The Real Enemy.

They call themselves 'THE 12'. From the name it's clear enough that it consists of twelve members or at least twelve main leaders.

They control everything that goes on in the country, from the highest government official to what high school kids eat in the cafeterias.

This particular organisation has never appeared in the public eye. Ever.

It supposedly started when there was a discovery of a new and very strong metal in that country.

They called it 'Xenobia' which means life of Zeus. Why they chose that name has not been found out but it probably had to do with the metals properties.

The people who knew about it all died before they could spread the knowledge of its existence. As far as anyone knows it's not even on the periodic table, the world knows nothing about it.

Fifteen years ago on April 7th. That day 1800 people mysteriously died or otherwise disappeared all over the main city.

Some called it a viral outbreak, but the government issued a statement saying it was exposure to a certain chemical in the water pipes and that they'd resolved the issue successfully before more lives were lost.

Obviously that was a lie. THE 12 ordered it's operatives all over the main city to eliminate the people involved in the discovery and excavation of the xenobia metal.

After 30 years of domination over the country and many others, this very large and powerful organisation that called themselves THE 12 still haven't been exposed for what they really are.

Any and all other criminal or major organisations work under and for them, even if they don't know it themselves.

Nobody knows and has never seen the people at the top of the food chain. Very few have come close to discovering THE 12's existence.

Those few who have, all died 'mysteriously'. There could be absolutely no loose ends, THE 12 thrived on their secrecy somehow.

The few mentioned earlier who found out about THE 12 included Jess's -aka. Anastasia Romanov's- parents and elder brother.

The father worked for THE 12 as one of their well paid 'exterminators'.

After a couple of men from his team went missing he started investigating the people he worked for, for answers... and he found them.

Then after obtaining enough information about THE 12 he told his wife Lalia and son Michael Romanov about the organisation's real motive.

Michael had insisted they go to the police. After going to the police with this information he was not heard. The police claimed he was a madman on a bad trip.

A week later he died of an unknown illness, this prompted the remaining Romanov's attempt to flee.

Afraid they'd end up like Michael and the teammates of Niko Romanov they took their only daughter Anastasia and ran away.

THE 12 found out and intercepted the car that contained the fleeing family.

At a red light they stopped, a black Suburban vehicle stopped next to them. Niko suspected that THE 12 already knew that he knew. Ignoring the red light still on he sped forward avoiding pedestrians and other cars.

The SUV followed suit. A car chase that ended up with Niko crashing into a railing on a highway, causing the car to tumble down a cliff.

Satisfied with the outcome of the car chase a man wearing an all white suit with a black tie called a number and confirmed that the Romanov family has been dealt with accordingly.

The higher ups decided to rather check the wreckage for any possible survivors. There were none, the wife and husband were at a point of no return, but the daughter was never found in the battered up car.

A month later they gave up their search assuming she'd definitely died.

The last living member of the Romanov family was found then raised by one of the best operatives in the country. Better known as K her code name.

K's mission was simple, find the missing girl by any means necessary and kill her.

By now you know that didn't happen. K instead taught her everything from fine arts and literature to the fastest way to kill someone.

THE 12 soon found out about Anastasia Romanov the missing girl being alive. This was when she started coming into contact with Erin Shaw, in public.

Ears were everywhere and they heard enough to report to headquarters.

This lead to the development of a new AI droid being made. THE 12 only manufactured one, it looked identical to a certain 'Jess Van Triess'.

Having known she would try to save her lover Erin, The organisation took Erin before Jess arrived at her house.

K, who unwillingly followed orders, had the AI droid do what it was programmed to and pretend to be Jess.

Erin had to believe that Jess betrayed her, never loved her, only used her, and that she had no feelings at all.

Of course a feeble Erin believed the copy of Jess. After surviving the attempt at her life Erin was determined to find Jess.

For one she tried to kill her after making her fall in love.

Secondly she betrayed her trust.

And this sparked a newfound hate for Jess in Erin's heart, even though deep deep down she held on to the tiniest bit of hope.

Jess was held in captivity by K for 3 months before escaping. Her escape lasted a few hours before she was taken back.

She went through a series of tests that were performed everyday for the next two years, they told Jess that everything she had with Erin was not real and she should remember her purpose.

A year later after the same routine of brainwashing she still stood firm and never forgot Erin, even after she was told that she'd died.

The beginning of the fourth year Jess was released. She was allowed within the grounds of K's main base.

Having nothing holding her back she lashed out.

Jess fought anything and anyone that got in her way, this resulted in a few 'agents' having broken bones and noses and a few in very critical conditions.

She was put in isolation in a large room filled with everything she needed to let out her rage.

Punching bags which were pulverized within a week, Combat dummy's who's heads no longer stood on their shoulders, etc.

K saw all of this from a camera placed in the room. Seeing as Jess could not return to her senses she tried talking to her.

This (bad idea) resulted in a brutal fight of which seemed to the death between Jess and K. The 'agents' all gathered to watch the Boss and Star pupil fight, but none tried to stop them, knowing full well they'd just get in the way.

You could say it was a fight to definitely see. Neither of the women refused to back down, but when Jess started to run out of energy K quickly too advantage of it and knocked her out cold.

An unknown time later Jess found herself in a different location. No sign of K or anyone else she knew.

After being tortured by a man she didn't know, she was saved. By a very unexpected person. Erin.

A short time later, K showed herself at the event Jess and Erin had attended.

Chaos ensued in Jess's mind. K claimed she needed to discuss something.

Currently Jess has found out Erin's best friend has been working for K for what seems quite a while, because Natasha needs help finding a missing brother(Nathan), who's no longer missing but K won't disclose where he is.

Then there's the matter of Sebastian, who seems somewhat an idiot. There's more to him than he was letting on.

The alarming news of Erin being related to K. Who supposedly died, which was when Erin was 6 years old. Erin didn't remember much about her mother's sister, therefore they could be considered strangers.

That day K was recruited by THE 12. They saw potential in the young Amelia. She lived up to their expectations and became the best of the best in the large organisation.

She became entrusted to manage a branching organisation that she was free to call her own. And she did, she became the most notorious 'crime boss' in the main city and neighbouring cities.

But now her decisions on everything have taken a turn. K has had an interest in helping those she has caused pain, which includes Jess and Erin.

With a seemingly new enemy which has existed for years, K decided she is staging a coup.

For that she needs help from the four people she's meeting with in the near future.


End Chapter Fifteen.