the covers, I moved closer to her, my back facing her front. I closed my eyes, then I felt her arm pull me impossibly closer to her, she let her head rest in the crook of my neck.

I felt her steady breathing. Putting my arm over hers we interlocked hands. I smiled when I felt her kiss my neck softly.

"Go to sleep Red." I felt her smile.

"I Love You Rin." Jess help me tighter.

I think I love you too... but not yet, I can't say it. It still hurts.

"Mmm, goodnight."

I fell asleep in her arms. I think that was best sleep I'd had in years.


End chapter Ten