Lunch Date.

An exhausted looking Erin entered the Shaw Industries building. The few employees who tried to elicit a greeting from her only received a 'mmh' instead.

Since K, Erin's aunt had not yet called for them for another meeting, Erin has decided to go to work for an escape.

Sebastian still works for her even after his 'revenge plan' was revealed.

Erin wondered why he bothered coming to work, but the one thing she wouldn't admit to him is that Sebastian is very good at his job as her personal assistant.

Two days prior to Erin's current appearance as a lookalike of one of the walking dead, she kissed Jess, and it was returned by the latter.

The night later on went as per usual except Erin slept alone in her bed that night. She had decided to go rest early, after locking herself in her room.

This led to her lack of sleep on both nights after the kiss.

Erin had gotten used to having Jess next to her that when Jess was gone she could not sleep alone.


Walking past her newly found brother, Erin lazily walked into her office and slumped into her chair almost immediately.

Not long after, Sebastian came in with a double shot latte in his left hand and a couple of red coloured folders in his right.

"Morning, glad you decided to show up for work after two days, also you look really great. Are you auditioning for Zombie Apocalypse 2?"

Sebastian said this with a smile as he set the coffee on Erin's desk.

"Please, I'm not in the mood for sarcasm Sebastian."

"Just making conversation." He shrugged then continued. ''Jorah is looking for you, says it's important.''

Erin groaned and took a large sip of her latte. She was not in the mood to deal with another company crisis caused by the guy who's name she can barely remember.

She honestly wanted to fire him after his previous 'mistakes' at one point, but then considered that that he had a family of four to take care of, she didn't want to seem heartless.

Instead she gave him a warning and charged Sebastian to keep an eye on him for any future problems.

As Erin seemed lost in her thoughts, looking aimlessly at the wall ahead, Sebastian set the folders on her desk and left the office.

The day progressed slowly for Erin. The red folders were emergency files that needed to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Occasionally glancing at the clock Erin was hoping lunchtime would come soon since she needed a break from signing off documents among other things.

She knew she could take a break whenever she wanted since she was the CEO, but she preferred doing things in an orderly way. If she took breaks whenever the her schedule would be messy and she wouldn't get anything done or if she did it would be inconsistent.

This was one of the things Erin's father taught her. To be focused and precise, there was no room for mistakes in her father's eyes.

But once Erin took over the company she decided to do things a little differently from her father. She had seen how all his employees feared him and did whatever he asked without question.

Instead she gave the employees a bit of leeway so they wouldn't have to stress themselves out as much as they would when Erick Shaw was CEO.

After finishing off her fourth folder Erin checked the clock for the time. Letting out a sigh of relief after she saw it was 2 minutes into lunchtime she relaxed and stretched out her arms.

Erin has a rather large office, she chose to not use her father's office and instead renovated hers.

It consisted of a large work desk with a laptop on it. Several filing cabinets were situated to the far right of her desk, past the door.

Behind her was a three seater leather couch with a small coffee table. The wall behind her was floor to ceiling windows with a view of the city.

She stood up and went near the couch to look through the window. Erin liked cityscapes but always preferred nature to tall buildings with lights.

A knock on the door resounded, taking Erin out of her daze. She turned around and said for the person to enter.

In the doorway stood Jess. She was wearing ripped jeans and a black shirt.

"Should I call you boss or Miss. Shaw?" Jess said with a smirk playing on her lips.

Erin was surprised to say the least.

"W-what are you... doing here?..." Erin stood frozen next to the couch.

"Seb let me in, I'm taking you out for lunch." Jess closed the door behind her.

"Seb?!" Erin asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, my brother in law and I are close, didn't ya know?" Jess grinned trying to suppress a laugh.

Erin had no words to answer her. What did she mean 'brother in law?!!!'.

She's not married. Unless this is her proposing?

No no no.. no way.

Calm down Erin, calm down.

You're overthinking, just breathe...

Erin took in a deep breath and let it out in a huff.

"Fine, I'll go with you." She said.

"Great. Let's get going then, Miss Shaw."

Why do I have a feeling this 'lunch date's has an ulterior motive...

"Don't call me that." Erin puffed up her cheeks and left the building with Jess.

"Whatever you say boss."


End chapter Sixteen.